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Comité Coordinador Regional del Codex para Europa (CCEURO) - Coordinador regional: Germany

En 1964, en su segundo período de sesiones, la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius estableció el Comité Coordinador para Europa, que sucedería al “Consejo Europeo del Codex Alimentarius” y sustituiría al "Grupo Consultivo para Europa", creado en su primer período de sesiones en 1963.

La primera reunión del Comité Coordinador para Europa se celebró en julio de 1965 en Berna (Suiza) y a ella asistieron 16 países de la región.

El coordinador actual, Alemania, tiene su sede en el Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura (BMEL).

Las prioridades fundamentales de Alemania como coordinador son las siguientes:

  • reducir los obstáculos a la participación activa de los miembros de la región en los trabajos del Codex;
  • aumentar la sensibilización sobre el papel del Codex y de la inocuidad de los alimentos en general en la transición hacia sistemas alimentarios sostenibles;
  • promover el uso de las normas del Codex en los ámbitos prioritarios como la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM).

Con el fin de abordar estas prioridades, el coordinador aprovechará las sinergias de las actividades internacionales y regionales de la Secretaría del Codex, la FAO y la OMS, así como de los observadores del Codex.


Noticias de la región

Codex Portugal / consultation and inclusivity the keys to success as a contact point

On 1 April 2022 Miguel Cardo (pictured left) ended his nine year term as Codex Contact Point (CCP) for Portugal. Before handing over Miguel shared his experiences. What did you know about Codex when you started working as CCP? My first Codex meeting as a national delegate was during the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2007 in a food hygiene meeting in New Delhi, India. It was a big challenge, a new world for me, which forced [...]
20 April 2022

EU recognizes central role of Codex in facilitating transition to sustainable food systems

At a meeting in Brussels on 21 February 2022, the European Union's Ministers of Agriculture confirmed the EU's commitment to the work of Codex, and underlined the need for sustainability considerations to be given greater prominence in the setting of food safety standards for international trade. In the conclusions approved at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Ministers recognised the central role of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) in facilitating the transition to sustainable food systems and reaffirmed the EU's determination [...]
23 February 2022

Armenia takes a comprehensive approach to World Food Safety Day

In 2021, Armenia’s Food Safety Inspection Body (FSIB) initiated two World Food Safety Day events: A webinar on 4 June that focused on national food safety issues and, a conference on 7-8 June in Aghveran with financial support of the Strategic Development Agency in collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Armenia (SDC). The virtual event included a presentation from Mary Kenny, FAO’s food safety and consumer protection officer and Peter Hoejskov, a technical officer from the WHO [...]
26 August 2021

Politehnica University of Timisoara – Competition & Webinar

‘Youth and Food Safety’ Competition Politehnica University of Timisoara held a poster competition called “Youth and Food Safety”. It was aimed at students and teachers in pre-university and university education. The main objectives of the competition were to cultivate and encourage responsible consumer behaviour, develop communication and collaboration skills, critical and creative thinking, cultivate interest in food science, with a focus on chemistry, and acquire new knowledge. Organized for World Food Safety Day, this contest aims to inform and involve as [...]
06 July 2021

Ireland launches “What does food safety mean to you?” campaign on Twitter

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) launched a food safety awareness campaign on Twitter in the occasion of the World Food Safety Day. Starting on May 31, the campaign highlighted quotes from a variety of stakeholders who answered the question “What does food safety mean to you?” “Food safety is the building blocks for what makes our world-class and pioneering sector so great,” said Charlie McConalogue TD., Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine. “From our committed farmers to our [...]
28 June 2021

Hungary’s Food Chain Safety Office prevents pain with its World Food Safety Day video

Staff at Hungary’s National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) have produced a humorous video to drum home a central message of World Food Safety Day: that failing to wash your hands when handling food can lead to discomfort and illness. The video was created by the communication staff of the Nébih office, with one colleague becoming inspired by a popular ‘meme’ character in Hungary, by the name of Harold. ‘Harold’ is actually an electrical engineer by the name of András Arató, who, some 12 years [...]
17 June 2021

Celebration in Poland, FoodFakty Safety Week gathered professionals around food safety culture

During the 5 days of the eFORUM, 35 experts from governmental authorities, public institutions, academia and the private sector presented and exchanged experiences on food safety and quality aspects. Overall 2 300 people registered and, according to organizers, it was far the biggest event around food safety in Poland. “We were experiencing hundreds of answered questions from participants,” said Janusz Olejnik,CEO of Założyciel Projektu FoodFakty (Food Safety Culture Initiative PL). Among others, the FAO/WHO Codex Contact Point for Poland representatives, which [...]
17 June 2021

Turkey opens week of World Food Safety Day Food Safety Conversations

On 7 June, Samim Saner, President of the Turkish Food Safety Association moderated the first of a week-long series of “Food Safety Conversations” to mark World Food Safety Day. This webinar was entitled simply “The World Food Safety Day panel: safe food now for a healthy tomorrow.” Guests from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and Turkey’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry talked about key food safety issues in their area of [...]
10 June 2021

World Food Safety Day in North Macedonia

As a national Codex Contact Point for North Macedonia, the Food and Veterinary Agency joined the global campaign in the celebration of June 7 - World Food Safety Day. The aim of the initiative was to bring together different stakeholders involved in the food chain and through a public debate to raise awareness for food safety as well as inform the public about the importance of preventing and managing the risks associated with food, promoting health, economic prosperity, agricultural development [...]
09 June 2021

World Food Safety Day celebrated in Georgia

In celebration of World Food Safety Day, the National Food Agency of Georgia has presented its annual report. The event was opened by Mr. Levan Davitashvili, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, who highlighted the achieved results and new challenges and thanked FAO and other international organizations for their continuous support in ensuring food safety in the country. "I would not exaggerate to state that in terms of food safety, the ministry has been working continuously, consistently and [...]
08 June 2021
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Coordinador de CCEURO

Toda la información relativa al Codex es pública y gratuita.

Para consultas regionales, comuníquese con:

Secretaría de CCEURO

Ministerio Federal de Alimentación y Agricultura de Alemania
Wilhelmstrasse 54, 10117 Berlín (Alemania)
Tel.: +49 30 18 529 4065

Correo electrónico: [email protected]