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Координационный комитет Кодекса по Европе (CCEURO), региональный координатор – Германия

В 1964 году на второй сессии Комиссии Кодекса Алиментариус был учрежден Координационный комитет по Европе, пришедший на смену Европейскому совету “Кодекс Алиментариус” и заменивший собой Консультативную группу по Европе, сформированную на первой сессии в 1963 году.

В первом заседании Координационного комитета по Европе, проходившем в июле 1965 года в Берне (Швейцария) участвовали 16 стран региона.

Исполнительным органом действующего координатора – Германии – выступает Федеральное министерство продовольствия и сельского хозяйства (BMEL).

Основными приоритетами Германии на посту координатора являются:

  • устранение барьеров, препятствующих участию членов региона в работе Кодекса;
  • разъяснение роли Кодекса и концепции безопасности пищевых продуктов в переходе к устойчивым продовольственным системам; и
  • содействие применению стандартов Кодекса в таких приоритетных областях, как устойчивость к противомикробным препаратам (УПП).

Занимаясь этими приоритетными задачами, координатор будет полагаться на синергию мероприятий международного и регионального уровня, проводимых Секретариатом Кодекса, ФАО и ВОЗ, а также наблюдателями Кодекса.


Новости из региона

Workshop in Uzbekistan raises awareness on the role of the Codex Alimentarius in improving food safety

On 3–4 October 2024, in Samarkand, a workshop was organized for food safety officers and scientific research institutes from national and regional levels, within the framework of the project on “Strengthening National Capacities for Sustainable Implementation of the Codex Alimentarius in Uzbekistan". The project is funded by the Codex Trust Fund Project of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and aims to strengthen national capacities for sustainable implementation of the [...]
04 October 2024

CTF/ Nationwide seminars in Kazakhstan spread awareness on a range of issues

As part of the FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund project, the Kazakhstan Codex Alimentarius Group conducted field workshops under the theme of “Priority food safety issues” in eight regions of the country. In general, the seminars were held with the participation of specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological control of the Ministry of Health, the Committee for Veterinary Control and Surveillance of the Ministry of Agriculture, branches of the National Center of Expertise, the National Chamber of Food Producers, “Atameken”, scientists, teachers [...]
05 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Regional event in Europe hears from food safety experts

On Tuesday 25 June, a webinar brought together experts of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to inform and inspire food safety professionals from across Europe and Central Asia to better manage known and emerging food safety risks. “FAO is working closely with the countries of the region to enhance their capacities to be prepared,” said Raimund Jehle, FAO Regional Programme Leader for Europe and Central Asia in his welcome words. [...]
05 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ FAO teams up with Kyrgyz university for awareness raising workshop

To raise awareness on proper food safety and management, a workshop was held in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, on World Food Safety Day to help consumers, producers and officials focus on an issue often taken for granted. The workshop was organized by FAO, in partnership with Kyrgyz Economic University. “The date, 7 June is more than just a date on the calendar,” said Kuvatbek Bapaev, Acting FAO Deputy Representative in Kyrgyzstan and an FAO technical adviser, during his [...]
05 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Portuguese beverages company opens doors to students

The Portuguese food and beverages company, Sumol Compal, celebrated World Food Safety Day for the third consecutive year this year. This celebration at Sumol Compal took place during the month of June across three sites on three separate days, opening its doors to students and recent graduates to raise awareness about the importance of preventing food safety incidents. Following a visit to production sites, participants were challenged to get involved in a case study simulating a supplier alert for a potential physical [...]
05 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Sushi in the spotlight in Portugal event

World Food Safety Day was celebrated in an event at the Lusófona de Lisboa University in Portugal, where the risk of parasites in sushi was discussed. Two lectures were presented by two of the researchers/teachers who have the most contact with parasitology. They explained the concern of the existence of parasites in fish that is destined for raw consumption, how they spread among marine inhabitants and how they reach humans. In the laboratory, participants learned how to find various nematodes essentially in [...]
05 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Activities in Ukraine

On 7 June 2024, WHO Ukraine in cooperation with FAO Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Public Health Center of Ukraine and the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection held a webinar on food safety for the students of public health, veterinary studies, food safety, food technology faculties, as well as for general public. Over 821 registered to take part and 480 attended the two-hour online gathering to learn from national and international food safety experts as [...]
02 July 2024

The European Food Safety Authority podcast: Prepared for the unexpected

In celebration of World Food Safety Day on 7 June, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has released a new podcast episode entitled Prepared for the Unexpected. The episode explores the importance of identifying the source of foodborne disease outbreaks to ensure consumers are protected, and how the teams in place respond to food safety incidents and stay prepared. The episode is hosted by Edward Bray, Communications Officer in EFSA’s Communication Unit, with the participation of Eleonora Sarno, Scientific Officer in [...]
18 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ “We have shown our readiness for the unexpected, but there are always opportunities for improvement!”

Raising awareness of what we can all do to be prepared for the unexpected, regardless of our role in the "farm to fork" chain, was the goal of the round table organized by the Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food (HAPIH) in Osijek, on the occasion of the national celebration of this year's World Food Safety Day. The round table was organized with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) [...]
16 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Türkiye Conference

Türkiye, 7 June 2024 World Food Safety Day, celebrated all over the world by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), was commemorated with an event organized by the General Directorate of Food and Control of Türkiye, hosted by Minister İbrahim Yumakli. The event, which included participation from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)'s Chief Scientist  Carlos Das Neves, was marked by high attendance, including representatives of international organizations, international delegations, personnel from the Ministry [...]
16 June 2024
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Координатор CCEURO

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CCEURO Cекретариат

Федеральное министерство продовольствия и сельского хозяйства Германии
Вильгельмштрассе, 54, Берлин, 10117, Германия
Тел: +49 30 18 529 4065

Электронное письмо: [email protected]