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1976 年,由第十届食品法典委员会于 1974 年设立的拉丁美洲协调委员会在罗马举行了第一次会议,该地区的八个国家出席了会议。在该委员会第三届会议上,有人提议将委员会的名称更改为目前的形式(拉丁美洲和加勒比地区协调委员会),因为这样可以更好地反映该地区的成员组成。代表食品法典委员会行事的执行委员会在 1984 年的第 31 届会议上同意了这一变更。



厄瓜多尔担任协调员,协调员设在附属于农业和畜牧业部的机构 AGROCALIDAD。协调员的目标是在该地区的各国之间建立协同作用,相互支持以解决地区性问题,并研究应对共同挑战的解决方案。




Codex Training Workshop

Chilean Agency for Food Safety and Quality ACHIPIA Thursday May 14, 2015 - Santiago, Chile The Codex training workshop was organized by the Secretariat of the National Committee of Codex, in response to a request that emerged in the National Codex Committee (NCC), based on the need to reaffirm the knowledge on the functioning of Codex, both for members of the CNC and for the coordinators of the the National Codex Subcommittees. Download details (Sp)
20 May 2015

World Health Day in Peru

The Codex Secretariat in Peru has put together a wonderful video from World Health Day on April 7th which exactly captures the spirit the work Standard setting and Codex does in contributing to #safefood. You will see some familiar Codex faces and many of those who work behind the scenes in Peru. Importantly, the video also captures stall holders and vendors at work - all part of the process of ensuring that food is in every home safely.
17 April 2015

Costa Rica & Belize: 2 is better than 1

Belize Internship in Costa Rica. Within the framework of twinning project of CCLAC and with the support of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), in November 2014, three officials visited Costa Rica from Belize for the purpose of perform an internship to receive a training on management and planning of Codex Alimentarius. This internship was aimed at: Strengthening the management capabilities of the contact point and the Belize National Codex Committee, through an exchange of experiences between Costa Rica and Belize. Identifying [...]
07 April 2015
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CCLAC Secretariat

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

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