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Région du Comité FAO/OMS de coordination pour l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes (CCLAC) - Coordonnateur régional: Equateur

En 1976, un Comité de coordination pour l’Amérique latine, créé par la dixième session de la Commission du Codex Alimentarius en 1974, a organisé sa première réunion à Rome, rassemblant ainsi huit pays de la région. Lors de la troisième session du Comité, il a été proposé de modifier le nom du Comité pour qu’il prenne sa forme actuelle (Comité de coordination pour l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes), plus représentative de la région concernée. En 1984, la trente et unième session du Comité exécutif a approuvé cette modification au nom de la Commission.

La région d’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes est un acteur majeur de la production et du commerce alimentaires au niveau mondial. Elle produit assez de nourriture pour l’autosuffisance et pour l’export, et dispose d’assez d’eau et de terres pour produire encore plus de nourriture.

Cette région bénéficie d’une grande richesse naturelle, d’une industrie agroalimentaire florissante et d’une agriculture familiale essentielle pour sa population. La promotion et le renforcement de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments doivent se poursuivre dans toutes les régions afin d’assurer la santé des consommateurs ainsi qu’un commerce juste et équitable.

En tant que coordonnateur, l’Équateur opère au sein d’AGROCALIDAD, une agence rattachée au Ministère de l’agriculture et de l’élevage. Il vise à créer des synergies entre les différents pays de la région pour offrir un soutien mutuel, et ainsi surmonter les problèmes régionaux et étudier des solutions en réponse à des problématiques communes.

Le coordonnateur souhaite également renforcer la collaboration entre les pays, tout comme la participation des pays en développement au sein de la Commission et de ses comités subsidiaires.


Actualités de la région

From the field to the table on Costa Rica’s World Food Safety Day

The Ministry for the Economy, Industry and Commerce of Costa Rica (MEIC) has produced a video to mark World Food Safety Day this year, with the title “From field to table - the different actors in the production chain”. The video features six people talking about why food safety is important to them. Each person represents a different step in the food production chain. Milk producer, Ivannia Quesada says “quality and food safety is present throughout the entire agro-industrial chain, starting with [...]
08 June 2022

Chile’s food safety and quality agency to produce World Food Safety Day live event

The Agencia Chilena para la Inocuidad y Calidad Alimentaria (the Agency for the Safety and Quality of Food – ACHIPIA), in conjunction with the regional office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Chile, has organized a webinar under the theme of “Food safety and food heritage”. Guests include Paola Alvarez from Red Hortícola, Hilda Cartagena, Agricultural Producer from the Talagante National Beekeeping Network, Cecilia Pastén a goat cheese producer from the Coquímbo region and Patricia [...]
08 June 2022

Great efforts are needed to guarantee the safety of the food on our table

On Tuesday, 1 June a multiagency-webinar took place for World Food Safety Day in the Latin America and Caribbean region. The trilingual event explored ways of ensuring “safer food, better health” for all, and looked at some of the food safety challenges across theregion. The webinar was organized and hosted by the International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA) and co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Inter-American Institute [...]
07 June 2022

Cycle of World Food Safety Day conferences planned for Panama master’s course

Staff and students of the master’s course in chemical sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí in Panama have organized a ‘cycle of conferences’ for World Food Safety Day under the theme of “safer food, better health”. The aim is “to address issues of food safety and sovereignty, food safety and the SDGs, food safety and health research and industrial innovation and agribusiness”. The event will emphasize work done on food safety in the chemistry department of the Faculty of Natural [...]
07 June 2022

March for food safety to take place in Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

A march has been organized for World Food Safety Day at the Universidad Deltaica Territorial "Francisco Tamayo" in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The march will follow a pre-determined course around local streets, during which food safety awareness posters will be distributed. There will also be a ‘radio space’, provided by the Okey 104.9 FM station in the town of Tucupita, in order to generate awareness about issues related to food safety and invite the Delta Amacuro community to make efforts to [...]
07 June 2022

Guatemala to hold online conference for World Food Safety Day

The Government of Guatemala has organized an online conference to discuss “safer food, better health” on 7 June, World Food Safety Day. The event is co-organized by the International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA), the National Codex Committee in Guatemala and the Government of Guatemala’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, with the support of Gremial de Alimentos y Bebidas de Guatemala (GREMAB – theFood and Beverage Guild of Guatemala), the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala and the Ministry of [...]
07 June 2022

Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil will hold a webinar for World Food Safety Day 2022

The Federal University of São Paulo (Universidade Federal de São Paulo) “Risk and Resilience in food safety” research group (Grupo de Estudos em Risco e Resiliência em Segurança dos Alimentos, GERRSAL) is planning a webinar to celebrate World Food Safety Day under the theme of the year, “Safer food, better health”. The event, which will take place on 7 June, will see undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and food safety professionals in the audience. The line-up of speakers includes Elke Stedefeldt, Laís Mariano [...]
07 June 2022

World Food Safety Day event for Costa Rica’s Institute of Learning

Costa Rica’s National Learning Institute (INA) will hold a World Food Safety Day virtual event on 7 June with two guest speakers. Esteban Murillo Viera, from INA’s Food Industry hub, will speak on "The National Learning Institute and its commitment to food safety in Costa Rica" and then Viviana Ramos Rodriguez, Director of the National Center for Poison Control, will speak about “General food poisoning trends in Costa Rica, according to reports from the National Center for Poison Control". Date & time: [...]
07 June 2022

Cuban youth encouraged to use artistic expression in World Food Safety Day competition

The Matanzas territorial standardization offices in Cuba are holding a talent competition to engage young people for World Food Safety Day. Anyone from Matanzas between the ages of 10 and 17 is invited to consider the theme of “health with safety” and to submit photographs, drawings, posters, poetry or audio-visual products that promote actions for safe, healthy eating and good hygiene practices in the community. Judges will be looking for creativity, relevance to the theme of the contest, the message being put [...]
07 June 2022

World Food Safety Day symposium in Ecuador for manufacturing and export

Ecuadorian food consulting firm, Estrategia, is organizing a World Food Safety Day symposium entitled “Food symposium for manufacturing and export (Simposio Alimentario para la Fabricación y Exportación (SAFE)”. The full-day event on 7 June will include speakers presenting subjects such as Microbial tests for food safety controls HACCP in the food industry Innovation, design and management of new food microbiology products Safety in agricultural practices Requirements for the export of food Microplastics as emerging contaminants in food Integrated pest management versus safety Experimental design in the food area Illnesses transmitted [...]
07 June 2022

Message vidéo

Coordonnateur CCLAC

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Pour les questions régionales, contactez:

Secrétariat du CCLAC

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

Courriel: [email protected]