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The CCASIA Region - Regional Coordinator China

The Coordinating Committee for Asia was established at the 11th Meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Commission held in Rome, Italy, in July 1976. Its first meeting was held in New Delhi (India) in January 1977.

The regional coordinator operates from within the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment.

China’s main priorities as coordinator include enhancing participation in Codex meetings, supporting the prioritization of Codex work in the region, improving harmonization of food safety standards and accelerating the revitalization of the coordinating committee by sharing information and providing regular updates on food safety issues within the region.

China also wishes to promote collaboration with observer organizations and improve efficient and effective communication between regional members FAO, WHO, and the Codex Secretariat.


News from the region

World Food Safety Day/ India Webinar and Exhibition

The Post-Harvest Technology section of the Fisheries, Resources, Harvest and Post-Harvest Division (FRHPHM) at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (ICAR-CIFE), Mumbai organized a World Food Safety Day event on 7 June. The National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) sponsored the programme. The events included a hybrid mode National Webinar on “Pertinent Issues in Food Safety and Hygiene” conducted by Dr Indrani Karunasagar, Director of Projects and Department of Science and Technology-Technology Enabling Centre (DST-TEC), Nitte University, [...]
13 June 2024

Sri Lanka's initiative for a more proactive role in Codex

Sri Lanka has embarked on a capacity building exercise to contribute to and utilize Codex standards for improving the health of its consumers and better market access. The Food Control Administration Unit (FCAU) of the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka concluded a 3-day workshop on 12 June in preparation for an active role in Codex. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr P. G. Mahipala,  Secretary of Ministry of Health. The group ,comprising of more than 100 experts from different [...]
13 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ ACT Project Activities in Pakistan

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Pakistan along with local and international partners organized a national dialogue on food safety on 7 June 2024 in Islamabad. Their Excellencies the Ambassadors to Pakistan of Denmark and Malaysia graced the occasion, as well as representatives of the Federal and Provincial Food Safety Authorities, relevant Federal Ministries, Animal Husbandry Commissioner and Chief Veterinary Officer of Pakistan, civil society, media, the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Islamabad [...]
13 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Safe fish for healthy life

On 7 June 2024, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (ICAR-CIFT), Cochin, hosted a webinar on "Emergency Preparedness for Unexpected Food Safety Challenges," in observance of World Food Safety Day. The event was conducted online with four expert talks and interactive discussions. The first session was presented by Prof. Dr Iddya Karunasagar, an international consultant in food safety and advisor at Nitte University. He delivered a presentation on "Emerging Food Safety Issues in the Seafood Sector and [...]
12 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ The Asia-Pacific Edition

The Food and Agriculture Organization Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO RAP), together with the World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO SEARO) and Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WHO WPRO), has organized a webinar titled " Food safety incident management – Experiences from the Asia-Pacific region” to celebrate the World Food Safety Day. Join us on this special occasion to learn how national authorities: Respond to food safety emergencies; Disseminate key messages to safeguard public health and [...]
11 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Call for national resilience in Bangladesh

The Bangladesh Food Safety Foundation (BFSF) along with six more organizations convened a seminar on 8 June 2024, at the AKM Giasuddin Milky Auditorium in Dhaka, Bangladesh with Professor Dr Ali Akbar, former Vice-Chancellor, Bangladesh Agricultural University. The seminar focused on “Ensuring Food Safety in a Nation of Resilience: Unexpected Events, Role of Public Agencies and Private Sector for Uninterrupted Supply Chain.”  Keynote speaker Dr Md. Kamrul Islam, Professor, Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh reiterated that food safety is [...]
10 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ India hospital conducts five keys training

As part of its World Food Safety Day Celebrations, the Ramdevrao Hospital in Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India, trained patients, families and staff on healthy eating habits. In addition to ensuring each patient received the safe, nutritious diet that is appropriate for their recovery plan, dieticians in the hospital ensured they additionally spoke with each patient about how to ensure safe food habits at home. Based on the five keys to safe food and using the World Food Safety Day information assets provided, hospital [...]
10 June 2024

World Food Safety Day celebrations in Nepal

The World Food Safety Day 2024 event kicked off in Kathmandu today with an interactive programme on food safety emergency preparedness and response which was supported by the Codex Trust Fund project in Nepal through WHO. The theme of the World Food Safety Day is ‘Food safety: prepare for the unexpected’ in order to draw attention and inspire action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks of biological, chemical and radionuclear origin. The main objective of the interaction programme was [...]
07 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ India’s fisheries university to hold webinar and exhibition

India’s Council of Agricultural Research – Central Institute of Fisheries Education (ICAR-CIFE) is organizing a national webinar on "Pertinent issues in food safety and hygiene." There will also be an educational exhibition and demo on the occasion of World Food Safety Day, 7 June 2024. The exhibition aims to spread awareness on the importance of safe food and hygienic practices, detection of food adulterants and public health issues associated with the consumption of unsafe food. Link: Read more World Food Safety Day website World Food [...]
07 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ India Fisheries Institute webinar on emergency preparedness

In connection with the World Food Safety Day celebrations, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (ICAR-CIFT) is organizing a Webinar with the title: "Emergency preparedness for unexpected food safety challenges". This webinar aims to invite attention and mobilize activities for preparedness for unexpected food safety challenges. Date: 7 June 2024Time: 09:30 Cochin, India (06:00 CEST)Link: Read more World Food Safety Day website World Food Safety Day Communication Toolkit World Good Safety Day Trello board World Food Safety Day asset bank    
07 June 2024

Video Message

CCASIA Coordinator

All information on Codex is public and free.

For regional enquiries contact:

CCASIA Secretariat

No.37,Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022
Tel: +86-10-52165402

E-mail: [email protected]