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1976 年,由第十届食品法典委员会于 1974 年设立的拉丁美洲协调委员会在罗马举行了第一次会议,该地区的八个国家出席了会议。在该委员会第三届会议上,有人提议将委员会的名称更改为目前的形式(拉丁美洲和加勒比地区协调委员会),因为这样可以更好地反映该地区的成员组成。代表食品法典委员会行事的执行委员会在 1984 年的第 31 届会议上同意了这一变更。



厄瓜多尔担任协调员,协调员设在附属于农业和畜牧业部的机构 AGROCALIDAD。协调员的目标是在该地区的各国之间建立协同作用,相互支持以解决地区性问题,并研究应对共同挑战的解决方案。




Costa Rica Vice-President relays World Food Safety Day greetings in two videos

For the second World Food Safety Day, H.E. Epsy Campbell Barr, Vice-President of the Republic of Costa Rica, recorded two video messages, one in Spanish and another in English, to convey commemorative greetings to all. As the original sponsor of the resolution to establish a UN day dedicated to food safety, Costa Rica is committed to promoting the production, consumption and trade of safe food given its importance to health, well-being and livelihoods. In the video, the Vice-President calls on the international community to [...]
07 June 2020

In Ecuador, food safety is everyone's business

To celebrate World Food Safety Day and recognizing that "Food Safety, is everyone's business", this year Agrocalidad “Agencia de Regulaciòn y Controlo Fito y Zoosanitario” highlights the work of the people who help ensure the safety of our food, raising awareness and urging action by emphasizing what everyone can do to ensure food safety. Whether you grow, process, transport, store, distribute, sell, prepare, serve or consume food, you have a role to play in keeping it safe. In this context, Agrocalidad [...]
07 June 2020

Cuba supporting World Food Safety Day, 2020.

Cuba has confirmed a series of initiatives to celebrate World Food Safety Day On May 22, a conference was recorded, which was later uploaded to the new YouTube channel of the National Office for Standardization (ONN). Follow the official Facebook page of the National Standardization Office (ONN): All events can also be followed on Twitter Other events include: Conference: "Standardization in times of Covid 19: Food Safety", led by Dr.MV. Jorge Félix Medina Pérez, MSc. Secretary of the National Codex Alimentarius Committee and Secretary [...]
05 June 2020

The Red Internacional de Promotores de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) joins the celebration for World Food Safety Day

In a world where the food supply chain has become more complex, any adverse food safety incident can have a global negative impact, affecting public health, trade and the economy. We all have a role to play, from farm to fork, in ensuring that the food we eat is safe and does not harm our health. Safe food is essential to promote consumer health and end hunger, two of the 17 major Sustainable Development Goals. To remark that “Food Safety is everyone’s [...]
05 June 2020

Bolivia celebrates the second World Food Safety Day

Maintaining the safety of food along the food chain is an essential and all actors must contribute. Actors in the food chain must implement food safety management systems based on the principles of the hazard analysis and critical control points (the HACCP system) to manage food safety risks and prevent food contamination. This includes the application of good agricultural practices, good manufacturing practices, good hygiene practices, standard operating procedures for sanitation, good storage and transport practices, and fitness for work. All [...]
05 June 2020

FAO and WHO officers in the Caribbean to brief media on food safety in the context of COVID-19

The PAHO/WHO Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, United Kingdom Overseas Territories and French Departments and the FAO Subregional Office for the Caribbean, Barbados and Bridgetown are holding a virtual press briefing for World Food Safety Day on Friday 5 June 2020 at 12:00pm local time. The event will focus on “Food Safety in the context of COVID-19” and include: Opening Remarks – Moderator: Dr Karen Polson-Edwards, COVID-19 Incident Manager (PAHO/WHO) Remarks – Dr Yitades Gebre, PAHO/WHO Representative to Barbados and the [...]
05 June 2020

Chile to host three World Food Safety Day webinars

This year World Food Safety Day takes place in times of increasing complexity as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has placed unprecedented demands on all those in food safety and quality A series of 3 webinars will cover key issues and provide insight into how coronavirus has impacted on food safety, risk communication and the food industry.   Webinars (Spanish only) Webinar 1: Covid- 19 and food safety and quality in the world Webinar 2: Between acting and thinking: Risk Communication in [...]
05 June 2020

Colombia joins World Food Safety Day Celebrations

Colombia joins the celebration of the World Food Safety Day through a series of webinars, where issues related to food safety and animal health in the agri-food production and supply chain will be addressed. The requirements to ensure food safety, have become the government's main demand to guarantee the health of consumers, while representing the major technical barrier in agri-food exports and imports as well. The Covid-19 pandemic, constitutes the largest global challenge in recent history, therefore closer collaboration between health [...]
02 June 2020

FAO, OPS, OIRSA and Consumers International to hold webinar in Spanish on safe food in markets

“Welcome to the World Food Safety Day in the Americas”, reads the invitation to a webinar being co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (OIRSA) and Consumers International. This is a special year to celebrate and recognize the hard work of the people who work throughout the food value chain. This day is dedicated to farmers, transporters, retailers, buyers, sellers and consumers. Special thanks go [...]
29 May 2020

Guatemala to hold World Food Safety Day webinar

To celebrate World Food Safety Day, Guatemala has organized a webinar to raise awareness about the importance of good practices in food safety and its influence on national and international trade.   The event, organized for June 10, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Central American time), aims to bring together officials from the public sector and industry involved in the production and sale of food. It will be attended by representatives of the government and the National Codex Committee.   The President of the [...]
27 May 2020

Video Message




CCLAC Secretariat

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

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