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Région du Comité FAO/OMS de coordination pour l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes (CCLAC) - Coordonnateur régional: Equateur

En 1976, un Comité de coordination pour l’Amérique latine, créé par la dixième session de la Commission du Codex Alimentarius en 1974, a organisé sa première réunion à Rome, rassemblant ainsi huit pays de la région. Lors de la troisième session du Comité, il a été proposé de modifier le nom du Comité pour qu’il prenne sa forme actuelle (Comité de coordination pour l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes), plus représentative de la région concernée. En 1984, la trente et unième session du Comité exécutif a approuvé cette modification au nom de la Commission.

La région d’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes est un acteur majeur de la production et du commerce alimentaires au niveau mondial. Elle produit assez de nourriture pour l’autosuffisance et pour l’export, et dispose d’assez d’eau et de terres pour produire encore plus de nourriture.

Cette région bénéficie d’une grande richesse naturelle, d’une industrie agroalimentaire florissante et d’une agriculture familiale essentielle pour sa population. La promotion et le renforcement de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments doivent se poursuivre dans toutes les régions afin d’assurer la santé des consommateurs ainsi qu’un commerce juste et équitable.

En tant que coordonnateur, l’Équateur opère au sein d’AGROCALIDAD, une agence rattachée au Ministère de l’agriculture et de l’élevage. Il vise à créer des synergies entre les différents pays de la région pour offrir un soutien mutuel, et ainsi surmonter les problèmes régionaux et étudier des solutions en réponse à des problématiques communes.

Le coordonnateur souhaite également renforcer la collaboration entre les pays, tout comme la participation des pays en développement au sein de la Commission et de ses comités subsidiaires.


Actualités de la région

Three events in Colombia to celebrate World Food Safety Day

The Government of Colombia is organizing three events over three days to mark World Food Safety Day. The events will cover some fundamental issues around the subject of food safety. On 9 June, Dr Margarita Corrales, a specialist in food safety for the Pan American Health Organization will speak on “Microbiological Risks of Foods - Focus on the Consumer.” A forum discussion has been arranged for the following day, where Carla Yojana Portillo Carrascal, an expert in animal production and the [...]
09 June 2021

The Codex office in Honduras is holding a World Food Safety Day competition and webinars

Honduras’ Codex office will hold four World Food Safety Day webinars and, in an effort to encourage promotion of food safety generally, is also running a competition for companies throughout Honduras. Companies are being asked to send in videos, photos and testimonies that show how company employees were inspired to join in on World Food Safety Day celebrations. Three key criteria will be used to choose the three winners: Creativity Staff inclusion Relevance to good food safety awareness The winners will be announced on 8 [...]
08 June 2021

Ministra de Economía de El Salvador: Se prevé la aplicación y difusión de mejores prácticas de producción

El Salvador se unió a la conmemoración del Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos a través de un conversatorio virtual donde se dieron cita representantes de instituciones públicas, la  industria de alimentos, organismos internacionales y universidades para hablar sobre el lema de este año: Alimentos seguros ahora, para un mañana saludable. El Organismo Salvadoreño de Reglamentación Técnica -OSARTEC-, como Punto de Contacto del Codex Alimentarius organizó la actividad que contó con la participación de más de 230 espectadores y [...]
07 June 2021

Senac University Center in Brazil will host two webinars on food safety management

Senac University Center is planning to hold two webinars to celebrate World Food Safety Day and highlight food safety management practices. The events, which will take place on June 7 and June 9, will be in Portuguese and invite the audience of students, researchers, and food safety professionals to participate. Moderated by Dr Laís Mariano Zanin, a nutritionist, the first event will focus on water and school feeding in the context of a dialogue on food safety and United Nations 2030 [...]
07 June 2021

Ecuador destaca la importancia de la inocuidad de los alimentos para un mañana saludable

La Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitario – AGROCALIDAD, como Autoridad Nacional Sanitaria, Fitosanitaria y de Inocuidad de los Alimentos en Ecuador, organizo el evento virtual denominado “Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos”, a fin de generar una conciencia clara en la población ecuatoriana sobre la importancia de la producción y consumo de alimentos inocuos. El evento protocolar conto con la intervención de las siguientes autoridades; Rommel Betancourt, Coordinador de Inocuidad de Alimentos de AGROCALIDAD, abrió  el evento [...]
07 June 2021

Chile plans three-pronged approach for World Food Safety Day

Chile’s agency for food safety and quality (ACHIPIA) is planning to celebrate World Food Safety Day 2021 with a creative approach aimed at: raising public awareness about food safety educating on disease prevention through food safety discussing collaborative approaches to food safety in all sectors promoting solutions and ways of improving food safety. The 2021 celebrations will be targeting three sections of the population in different ways and on three separate days. A ‘women’s’ webinar entitled “Mujeres e inocuidad alimentaria: muchos nueces, poco ruido” will [...]
07 June 2021

The Government of Panama will host a World Food Safety Day webinar to inspire action on food safety

The Government of Panama is planning to inspire action on food safety this World Food Safety Day, with a webinar titled “Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow.” The 7 June event will address issues related to good food handling and, with presentations from Costa Rica and Colombia, discussion will also explore international challenges in food safety, as well as national, regional and international policies in favour of safe and nutritious food. Dr Jessie Usaga from the National Center for Food Science [...]
07 June 2021

Ecuador webinar to host national and international experts

The Agency for the Regulation and Control of Phytosanitary and Animal Health (AGROCALIDAD) in Ecuador is running a competition and hosting a webinar for World Food Safety Day, under the themes of “food safety is everyone’s business” and “safe food now for a healthy tomorrow.” The event will have two parts to it, with Rommel Betancourt, AGROCALIDAD’s food safety coordinator opening the proceedings with a word about World Food Safety Day. Thereafter, Agustin Zimmermann, the representative for the Food and Agriculture Organization [...]
07 June 2021

Guatemala to host World Food Safety Day webinar

The Codex Guatemala office is inviting interested parties to attend a webinar for World Food Safety Day, which is organized under this year’s theme “Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow.” The free event will address two key subject areas: the relevance of laboratory analysis to keeping food safe in the Guatemalan food industry food safety is everyone’s business The webinar will take place on World Food Safety Day itself: 7 June. Register here: Date and time: 7 June, 08:00 (14:00 GMT)
07 June 2021

Costa Rica Ministry to host World Food Safety Day webinar

The Costa Rican Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Commerce will host a webinar for World Food Safety Day under this year’s theme "Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow." The 7 June event will include recognized national and international panelists who will contribute to two sessions: The role of intestinal microbiota in the advance towards safe and healthier foods The process of normalization and regulation of nanotechnology and nano materials as prevention of nanotoxicity The event will be opened by Victoria Hernández Mora, [...]
07 June 2021

Message vidéo

Coordonnateur CCLAC

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Pour les questions régionales, contactez:

Secrétariat du CCLAC

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

Courriel: [email protected]