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Координационный комитет Кодекса по Азии (CCASIA), региональный координатор – Китай

Координационный комитет по Азии был учрежден на11-й сессии Комиссии “Кодекс Алиментариус” проходившей в Риме (Италия) в июле 1976 года. Первое заседание Комитета состоялось в Нью-Дели (Индия) в январе 1977 года.

Региональный координатор ведет свою работу на базе Китайского национального центра оценки рисков безопасности пищевых продуктов.

Среди основных приоритетов Китая в качестве координатора следует выделить расширение участия в заседаниях Кодекса, обеспечение приоритета деятельности Кодекса в регионе, совершенствование согласования стандартов безопасности пищевых продуктов и ускоренное возобновление полноценной работы координационного комитета за счет обмена данными и регулярного предоставления новой информации по безопасности пищевых продуктов в регионе.

Китай также стремится укрепить сотрудничество с организациями-наблюдателями и наладить эффективную и действенную связь между Секретариатом Кодекса и региональными членами ФАО и ВОЗ.


Новости из региона

Комитет по пищевым добавкам поддерживает инновации, сохраняя приверженность ключевым ценностям

Многие технические комитеты Кодекса изучают вопрос, как, не теряя целый год, продолжить работу по конкретным темам в отсутствие возможности проводить совещания в очной форме. Комитет Кодекса по пищевым добавкам (CCFA), принимающей страной которого является Китай, 21 мая 2020 года провел онлайн-совещание с основными электронными рабочими группами стран — членов комитета. На совещании обсуждались вопросы, связанные с обеспокоенностью стран-членов и наблюдателей тем, как CCFA сможет продолжать эффективную работу по разработке своих стандартов. Комментируя результаты совещания, председатель Юнсян Фан отметил: «Я очень горжусь [...]
29 May 2020

Joint FAO/OIE/WFP/WHO food safety webinar - Food safety in the “new normal”

Have you noticed that you are now washing your hands more properly than the last year?  It is an important yet unique opportunity on the second observance of World Food Safety Day that we all have a chance to reflect how our continuous and new food safety actions could fit into the “new normal” era.   Over the last few decades, a substantial amount of efforts have been made to improve our food safety systems in Asia and the Pacific. Consumers are more aware of food [...]
25 May 2020

Cambodia workshop / Enhancing participation in Codex

To strengthen Cambodia’s capacity for better and more effective participation in Codex work, FAO in collaboration with the General Directorate of CAMCONTROL, Ministry of Commerce organized a training workshop from 18- 20 February 2020. The training is part of a wider five year programme sponsored by Japan which supports capacity building for international food safety standard development and implementation for ASEAN countries.  A total of 40 officials from various sectors including government officials from CAMCONTROL, (the national Codex Contact Point), relevant ministries, [...]
25 February 2020

Gyanendra Gongal appointed WHO Regional Adviser for food safety in South-East Asia

Gyanendra Gongal, from Nepal, has recently been appointed WHO Regional Adviser for food safety in the WHO Regional Office for South East Asia (SEARO), the first time in two decades, in his words, that someone will be working full time on food safety in the region. His new role involves providing technical leadership, supporting the Codex Trust Fund (CTF), and working on policy advocacy, Codex, risk assessment, food safety emergency and INFOSAN activities. Why are you excited about the new position? There hasn’t [...]
15 January 2020

Codex discussing the future of food safety at Beijing CIFSQ Conference

The China International Food Safety & Quality (CIFSQ) Conference is currently underway in Beijing, China 30 to 31 October 2019. CIFSQ brings together 700 regulators, scientists, industry executives, and academics to share insights on food safety and protecting public health. The conference focuses on addressing critical food safety issues and seeks through dialogue and collaboration to identify advances in science, standards and the latest developments in innovative technologies that can serve governments and industry in safeguarding food. Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt Tom [...]
31 October 2019

Bhutan strengthening participation in Codex

A two-day training workshop for National Codex Committee (NCC) members and the officials of National Codex Contact Point (NCCP) of Bhutan was held from 15 to 16 October 2019 at Tashi Namgay Resort, Paro. The training workshop was organized by the Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA), Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, with the main objective to enhance the participation of Bhutan in the work of Codex through training of officials, including NCC members and by examining key areas [...]
18 October 2019

Dr Yayoi Tsujiyama: a source of learning for all those who deal with food safety, fair practices in food trade and negotiation

Following the recent meeting of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia (CCASIA), the Codex Secretariat learnt that Dr Yayoi Tsujiyama retired from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan at the beginning of October. Dr. Tsujiyama, has long been involved in many multilateral food safety fora including Codex, serving as Vice-Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) from 2014-2017 and as Coordinator for CCASIA from 2011 to 2014. During her service as Vice-Chairperson of CAC, she also led the [...]
13 October 2019

Surveys, Strategies and Standards. Productive session for CCASIA

Work over the first two days in Goa has explored how countries in the region can best respond collectively to the big questions regarding food safety and international food trade. Current realities such as the need for countries to continue to adopt Codex Standards for maximum permitted residue levels for pesticides and combatting the threat of antimicrobial resistance are always relevant to the region. Delegates also bring experiences to the regional meeting on how to deal with food fraud especially [...]
25 September 2019

Through Codex, Asia works together to strengthen the Codex system and regional cooperation

Delegates from 18 member countries are gathered in Goa, India 23 to 27 September, for the 21st FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Asian region (CCASIA). Sunil Bakshi, Chairperson of the committee and Head of Regulations at the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), extended a warm welcome to those present emphasising that the main objective of CCASIA is to promote mutual communication and resource sharing to develop regional standards and regulations for food products. A great opportunity to work together. Rita [...]
23 September 2019

Goa, India - FAO/WHO regional meeting discussing key issues for Asia

“Asian countries play a key role in the global supply chain”, said Codex Vice Chairperson Purwiyatno Hariyadi as delegates from the Codex Asia region gathered in Goa, India for the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia (CCASIA), 23 to 27 September 2019. This meeting is an opportunity for countries to meet and discuss their common concerns and “ensure the standards that advance in the Codex system are relevant” he said. A packed agenda will deal with the food safety issues that the [...]
22 September 2019

Video Message

Pегиональный координатор – Индия

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