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Comité Coordinador Regional del Codex para Asia (CCASIA) - Coordinador regional: China

El Comité Coordinador para Asia se creó en el 11.º período de sesiones de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius celebrado en Roma (Italia), en julio de 1976. Su primera reunión se celebró en Nueva Delhi (India) en enero de 1977.

El coordinador regional opera desde el Centro Nacional de China para la Evaluación de Riesgos de Inocuidad de los Alimentos.

Las principales prioridades de China como coordinador son aumentar la participación en las reuniones del Codex, apoyar la priorización del trabajo del Codex en la región, mejorar la armonización de las normas de inocuidad de los alimentos y acelerar la revitalización del comité coordinador compartiendo información y comunicando periódicamente novedades sobre cuestiones relativas a la inocuidad alimentaria en la región.

China desea asimismo promover la colaboración con las organizaciones observadoras y favorecer una comunicación eficiente y eficaz entre los miembros regionales de la FAO, la OMS y la Secretaría del Codex.


Noticias de la región

Promoting food safety in Pakistan – awareness walk, radio show, and seminars

To mark World Food Safety Day 2023, FAO Pakistan organized activities ranging from a radio talk show and an awareness walk to seminars targeting students, farmers, and the general community. The walk, which took place on 7 June 2023 in Islamabad, brought almost 80 key stakeholders to march in solidarity and show commitment to collective action to prevent foodborne illnesses. “We wanted to highlight the crucial role of food safety in protecting public health and promoting sustainable development. This walk helped [...]
06 July 2023

Nepal celebrates World Food Safety Day with a city march and a high-level event

More than 400 participants walked in the capital of Nepal to raise awareness about food safety. Stakeholders from the government, academia, consumer forums, media, agri-food business, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) marched with banners displaying messages about food safety and food standards. The city march, followed by a high-level event in Kathmandu, was held to celebrate World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2023. “We need to prioritize food safety not only to protect public [...]
30 June 2023

Japanese food company celebrates World Food Safety Day for the first time

Japanese food company, Zensho, celebrated World Food Safety Day for the first time this year and held lectures on Codex General Hygiene Principles in May and June. In the lectures, they took commemorative photos and pledged to continue working on food safety in the future. For all Zensho personnel the company is promoting food safety education based on the Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene, the “world standard for food safety”. This year, as the first World food Safety Day event, [...]
30 June 2023

India’s young food safety ambassador continues to spread awareness on World food Safety Day

Ojasvini Naik is an 11-year-old girl studying in Grade 6 in Mumbai, India. Since early childhood, she has been accompanying her mother to primary schools for food safety training for the workers who prepare mid-day meals for school children. She used to hear her mother talking about foodborne illnesses. This deeply impacted her young mind and she started spreading awareness about basic hygiene and the right of every child to safe food. She was felicitated as the Food Safety Ambassador [...]
29 June 2023

CCPR / Committee plays an increasingly important role in development of international food safety system

Mr. Zhang Xingwang, Vice Minister at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, (pictured above) opened the 54th session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR), taking place from 26 June to 1 July 2023 in Beijing, China. This committee sets the largest number of numerical standards in Codex and over the past 15 sessions in China has discussed and adopted over 5 000 maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides. CCPR has also revised [...]
26 June 2023

Pakistan cooking oils company promotes World Food Safety Day messages across digital and traditional media

At the Pakistani cooking oil company, Shafaq, World Food Safety Day was promoted across social media and on television to educate people about food safety. The company worked on an awareness campaign with 130 “micro bloggers” and 7 “leading” health and food bloggers to promote food safety materials on Instagram and TikTok. In addition, food safety articles were published thanks to Shafaq, in digital publications. There was also television coverage of World Food Safety Day messaging. See the information video posted on [...]
14 June 2023

An Indian perspective on food safety, security and standards is presented in Kerala for World Food Safety Day

The national technical workshop “Indian Perspective on Food Safety, Security and Standards” was inaugurated on 7 June 2023 by Mr Jagadish Fofandi, the National President of the Seafood Exporter Association of India. Professor Deepti Gulati, the Industry Chair Professor: Nutraceuticals and Fortification, at the National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management, delivered the first plenary lecture. Professor Gulati deliberated on the importance of staple food fortification with essential micronutrients. Vitamin D and Vitamin A deficiency in India is pervasive. She [...]
14 June 2023

The Singapore government uses social media to disseminate World Food Safety Day messages

Singapore Food Agency (SFA) marked World Food Safety Day in a number of ways this year, and across various media. Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, Grace Fu, posted a message on Facebook saying: “As consumers, we expect all our food to be safe. But food can be contaminated by improper practices during production, storage, or even preparation.” She went on to explain the food safety requirements imposed on food businesses by the SFA “to ensure that food is safe for [...]
14 June 2023

Food industry experts debate the challenges of food safety in Bangladesh World Food Safety Day event

The Bangladesh Food Safety Foundation (BFSF) observed World Food Safety Day 2023 on 7 June for the 5th time. This year the activities undertaken were as follows: a)     BFSF communication materials such electronic posters and flyers containing the theme, slogan and key messages that were prepare with logos of the five organization for dissemination purposes b)     Distribution of World Food Safety Day communication materials and BFSF customized communication materials through email to 380 food business and their associations, Apex Chamber bodies such as the [...]
13 June 2023

World Food Safety Day observed in Bangalore, India

Food Safety Works, a food safety consulting company dedicated to improving food safety observed World Food Safety Day 2023 with a line-up of activities across its business clients, schools and community as a whole to create awareness on the importance of food standards for safer food. The set of activities panned from the 6 to 9June with awards for various competitions being awarded towards the end of June 2023. On 7 June, Food Safety Works kicked of a host of activities [...]
13 June 2023

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Coordinador de CCASIA

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Secretaría de CCASIA

No.37,Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022
Tel: +86-10-52165402

Correo electrónico: [email protected]