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Région du Comité FAO/OMS de coordination pour AFRICA (CCAFRICA) - Coordonnateur régional: UGANDA

Le Comité de coordination pour l’Afrique a été créé par la Commission du Codex Alimentarius en 1972, avec pour mandat «la mise en application d’une coordination générale dans l’élaboration de normes liées à la région de l’Afrique». Le Comité a organisé sa première réunion à la FAO en 1974: 19 pays étaient présents.

Alors que le nouveau coordonnateur régional entamait son mandat, l’Accord portant création de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf), entré en vigueur au mois de mai 2020, a souligné le besoin d’un système efficace de gestion des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires, notamment dans le domaine de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments, sur tout le continent alors que ses frontières sont ouvertes au commerce.

Le coordonnateur régional opère au sein du Bureau national de normalisation d’Ouganda, établissement public placé sous l’égide du Ministère du commerce, de l’industrie et des coopératives, qui surveille, dans le cadre de son mandat, la promotion et l’utilisation des normes.

En tant que coordonnateur régional, l’Ouganda souhaite s’impliquer davantage auprès des pays, notamment au travers d’enquêtes, de séminaires web et d’ateliers, afin d’identifier les besoins et les problématiques émergentes, mais aussi sensibiliser aux questions prioritaires de sécurité sanitaire des aliments et aux normes du Codex. Par ailleurs, une étude pilote s’intéressera plus largement à l’état de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments dans la région. En renforçant son engagement auprès d’organismes régionaux tels que l’Union africaine, l’Organisation régionale africaine de normalisation et le secrétariat de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine, l’Ouganda vise aussi à améliorer le travail de plaidoyer dans la région.


Actualités de la région

La Guinée lance son projet de Fonds Fiduciaire du Codex

La Guinée a lancé son projet de Fonds Fiduciaires du Codex 2 lors d'un atelier tenu les 14 et 15 mai 2019 et qui a été marqué par la présence du Secrétaire Général du Ministère de l'industrie et des PME, du conseiller du Ministre en charge de la Qualité et de L'innovation, du DG de l'Institut Guinéen de Normalisation et de Métrologie, du Président du Comité National du Codex et de la participation des départements ministériels compétents (santé, agriculture, élevage, [...]
23 May 2019

The First International Food Safety Conference underway in Addis Ababa

Over 700 delegates have gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for The First International Food Safety Conference, hosted jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the African Union (AU). Government leaders, senior policy makers, and representatives from international organizations, civil society and the private sector, will identify key actions and strategies to address current and future challenges to food safety globally; and to strengthen commitment at the highest political level to [...]
12 February 2019

Codex Trust Fund training to build national capacity in Ghana

“Codex provides a real opportunity for collaboration but what does it actually mean to engage in a collaborative negotiation?” This was the question posed by Susan Coleman, trainer and coach as a negotiations workshop running from 11-14 December 2018 got underway in Accra, Ghana for 26 members of the Ghana Standards Authority. The four-day programme is part of a Codex Trust Fund (CTF) project to build national capacity for effective engagement in Codex. Mr Kofi Nagetey, Deputy Director General of the Ghana [...]
11 December 2018

Burkina Faso launches its Codex Trust Fund 2 project

Burkina Faso launched its Codex Trust Fund 2 project in a workshop held on 12 October 2018 with the participation of different sectors involved in food safety and nutrition representing governmental and non-governmental structures, civil society as well as technical and financial partners. The country is now among the eight African countries to benefit from the Codex Trust Fund 2, following a call for applications. The project that will be implemented for three years, from 2018 to 2021, is intended [...]
25 October 2018

Better training for safer food

A workshop organised by the European Union "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative took place in September 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa, for the Codex members of the African Region. The aim of the workshop was to provide the necessary tools to be effective delegates in Codex. In line with the strong and positive message of Jean-Claude Juncker President of the European Commission, Barbara Moretti, of the EU Codex Team, said that this was also an excellent opportunity to reinforce cooperation and [...]
24 September 2018

Food safety training challenges future thinking

Experts from six African countries attended a workshop in Nairobi, Kenya earlier this year, to build national capacity on foresight related to food safety and ultimately to launch a process to better identify and prepare for food safety issues. The workshop, designed by FAO familiarized participants with foresight techniques that will enable them to reflect on the changing nature of food safety within food systems and support the identification of emerging food safety issues in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and [...]
23 July 2018

Uganda shows support for World Food Safety Day at grassroots level

Kampala, Uganda 7 June 2018 Speaking at the national stakeholders meeting for players in the meat value chain, at the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), as part of the celebrations to mark support for a World Food Safety Day, former chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Ms Awilo Ochieng Pernet, commended UNBS for its work in ensuring compliance to food safety standards and called on sector players to ensure compliance to standards. “Food safety must be on the political agenda because [...]
11 June 2018

Workshop on Risk Assessment and Management of Mycotoxins Nairobi, Kenya

A workshop held 11-12 April 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya is providing participants from COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) with a science-based approach for risk assessment and management of mycotoxins. Mycotoxin contamination of food commodities poses major challenges to both public health and trade. While it remains a global problem, this is particularly relevant in some regions of the world where dietary exposure to mycotoxins is still unacceptably high. Effective national and regional programmes for reducing mycotoxins contamination require [...]
12 April 2018

Liberia continues to make progress with National Codex Committee

In October 2017 Steve Mambu, Laboratory Director at the National Standards Laboratory in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry spoke about the launch of the National Codex Committee in Liberia. At a recent Codex workshop in Nairobi we caught up with Steve again and asked him for an update on progress. In Liberia food standards are key to facilitating trade. Steve: As a result of the assessment of the food safety situation in Liberia, it was recommended we establish a food law. So I can tell you we [...]
16 February 2018

Codex tools workshop highlights need for effective preparation

The two-day Regional Technical Workshop for National Codex Contact Points held in Nairobi, Kenya 6-7 February 2018 brought together participants from close to 25 African countries. Staff from the Codex Secretariat delivered a training course to help staff working in national Codex systems participate in the Codex international standard-setting environment.  Participants learnt how to navigate the new Codex website and worked with online web tools such as the Online Registration System (ORS); the Online Commenting System (OCS); and the Digital platform [...]
12 February 2018

Coordonnateur CCAFRICA

Toutes les informations relatives au Codex sont publiques et gratuites.

Pour les questions régionales, contactez:

Secrétariat du CCAFRICA

Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Industrial & Business park, Kyaliwajala road,
P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda
Tél: +256 (041) 7333250 / 0417333251 / 0417333252
Courriel: [email protected]