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Comité Coordinador Regional del Codex para Europa (CCEURO) - Coordinador regional: Germany

En 1964, en su segundo período de sesiones, la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius estableció el Comité Coordinador para Europa, que sucedería al “Consejo Europeo del Codex Alimentarius” y sustituiría al "Grupo Consultivo para Europa", creado en su primer período de sesiones en 1963.

La primera reunión del Comité Coordinador para Europa se celebró en julio de 1965 en Berna (Suiza) y a ella asistieron 16 países de la región.

El coordinador actual, Alemania, tiene su sede en el Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura (BMEL).

Las prioridades fundamentales de Alemania como coordinador son las siguientes:

  • reducir los obstáculos a la participación activa de los miembros de la región en los trabajos del Codex;
  • aumentar la sensibilización sobre el papel del Codex y de la inocuidad de los alimentos en general en la transición hacia sistemas alimentarios sostenibles;
  • promover el uso de las normas del Codex en los ámbitos prioritarios como la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM).

Con el fin de abordar estas prioridades, el coordinador aprovechará las sinergias de las actividades internacionales y regionales de la Secretaría del Codex, la FAO y la OMS, así como de los observadores del Codex.


Noticias de la región

Workshop for World Food Safety Day in Kazakhstan

A scientific and methodological workshop dedicated to World Food Safety Day was held on 7 June, 2022 on the topic: “Safety and quality of various nuts” at the basis of NJSC Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after. S. Seifullin (KazATU). The workshop participants were represented by the KazATU (teaching staff, undergraduates), heads of food markets laboratories, a major supplier of nuts to the markets of Nur-Sultan, WHO international consultant (Eronimas Maskeliunas), consultant of the WHO country office, Kazakhstan Codex Alimentarius Team. The [...]
09 June 2022

Sustainable Development Goals for children – an initiative in Türkiye

Sustainable Development Goal 2 is about ending hunger, achieving food security and good nutrition, and supporting sustainable agriculture. The purpose of World Food Safety Day celebrations is to raise people's awareness of food safety issues, show how to prevent disease through food safety, discuss collaborative approaches to improved food safety across sectors, and promote solutions and ways to improve food security. For this purpose, Hasan Polatkan Primary School students in Kayseri province Melikgazi district; Celebrated with the theme of "Safer food, [...]
08 June 2022

Tenerife World Food Safety Day to be commemorated in webinar discussion

The Tenerife Quality Observatory has issued an invitation to its conference commemorating World Food Safety Day, which is organized in collaboration with the University of La Laguna and Dinosol Supermarkets. Its purpose is to raise awareness about the importance of food safety as a shared responsibility for everyone to guarantee safe and sustainable food. The Conference is aimed at professionals from food companies, consumer technicians, consumer associations, professionals from the commercial and retail sectors and consumers in general. The event will be [...]
07 June 2022

Food Nation webinar for World Food Safety Day in Denmark

The Danish Agriculture and Food Council, together with Food Nation, will be marking World Food Safety Day this year with a webinar that will focus on the theme of plant-based foods. According to the event website, the strong collaboration between companies and authorities in Denmark is a key reason for the “high quality and safety” of Danish food, and this “gives Danish food companies a unique opportunity to test, develop and innovate their products and solutions early in the development process.” [...]
07 June 2022

Spain’s Veraliment to celebrate World Food Safety Day for the 4th year

For the fourth consecutive year, Veraliment is organizing a meeting for professionals in the food sector for World Food Safety Day 2022. Under the slogan "To protect lives", Veraliment will focus on those organizations and professionals who “put their effort and dedication into helping and protecting lives”. “This,” says Veraliment’s CEO, Andrés García, is “also Food Safety Culture, and is aligned with the values of protection, awareness and well-being that are promoted from the food sector to all links in the food [...]
07 June 2022

A matter of mushrooms on World Food Safety Day

Italy’s Scientific Society for Evidence on Environment, Food and Workplace Safety (UNPISI ATS) is organizing a World Food Safety Day webinar on the subject of “Mushrooms: food safety and supplements”. The event aims to raise awareness about the importance of food safety to everyone. Edible mushrooms can be a source of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins, including calcium, iron, manganese, selenium, B vitamins and folates. And in recent years, research has shown that some fungal species have other beneficial properties: since [...]
07 June 2022

Barcelona Food Safety is celebrating for the fourth year

The Barcelona Food Safety Forum (Barcelona Seguridad Alimentaria - BSA) will celebrate World Food Safety Day this year in a morning of presentations and round table discussions at the Barcelona School of Management in Barcelona on 7 June. The event will concentrate on issues of alternative sources of protein with a talk from Massimo Castellari, a researcher from the Government of Catalunya’s Agri-Food Research and Technology Institute (IRTA) on the “present and future of sustainable protein production”. A series of round [...]
07 June 2022

Details of Poland’s Food Fakty Week now available

Poland’s professional food quality and safety portal, Food Fakty, will be producing a “Food Fakty Week” again this year, during the week of World Food Safety Day. In close alignment with the goals and calls to action of World Food Safety Day and the “Four Betters” shaping the work of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the week of online events will include: Monday 6 June A series of presentations from the private sector, Professor Małgorzata Wiśniewska from the [...]
06 June 2022

Raising awareness of food safety in Ireland

To raise awareness of World Food Safety Day 2022, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) will share a number of images on its Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram pages. The images feature quotes from a range of stakeholders within the Irish food industry from customers to inspectors to interest groups to food businesses. Each stakeholder is answering the question ‘What does food safety mean to me’? “This campaign showcases the passionate, innovative approach that is taken to food safety in Ireland,” the organizers explained. [...]
04 June 2022

CCEURO32 / We must all come together to bring about the transformations the world needs

More than 120 delegates gathered online for the opening session of CCEURO32 – the FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committee for Europe, the biggest Codex region encompassing 52 Member Countries from Albania to Uzbekistan. The meeting hosted by Kazakhstan but taking place virtually from FAO headquarters in Rome runs from 16 to 20 May 2022 and explores common themes of interest to the region concerning food standards and food control. Vice-Minister of Health Care of Kazakhstan, Doctor Mrs Aizhan Yesmagambetova, Welcoming delegates the [...]
16 May 2022
Tema especial

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Coordinador de CCEURO

Toda la información relativa al Codex es pública y gratuita.

Para consultas regionales, comuníquese con:

Secretaría de CCEURO

Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura de Alemania
Wilhelmstrasse 54, 10117 Berlín (Alemania)
Tel.: +49 30 18 529 4065

Correo electrónico: [email protected]