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1976 年,由第十届食品法典委员会于 1974 年设立的拉丁美洲协调委员会在罗马举行了第一次会议,该地区的八个国家出席了会议。在该委员会第三届会议上,有人提议将委员会的名称更改为目前的形式(拉丁美洲和加勒比地区协调委员会),因为这样可以更好地反映该地区的成员组成。代表食品法典委员会行事的执行委员会在 1984 年的第 31 届会议上同意了这一变更。



厄瓜多尔担任协调员,协调员设在附属于农业和畜牧业部的机构 AGROCALIDAD。协调员的目标是在该地区的各国之间建立协同作用,相互支持以解决地区性问题,并研究应对共同挑战的解决方案。




Chile to host three World Food Safety Day webinars

This year World Food Safety Day takes place in times of increasing complexity as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has placed unprecedented demands on all those in food safety and quality A series of 3 webinars will cover key issues and provide insight into how coronavirus has impacted on food safety, risk communication and the food industry.   Webinars (Spanish only) Webinar 1: Covid- 19 and food safety and quality in the world Webinar 2: Between acting and thinking: Risk Communication in [...]
05 June 2020

Colombia joins World Food Safety Day Celebrations

Colombia joins the celebration of the World Food Safety Day through a series of webinars, where issues related to food safety and animal health in the agri-food production and supply chain will be addressed. The requirements to ensure food safety, have become the government's main demand to guarantee the health of consumers, while representing the major technical barrier in agri-food exports and imports as well. The Covid-19 pandemic, constitutes the largest global challenge in recent history, therefore closer collaboration between health [...]
02 June 2020

FAO, OPS, OIRSA and Consumers International to hold webinar in Spanish on safe food in markets

“Welcome to the World Food Safety Day in the Americas”, reads the invitation to a webinar being co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (OIRSA) and Consumers International. This is a special year to celebrate and recognize the hard work of the people who work throughout the food value chain. This day is dedicated to farmers, transporters, retailers, buyers, sellers and consumers. Special thanks go [...]
29 May 2020

Guatemala to hold World Food Safety Day webinar

To celebrate World Food Safety Day, Guatemala has organized a webinar to raise awareness about the importance of good practices in food safety and its influence on national and international trade.   The event, organized for June 10, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Central American time), aims to bring together officials from the public sector and industry involved in the production and sale of food. It will be attended by representatives of the government and the National Codex Committee.   The President of the [...]
27 May 2020

Costa Rica / Live webinar "Sustainable production and food safety"

This year, to mark the second celebration of World Food Safety Day (June 7, 2020), we all have the opportunity to recognize the people who help keep our food safe. The objective of this celebration is to raise awareness and urge action by all stakeholders to ensure food safety. Everyone in the production chain has an important role to play in keeping food safe.   Take part in the celebration! Live webinar. "Sustainable production and its relationship with food safety".   8 June 2020, 08:30 [...]
26 May 2020

Latin America and Caribbean region pioneers new ways of working in Codex

In October 2019 the 21st FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Latin America and the Caribbean region (CCLAC) was interrupted after only two half days of discussions as demonstrations in Santiago, Chile forced the hosts to suspend the session. The region agreed to continue working electronically to complete the agenda and this work has culminated in an online session for report adoption that took place on 11 May 2020 with over 50 participants from 20 countries. Welcoming delegates to the online adoption, [...]
11 May 2020

Pesticide residues / Training in Chile strengthening expertise in the region

Pesticides are potentially toxic to humans and especially for those who work or come into close contact with them. Yet pesticides also play a key role in food production; protecting or increasing yields and the number of times per year a crop can be grown on the same land. This is particularly important in countries that face food shortages. FAO and WHO are responsible for assessing the risks to humans of pesticides – both through direct exposure, and through residues in [...]
21 February 2020

Webinar with Jamaica’s ‘brilliant minds’ reveals importance of speaking Codex language

Understanding Codex for a member country or observer organization also means being able to use the online systems that manage the standard setting process. If you are unable to take part in electronic working groups or post your national position via comments online then your voice will not be heard, and you will not learn the views of others. The Codex Secretariat has held training sessions in different regions and regularly showcases Codex online tools at the Commission and during [...]
08 November 2019

Codex family comes together despite tension in Santiago

The Codex Twitter account @FAOWHOCodex commonly uses the hashtag #CodexFamily♥ but this light-hearted symbol of friendship and unity took on a new meaning last week as disruptions in Santiago forced the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC) to end early after only two half days of deliberation. Codex, where the world comes together and looks after each other. With uncertainty surrounding personal safety and a curfew imposed each day in the city, the Chilean secretariat worked tirelessly to [...]
28 October 2019

Science and communication: the keys to addressing food safety challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean

Delegates from 16 member countries are gathered in Santiago, Chile 22 to 25 October, 2019 for the 21st FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Latin America and the Caribbean region (CCLAC). Diego Varela, Chairperson of the committee and International Affairs Coordinator at the Chilean Agency for Food Safety and Quality (ACHIPIA), extended a warm welcome to those present recalling the importance of collaboration and communication within countries to address food safety and trade issues in the region. Based on science. Marisa Caipo, Food Safety [...]
23 October 2019

Video Message




CCLAC Secretariat

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

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