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Comité Coordinador Regional del Codex para África (CCAFRICA) - Coordinador regional: UGANDA

El Comité Coordinador para África fue creado por la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius en 1972, con el mandato de ejercer “la coordinación general en la preparación de normas relativas a la región de África”. El comité celebró su primera reunión en la FAO en 1974, con la asistencia de 19 países.

Al iniciarse el mandato del nuevo coordinador regional, el Acuerdo sobre la Zona de Libre Comercio Continental Africana (AfCFTA, por sus siglas en inglés), que entró en vigor en mayo de 2020, ha reforzado la necesidad de contar con un sistema eficiente y eficaz para gestionar las medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias, en particular la inocuidad alimentaria, en todo el continente a medida que sus fronteras se abren al comercio.

El coordinador regional tiene su sede en la Oficina Nacional de Normalización de Uganda, un organismo estatutario dependiente del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Cooperativas que supervisa, en el marco de su mandato, la promoción y el uso de las normas.

Como coordinador regional, Uganda tiene la intención de colaborar estrechamente con los diferentes países a través de encuestas, seminarios web y talleres para identificar las necesidades y los nuevos problemas, y generar conciencia sobre los temas prioritarios en materia de inocuidad de los alimentos y sobre las normas del Codex. También se analizará la situación de la inocuidad de los alimentos en la región en términos más amplios a través de un estudio piloto. Al fortalecer la colaboración con organismos regionales como la Unión Africana, la Organización Africana de Normalización y la Secretaría de la Zona de Libre Comercio Continental Africana, Uganda pretende asimismo mejorar la labor de incidencia en la región.


Noticias de la región

COVID-19 / Codex Africa region holds first informal meeting online

The coronavirus outbreak has interrupted the schedule of physical meetings in Codex and led to a rethink of how countries within the Codex community, with its continuous cycle of committees and working groups, can stay connected when international meetings seem off the agenda for the time being. On Tuesday 21 April 48 participants from 18 countries in the Codex CCAFRICA region, together with representatives from the African Union – Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources, the Economic Community of West African States, [...]
22 April 2020

Madagascar / seeking active engagement in Codex

Madagascar is continuing its efforts to build the capacity of its members with the support of the Codex Trust Fund. A four-day training workshop in Antananarivo from 24-27 February 2020 set out to integrate new members and provide a refresher for more experienced members. The workshop also dealt with the redefinition of priority committees for Madagascar, the formulation of national positions, preparation for sessions as well as the use of online Codex tools. After this training, Madagascar will further improve [...]
02 March 2020

Codex Trust Fund / Supporting import control systems in Madagascar

Madagascar depends heavily on food imports to meet its food requirements. Effective and efficient control of food imports is therefore essential to facilitate food trade on the island and to protect the health of consumers. “Several different authorities carry out inspections of those products according to their respective competences”, said Dominique Lantomalala, Codex Contact Point, Madagascar. “Most of the time, there is a lack of coordination and synergy between these actions. Faced with imports, local industries suffer and it is not [...]
17 February 2020

High-level advocacy in support of Codex in Burkina Faso

Former Codex Chairperson Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet calls upon Burkina Faso to strengthen its national Codex and food safety structures during the 59th Independence Anniversary Celebrations Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet, former Chairperson of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission from 2014 to 2017 was invited to Burkina Faso to support high-level advocacy efforts in the country on food safety and Codex on the occasion of the 59th Independence Anniversary Celebrations, which took place on 11 December 2019. The objective of the advocacy was [...]
28 December 2019

Eritrea improving Codex coordination for national food standards

A consultative workshop on National Codex issues was organized on 6 December 2019 in Asmara, the capital of Eritrea. The main objectives of the workshop were to discuss national food control systems, including Codex, and to begin preparation of a project proposal for the Codex Trust Fund. Mr Arefaine Berhe, Minister of Agriculture, who officially opened the session, told the Ministry of Information website that food safety was central to survival and wellbeing and that regulating national food standard had [...]
16 December 2019

‪Strong One Health leadership and commitment for AMR in Nigeria

Mabel Aworh from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Nigeria reports on a week of action. The official 'Nigeria Antibiotic Guardian Pledge' was launched at a high-level event by Senate Committee Chair on Health, Dr. Ibrahim Oloriegbe and Chair on Agriculture and Productivity, ‪Abdullahi Adamu. Speaking to the Daily Trust website, Oloriegbe committed to raising awareness among Nigerians on the dangers of using human and veterinary antibiotics indiscriminately and promised to communicate in mass-messaging to educate Nigerians. “The media [...]
23 November 2019

Burkina Faso promotes Codex on World Food Day

More than 500 women from all over the country and more than 1000 participants gathered in Bobo-Dioulasso, the economic capital of western Burkina Faso to celebrate the 39th World Food Day from 14 to 16 October 2019. Government departments responsible for food and nutrition were mobilized for the event where the National Codex Alimentarius Committee also held an exhibition to raise awareness about Codex, the best actions and practices to ensure healthy food and healthy eating. This year's World Food Day [...]
17 October 2019

Mali launches Codex Trust Fund project

Food safety experts and officials from Mali took part in the launch of a Codex Trust Fund project on Thursday, 12 September 2019 at the International Conference Center in Bamako. The launch was chaired by Sékou Oumar Dembélé, technical advisor of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and is part of national capacity building programmes to strengthen food safety in Mali This initiative aims to inform and raise awareness amongst all stakeholders dealing with food safety and nutrition in the [...]
17 September 2019

African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement creates key role for standards

The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) came into effect on 30 May 2019 after ratification by 22 countries. AfCFTA creates a single continental market as well as a Customs Union with people, goods and service able to move freely. This will be one of the world’s largest free-trade areas in terms of the number of countries, covering more than 1.2 billion people with a combined Gross Domestic Product of more than USD 3.4 trillion. One of the central [...]
12 September 2019

Large scale FAO Total Diet Study successfully assesses chemical residue contamination in food in Benin, Cameroon, Mali and Nigeria

FAO Food Safety and Quality Officers reported at CCAFRICA23 on a Total Diet Study (TDS) that for the first time covered a wide geographical area and examined a high number of chemical contaminants including mycotoxins, dioxins, pesticides, and heavy metals. A TDS is an instrument to assess the dietary exposure of populations to specific chemical contaminants. They analyze food cooked and prepared as it would be by the consumer and are representative of the foods eaten by a particular local population. [...]
06 September 2019

Coordinador de CCAFRICA

Toda la información relativa al Codex es pública y gratuita.

Para consultas regionales, comuníquese con:

CCAFRICA Secretaríat

Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Industrial & Business park, Kyaliwajala road,
P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 (041) 7333250 / 0417333251 / 0417333252
Correo electrónico: [email protected]