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1976 年,由第十届食品法典委员会于 1974 年设立的拉丁美洲协调委员会在罗马举行了第一次会议,该地区的八个国家出席了会议。在该委员会第三届会议上,有人提议将委员会的名称更改为目前的形式(拉丁美洲和加勒比地区协调委员会),因为这样可以更好地反映该地区的成员组成。代表食品法典委员会行事的执行委员会在 1984 年的第 31 届会议上同意了这一变更。



厄瓜多尔担任协调员,协调员设在附属于农业和畜牧业部的机构 AGROCALIDAD。协调员的目标是在该地区的各国之间建立协同作用,相互支持以解决地区性问题,并研究应对共同挑战的解决方案。




Authorities and experts discuss food safety in Dominican Republic

In collaboration with the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), the Ministry of Public Health of the Dominican Republic held a World Food Safety Day webinar on 7 June 2022. The webinar included talks on the “Importance of safety in health and the role of FAO” by Marisa Caipo, FAO Food Safety and Quality Officer, and on “Good practices for food safety in the INABIE School Feeding Program” by Luz Josefina Felipe García, Head of the Food Quality [...]
21 June 2022

In Peru, authorities organize a World Food Safety Day walk to raise awareness

The General Directorate of Environmental Health and Food Safety (DIGESA), of the Ministry of Health (MINSA), culminated its week of educational World Food Safety Day activities with a "Walk and informative fair to raise awareness about the importance of food safety", which began at the DIGESA facilities and ended at the Pedro Ruiz Gallo Park in the District of Lince in Lima, Peru. Various organizations involved in this important issue met at the DIGESA facilities to start the walk, in which, [...]
19 June 2022

School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and PANAFTOSA-VPH-PAHO/WHO launch an awareness campaign

The Escola Dom Cipriano Chagas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in collaboration with PANAFTOSA-VPH-PAHO/WHO launched an awareness campaign to mark the World Food Safety Day last 2nd of June. The School is part of the Favela Orgânica initiative that originated in the Babilônia and Chapéu Mangueira communities in Rio de Janeiro. This initiative aims at teaching children concepts for conscious consumption, healthy gastronomy, homemade composting and family farming. The celebration included lectures on food safety and the five keys for [...]
16 June 2022

A run for food safety in El Salvador

The Salvadoran Agency for Technical Regulation (OSARTEC), an institution that is part of the National Quality Council, responsible for coordinating the participation of El Salvador in the development of International Food Standards emanating from the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission, in celebration of the World Day of Food Safety, carried out a sports event, under the motto "Safe food, better health". This activity was carried out thanks to the support of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Trust Fund, the PAHO/WHO Representation in El [...]
16 June 2022

Run for food safety in El Salvador

Authorities in El Salvador are organizing a 5km run for World Food Safety Day, to “promote the importance of better health and how safe foods contribute to that goal”. The event will take place on 12 June in the capital San Salvador, starting at the Multiplaza shopping mall. The run is organized in collaboration with the Salvadorean Technical Regulation Organization (OSARTEC), the International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) office in El Salvador. Prizes will be [...]
12 June 2022

Government of Panama to discuss “safer food, better health” for World Food Safety Day

With the aim of drawing attention and inspiring actions to guarantee food safety and to benefit consumers around the world, the Government of Panama has organized a World Food Safety Day webinar. Discussion will focus on tools that promote food safety and adhere to Codex Alimentarius recommendations while facilitating access to national, regional and international markets. Keynote presentations will come from Spain, Chile and Panama, and will address issues related to food safety worldwide, providing the public with a broad overview of [...]
10 June 2022

Caribbean countries and organizations call for integration, legislation and collaboration on World Food Safety Day

The Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), the Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) co-organized a World Food Safety Day online event that took place on Monday 6 June. Representatives of each agency explained how their organization is involved in ensuring food safety across the subregion and a round table discussion then took place, with contributors from different sectors and different nations of the Caribbean. The event was [...]
09 June 2022

From the field to the table on Costa Rica’s World Food Safety Day

The Ministry for the Economy, Industry and Commerce of Costa Rica (MEIC) has produced a video to mark World Food Safety Day this year, with the title “From field to table - the different actors in the production chain”. The video features six people talking about why food safety is important to them. Each person represents a different step in the food production chain. Milk producer, Ivannia Quesada says “quality and food safety is present throughout the entire agro-industrial chain, starting with [...]
08 June 2022

Chile’s food safety and quality agency to produce World Food Safety Day live event

The Agencia Chilena para la Inocuidad y Calidad Alimentaria (the Agency for the Safety and Quality of Food – ACHIPIA), in conjunction with the regional office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Chile, has organized a webinar under the theme of “Food safety and food heritage”. Guests include Paola Alvarez from Red Hortícola, Hilda Cartagena, Agricultural Producer from the Talagante National Beekeeping Network, Cecilia Pastén a goat cheese producer from the Coquímbo region and Patricia [...]
08 June 2022

Great efforts are needed to guarantee the safety of the food on our table

On Tuesday, 1 June a multiagency-webinar took place for World Food Safety Day in the Latin America and Caribbean region. The trilingual event explored ways of ensuring “safer food, better health” for all, and looked at some of the food safety challenges across theregion. The webinar was organized and hosted by the International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA) and co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Inter-American Institute [...]
07 June 2022

Video Message




CCLAC Secretariat

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

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