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Comité Coordinador Regional del Codex para Asia (CCASIA) - Coordinador regional: China

El Comité Coordinador para Asia se creó en el 11.º período de sesiones de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius celebrado en Roma (Italia), en julio de 1976. Su primera reunión se celebró en Nueva Delhi (India) en enero de 1977.

El coordinador regional opera desde el Centro Nacional de China para la Evaluación de Riesgos de Inocuidad de los Alimentos.

Las principales prioridades de China como coordinador son aumentar la participación en las reuniones del Codex, apoyar la priorización del trabajo del Codex en la región, mejorar la armonización de las normas de inocuidad de los alimentos y acelerar la revitalización del comité coordinador compartiendo información y comunicando periódicamente novedades sobre cuestiones relativas a la inocuidad alimentaria en la región.

China desea asimismo promover la colaboración con las organizaciones observadoras y favorecer una comunicación eficiente y eficaz entre los miembros regionales de la FAO, la OMS y la Secretaría del Codex.


Noticias de la región

Heating, refrigerating and air conditioning engineers run World Food Safety Day campaign in India

By Avesahemad Sayyadnaimutulla Husainy, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SITCOE, Yadrav- Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra, India. On the occasion of World Food Safety Day 2020, ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) Kolhapur-Sangli Subchapter and Sharad Institute of Technology College of Engineering, Yadrav- Maharashtra conducted awareness activities and a campaign for World Food Safety Day-2020. It was a first time experience in celebrating this day. A webinar was held for engineering students and ISHRAE student members for awareness campaigns. Also for World Food [...]
15 June 2020

Actions taken by China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment for World Food Safety Day

The China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) organized a series of online activities to celebrate the second World Food Safety Day (WFSD) on 7 June 2020. The aim of these activities was to raise consumer awareness of food safety under the theme "Food safety, everyone’s business".  CFSA launched a special column on its website to promote food safety and call upon consumers to take action to prevent foodborne diseases. Consumers could read and participate in various virtual events [...]
12 June 2020

Korea holds 19th annual celebration of food safety

‘Korea is a leader in food safety’ Tom Heilandt, Codex Secretary, said in a video message for the 19th Korean Food Safety Day ceremony. The 19th Korean Food Safety Day ceremony was held at the International Center of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Seoul, Korea on 12 June on a smaller scale than usual due to COVID-19. However, the food safety heroes along the food chain – in production, processing, storage, transport, retail and distribution – as well [...]
12 June 2020

On World Food Safety Day Megan Young explains the five keys to safer food at home

On World Food Safety Day Megan Young shows why respect for food, knowing where it has come from and what it is made of, is a critical part of ensuring what we eat is safe. In a video produced for the WHO Philippines promotion of World Food Safety Day, Megan demonstrates how to practice the WHO 5 keys for safer food when cooking Tinola a traditional chicken soup.     Handling food safely prevents foodborne diseases.Miss World 2013 and @FAOPhilippines #ZeroHunger Champion Megan Young [...]
11 June 2020

World Food Safety Day observed in Beijing, China

On 7 June, the Office of the Food Safety Committee of the State Council, together with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the National Health and Health Commission, the General Administration of Customs, and the General Administration of Market Supervision, hosted the 2020 China World Food Safety Day event in Beijing. Xiao Yaqing, Director of the Food Safety Committee Office of the State Council and Director of the General Administration of Market Supervision, attended the [...]
10 June 2020

Vice President of India shows support for World Food Safety Day on social media

In support of the 2nd celebration of the World Food Safety Day the official twitter account of the Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu ran a a series of messages underlining the need to create awareness of foodbourne diseases and stressing how all those responsible along the food chain should work to ensure food is safe, healthy and nutritious.     On this World Food Safety Day,I call upon all stakeholders – Producers,Vendors,Consumers &Governmentsto ensure that the food we consume is safe, [...]
09 June 2020

Join the webinar Food Safety, Everyone’s Business: The India Experience June 10, 2020 | 11am - noon EST

Martien van Nieuwkoop, Global Director of Agriculture and Food Global Practice, World Bank will join Pawan Agarwal, Special Secretary, Logistics, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and previously the CEO of the Food Safety and Standards Authority India to talk about India’s experience with improving food safety.  The discussion will be moderated by Lystra N. Antoine, CEO of the Global Food Safety Partnership.   Speakers Pawan Kumar Agarwal Beginning his civil service career in 1985 as an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) [...]
09 June 2020

Food safety is everyone’s business “even yours and mine”

The words of Ojasvini Naik, at aged eight India’s youngest food safety ambassador and a young girl with both a passion and a mission, who is already a veteran of food safety messaging. At just aged 6 Ojasvini learnt through participating with her Mother in food safety training for food handlers that children her age carry the burden of foodborne disease with 125 000 deaths per year according to WHO. 2018 awards ceremony: Sanjay Dave (former Chairperson Codex Alimentarius Commission), Pawan [...]
06 June 2020

Japan celebrates World Food Safety Day and delivers key COVID-19 information for the public

Japan celebrates the World Food Safety Day. The Japanese government (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) posts a message of “Food safety, everyone's business” on social media to bring the attention of the public. In addition, “a Guide to World Food Safety Day 2020” was translated to Japanese in order to involve relevant stakeholders to join this celebration. In order to overcome challenges caused by COVID-19 and ensure food safety, the “COVID-19 and food [...]
05 June 2020

Food safety education in elementary school classes in China

Promoting the 2nd World Food Safety Day By Tian Ding, Mingming Guo, Yiran Jiang An exciting Food Safety publicity and educational programme for the second World Food Safety Day was held by Department of Food Science and Nutrition of Zhejiang University on 29-31 May  2020. It was titled “Food Safety enters the classes and promotes Food Education in elementary schools”. They integrated food science with safety fun and brought this exciting activity into Liuxia elementary school in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province, China. [...]
02 June 2020

Video Message

Coordinador de CCASIA

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Para consultas regionales, comuníquese con:

Secretaría de CCASIA

No.37,Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022
Tel: +86-10-52165402

Correo electrónico: [email protected]