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The CCLAC Region - Regional Coordinator Ecuador


In 1976 a Coordinating Committee for Latin America, established by the 10th Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1974, held its first meeting in Rome with eight countries from the region in attendance. At its third session a proposal was made to change the name of the committee to its current form (Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean) as this better reflected the membership of the region. In 1984 at its 31st session, the Executive Committee, acting on behalf of the Commission, agreed to this change.

The region of Latin America and the Caribbean is an important actor in the production and trade of food at a global level. The region produces enough food to supply itself and to export, with both water and land resources to produce even more.

The region has enormous natural wealth, a flourishing agricultural industry and a family farming sector that is essential for its population. The promotion and strengthening of food safety must be continued at the level of all regions to guarantee the health of consumers and fair and equitable trade.

The coordinator, Ecuador is based in AGROCALIDAD an agency attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. They aim to create synergies between countries in the region, to provide mutual support in order to overcome regional problems and examine solutions to common challenges.

The coordinator further aims to strengthen collaboration among countries and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the Commission and its subsidiary bodies.


News from the region

Two World Food Safety Day webinars to be held in the Dominican Republic – by popular demand!

A food industry consulting and training firm in the Dominican Republic, Suzaña & Lombert Professional Service SRL, will hold two webinars on food safety subjects to celebrate World Food Safety Day. The company chose an innovative way to decide on the topics for discussion in their events: they asked the public what they wanted to know about! The responses to a multisectoral survey revealed the topics people most wanted to learn about include food safety and small business, and Good Hygiene [...]
07 June 2021

Costa Rica invites you to the Webinar: Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow - 7 June

"Costa Rica invites you to the Webinar" Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow "" to be held on June 7 at 9:00 am (CST, UTC-6) in commemoration of "World Food Safety Day." Panel No. 1. "The role of the intestinal microbiota in the advance towards safe and healthier foods" and panel No. 2. "Process of standardization and regulation of nanotechnology and nano materials as prevention of nanotoxicity" Instructions to participate: You must register before the date of the activity To register use [...]
07 June 2021

Regional 2-day webinar for Latin America and the Caribbean hears how “feeding the planet is an opportunity for the whole region”

To open the week leading up to World Food Safety Day, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the International Regional Organisation for Animal and Plant Health (OIRSA) and the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC) organized a two-day webinar to discuss the impact of food contaminants, traceability systems and best agricultural practices on food safety. Attendance figures were high [...]
05 June 2021

“Let’s get involved!” - for World Food Safety Day, Caribbean nations are told they can do more on the international stage

- by Renata Clarke, Subregional Coordinator, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) The food in our supermarkets and our open markets come from numerous countries, and in the case of processed foods, each of the ingredients may themselves from come different countries. It is indeed, a global food web that keeps us fed. While we generally know very little about the people who produce, handle and process the food on the shelves of our supermarkets, for the most part, we [...]
05 June 2021

Costa Rica World Food Safety Day video highlights key food safety concerns

As part of their World Food Safety Day celebrations, the Codex Contact Point in Costa Rica has produced a video with comments from key actors in food safety issues. The video includes messages from Victoria Hernández, Costa Rica’s Minister for the Economy, Industry and Commerce, Oliver Cruz, Director of SENASA, Costa Rica’s National Animal Health Service, Oscar Acosta Director of the University of Costa Rica Centre of Science and Technology, CITA, Erick Ulate, President of Consumidores de Costa Rica and Andrea [...]
04 June 2021

Únase al primer chat Twitter para el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos en español!

La Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitario (Agrocalidad), la La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), la Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) y la Secretaria del Codex organizarán un chat en Twitter el 4 de junio para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Inocudiad de los Alimentos. Todos los que tengan una cuenta Twitter pueden unirse a la conversación, que será dirigida por @FAOWHOCodex en torno a los hashtags #WorldFoodSafetyDay [...]
04 June 2021

Jamaican authorities to hold a live discussion for World Food Safety Day

Earl Stewart Jr, Director of Planning and Research at the Jamaica Customs Agency will open a 2-hour online discussion on 2 June for World Food Safety Day, on the topic of ''What the Food Business Sector and Government Sector are doing to ensure our food is safe to eat.'' Two further topics will take apart the World Food Safety Day theme for this year: "The Present Actions of each Entity to ensure safe food now" and "Future Actions to ensure [...]
02 June 2021

Ecuador to host regional food safety webinars for World Food Safety Day

This year, the international and regional organizations FAO, PAHO, IICA, OIRSA, and the CCLAC have joined forces to celebrate World Food Safety Day in a 2-day webinar. The goal of the event is to bring together the different stakeholders involved in the food chain continuum so they can share their expertise and experiences. Topics to be addressed are ‘good practices in primary production’, ‘contaminants in food’, ‘experience with traceability systems’ and ‘food handling and foodborne illness’, with speakers from various countries [...]
01 June 2021

Celebrating World Food Safety Day in Jamaica

In Jamaica, this World Food Safety Day will be a food safety week of discussions, activities, media events and fact-checking exercises aimed at consumers, industry and decision-makers across the nation. The events started on Sunday 30 May and will continue until World Food Safety Day itself, Monday 7 June. The array of events has been organized and supported by the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jamaica’s Bureau of [...]
30 May 2021

Guatemala and El Salvador join forces to better engage in Codex work

On 18 March 2021, the Codex Contact Point in Guatemala presented an FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund project, that aims to strengthen Codex programmes, to national and technical committee members in Guatemala with the virtual participation of the Codex Contact Point of El Salvador. Guatemala and El Salvador have been members of the Codex Alimentarius since 1968 and 1975, respectively and both countries recognise the contribution of the Codex Alimentarius to the fulfilment of their national public health and trade objectives. Codex [...]
09 April 2021

Video Message

CCLAC Coordinator

All information on Codex is public and free.

For regional enquiries contact:

CCLAC Secretariat

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

Email: [email protected]