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The CCLAC Region - Regional Coordinator Ecuador


In 1976 a Coordinating Committee for Latin America, established by the 10th Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1974, held its first meeting in Rome with eight countries from the region in attendance. At its third session a proposal was made to change the name of the committee to its current form (Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean) as this better reflected the membership of the region. In 1984 at its 31st session, the Executive Committee, acting on behalf of the Commission, agreed to this change.

The region of Latin America and the Caribbean is an important actor in the production and trade of food at a global level. The region produces enough food to supply itself and to export, with both water and land resources to produce even more.

The region has enormous natural wealth, a flourishing agricultural industry and a family farming sector that is essential for its population. The promotion and strengthening of food safety must be continued at the level of all regions to guarantee the health of consumers and fair and equitable trade.

The coordinator, Ecuador is based in AGROCALIDAD an agency attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. They aim to create synergies between countries in the region, to provide mutual support in order to overcome regional problems and examine solutions to common challenges.

The coordinator further aims to strengthen collaboration among countries and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the Commission and its subsidiary bodies.


News from the region

Workshop series launches Jamaican surveillance programme during antimicrobial awareness week

Development of the Jamaica Integrated Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Monitoring and Surveillance Programme for the Agriculture Sector Jamaica joined the world in celebrating World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, which ran from 18-24 November, 2020, via hosting of six AMR workshops on various livestock species to highlight the importance of antimicrobial resistance and gather information for the development of an Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance programme for the livestock sector. The animal production meetings were held from November 18-26 with participation by government officials from the [...]
04 December 2020

Chile organizó seminario sobre la importancia de los métodos oficiales del Codex

Bajo el nombre “Importancia de los métodos oficiales del Codex Alimentarius y su uso a nivel nacional e internacional”, se realizó ayer el seminario organizado por la Agencia Chilena para Calidad e Inocuidad Alimentaria (ACHIPIA), el Instituto Interamericano  de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), el Instituto de Salud Pública (ISP), el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG) y la empresa Granotec. El objetivo de la actividad consistió en demostrar la importancia  de los métodos oficializados y utilizados por el Codex Alimentarius [...]
21 July 2020

The Latin American and the Caribbean region comes together to keep Codex work active

Members from the Latin American and the Caribbean region met online on 17 June 2020 to discuss and share their views about Codex, the effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and identify the best practices to carry on the work of committee ahead of the next session. Diego Varela, Chile, Chairperson of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC), said that after working very actively on the follow-up to CCLAC21 through the Codex web forum, the countries of [...]
24 June 2020

Honduras celebrates World Food Safety Day

For the second year, Honduras joins the celebration of World Food Safety Day on June 7th. The objective of WFSD is to promote awareness and joint action between government sectors, producers and experts to prevent, detect and manage food-borne risks, thus contributing to improve human health, market access, tourism and sustainable development. In Honduras, various government institutions such as the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad e Inocuidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA), la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico (SDE), la Secretaría de Salud (SESAL), la Agencia de [...]
22 June 2020

Mexico promotes food safety awareness and actions across sectors

For the second consecutive year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mexico actively participated in the celebration of World Food Safety Day in 2020, with the aim of creating awareness among authorities, the private sector, civil society and the general public about the need to strengthen actions to prevent, manage and detect the risks of food contamination during the production process as well as consumption. To maintain food safety, the National Service of Health, Safety and Agro-Food Quality (Senasica) [...]
19 June 2020

Colombia spreads the World Food Safety Day word on the web

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection joined forces with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism to celebrate World Food Safety Day in Colombia. In the week of 1-5 June 2020, a webinar series was developed within the framework of the Codex Alimentarius to focus attention on key public health issues that affect the population under the slogan "Food Safety, everyone's business." The webinars addressed topics related to good agricultural practices and their contribution to food safety and quality. They [...]
19 June 2020

For World Food Safety Day Nicaragua focuses on hygiene and health

To commemorate World Food Safety Day, the competent authorities responsible for food safety in Nicaragua led several awareness-raising, knowledge-enhancing and team-building initiatives in June 2020. The initiatives were joint efforts coordinated by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce, the Institute of Protection and Agricultural Security, as well as the INFOSAN and the Codex Alimentarius offices. Information products about “Food safety, everyone’s business”, the theme for the 2020 observance, were shared in a variety of ways, reaching [...]
17 June 2020

Colombia in action to promote food safety

The National Institute for Drug and Food Surveillance (Invima) of Colombia developed an audiovisual campaign to raise awareness of the importance of food safety, explaining the measures taken by the authorities along the food chain to ensure the safety of the food consumed by Colombians, including also examples of actions implemented at different Departments of the country. Through a series of videos and graphic cards, Invima also aims to promote safe food handling behaviors with the WHO Five Keys to [...]
15 June 2020

“If it is not safe, it is not food” – Guatemala celebrates World Food Safety Day

Guatemala joins the world in celebrating World Food Safety with a webinar on food safety, Covid-19 and the related priorities in the Latin American region. The webinar promoted by the National Codex Committee, represented by Otto Maldonado and Nelson Ruano, was opened by the Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Guilherme da Costa, who explained how, in the context of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, "it is of utmost importance that food remains safe. In this regard, Codex standards ensure that [...]
12 June 2020

Radio interview highlights importance of food safety in Jamaica

The chairperson of the National Codex Committee, Suzan McLennon-Miguel appeared on the Agrobuzz segment of a Radio Jamaica morning show to talk about the activities surrounding the observance of World Food Safety Day.  
11 June 2020

Video Message

CCLAC Coordinator

All information on Codex is public and free.

For regional enquiries contact:

CCLAC Secretariat

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

Email: [email protected]