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Координационный комитет Кодекса по Азии (CCASIA), региональный координатор – Китай

Координационный комитет по Азии был учрежден на11-й сессии Комиссии “Кодекс Алиментариус” проходившей в Риме (Италия) в июле 1976 года. Первое заседание Комитета состоялось в Нью-Дели (Индия) в январе 1977 года.

Региональный координатор ведет свою работу на базе Китайского национального центра оценки рисков безопасности пищевых продуктов.

Среди основных приоритетов Китая в качестве координатора следует выделить расширение участия в заседаниях Кодекса, обеспечение приоритета деятельности Кодекса в регионе, совершенствование согласования стандартов безопасности пищевых продуктов и ускоренное возобновление полноценной работы координационного комитета за счет обмена данными и регулярного предоставления новой информации по безопасности пищевых продуктов в регионе.

Китай также стремится укрепить сотрудничество с организациями-наблюдателями и наладить эффективную и действенную связь между Секретариатом Кодекса и региональными членами ФАО и ВОЗ.


Новости из региона

Food industry experts debate the challenges of food safety in Bangladesh World Food Safety Day event

The Bangladesh Food Safety Foundation (BFSF) observed World Food Safety Day 2023 on 7 June for the 5th time. This year the activities undertaken were as follows: a)     BFSF communication materials such electronic posters and flyers containing the theme, slogan and key messages that were prepare with logos of the five organization for dissemination purposes b)     Distribution of World Food Safety Day communication materials and BFSF customized communication materials through email to 380 food business and their associations, Apex Chamber bodies such as the [...]
13 June 2023

World Food Safety Day observed in Bangalore, India

Food Safety Works, a food safety consulting company dedicated to improving food safety observed World Food Safety Day 2023 with a line-up of activities across its business clients, schools and community as a whole to create awareness on the importance of food standards for safer food. The set of activities panned from the 6 to 9June with awards for various competitions being awarded towards the end of June 2023. On 7 June, Food Safety Works kicked of a host of activities [...]
13 June 2023

World Food Safety Day commemorated in India with programmes disseminating the theme of ‘Food Standards Save Lives’

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), West Region (WR), the International Training Centre Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (ITC-FSAN), and the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, on 7 June 2023 hosted the "Stakeholder Conversation on “Food Loss and Waste Management" to commemorate World Food Safety Day 2023. The event brought together subject matter experts, researchers, and food business operators to discuss effective strategies for managing food loss and waste. Various scheme ideas were explored, and [...]
12 June 2023

Young students in Nagaland, India, celebrate World Food Safety Day

On 7 June, at the Milon School in Nagaland, India, students joined the world in celebrating World Food Safety Day in a number of different activities. The school invited Dr AkumtoshiAo. M.D to talk to the children – known as “Milonites”, after the name of their school – about healthy foods and food safety. “Take care of what and how you eat”, they were taught. In addition, the science club of the school gave a presentation on foodborne diseases. The school also [...]
12 June 2023

In India, Tamil Nadu authorities and organizations celebrate World Food Safety Day

On 7 June, the Tamil Nadu Food Safety Department, Empower India and the All India Chamber of Commerce and Industries jointly observed World Food Safety Day  at Thoothukudi. This year’s theme is “Food Standards save lives”.  The Thoothukudi District Revenue Officer Ajay Srinivasan inaugurated the programme. The Honorary Secretary of the Empower India,  A Sankar said that “Food safety protects consumers. When food safety standards are applied the consumers will be protected by the efforts that have been undertaken in making sure that the food they consume [...]
09 June 2023

Bhutan officials attend World Food Safety Day workshops

Two workshops were conducted in Paro, Bhutan 4–7 June 2023 on (a) Organic Group Certification; and (b) the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement). The workshops were organized by the Bhutan Food and Drug Authority (BFDA), Ministry of Health under the aegis of an Asian Development Bank (ADB) project on improving market linkages for the small-scale sector. It was supported by [...]
09 June 2023

Indian dietician prescribes food safety in World Food Safety Day video

Dietician Richa Mittal in Jaipur India produced a World Food Safety Day video in which she gives advice on “safe food handling, consumption and storage”. Watch the video here        
09 June 2023

Students in China, Macao SAR promote World Food Safety Day amongst peers and public

To celebrate World Food Safety Day this year, the students in Food and Nutritional Sciences, at Macau University of Science and Technology interviewed residents in Macao, professors and students on campus, prepared promotional materials such as brochures, canvas bags and posters, and released videos on the festival day. They spread a message that food safety plays a vital role for human health, and people have realized its importance under the COVID-19 pandemic. The students in Food and Nutritional Science, participated in this [...]
08 June 2023

Philippine Department of Agriculture promoting national standards for World Food Safety Day

The Philippine Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (DA-BAFS) will be supporting the celebration of the World Food Safety Day 2023 through a webinar. The webinar entitled, "From farm to plate, making food safe: A Webinar on Food Safety-related Standards" will be aired live via DA-BAFS' Facebook Page ( on 8 June, 2023 at 13.30–16.30 hours local time (19.30–22.30 hours CEST). With this webinar, the organizers aim to promote food safety - Philippine National Standards (PNS), i.e. codes of [...]
08 June 2023

India World Food Safety Day event discusses regulatory matters

The National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB), organized a virtual event to celebrate World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2023. The celebration featured an array of “informative presentations, interactive sessions, and engaging activities”, all designed to address various aspects of food safety. Distinguished experts in the field were present to share their insights and experiences, providing valuable knowledge on current food safety trends, emerging challenges, and best practices. NABCB is dedicated to promoting food safety standards and practices in [...]
07 June 2023

Video Message

Pегиональный координатор – Индия

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