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北美及西南太平洋协调委员会区域:区域协调员 斐濟

1989 年举行的食品法典委员会第 18 届会议同意成立一个新的北美和西南太平洋协调委员会,用新西兰代表团的话来说,就是将“相距遥远的国家......这些具有很多共同利益的国家”汇聚到一起。

CCNASWP 是一个极为多元化的地区,汇集了美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰等完全成熟的经济体和 10 个岛屿小国。在这些岛国中,最大的国家是巴布亚新几内亚(人口超过 700 万),最小的国家是库克群岛和瑙鲁,人口约 1 万。






World Food Safety Day/ Papua New Guinea Minister opens national event

In Papua New Guinea, World Food Safety Day was celebrated at a conference attended by FAO and WHO representatives, with an opening speech given on behalf of the Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Hon. John Boito, Coffee Minister, Livestock Minister and Oil Palm Minister. The Minister’s speech started with a background to Papua New Guinea’s membership of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and thanks to the Directors General of FAO and WHO for the “excellent work done by FAO, WHO and Codex [...]
05 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Australia Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry symposium

The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is organizing for World Food Safety Day a half-day hybrid event to be held in the nation’s capital, Canberra, and online on Tuesday 11 June 2024. The Department is the lead agency in Australia for Codex Alimentarius and sees World Food Safety Day as an opportunity to promote international food safety standard-setting among partner Codex agencies, industry and consumer organizations and food and beverage businesses. This year’s World Food Safety Day theme, [...]
11 June 2024

The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CNR) celebrates Codex at 60 with style

Staff of the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) joined the global celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), dressing up accordingly for the occasion. CRN, a stalwart supporter and regular attendee of CAC as well as of other Codex committees, raised a glass of orange juice – a perfect match with the outfits – in recognition of Codex work over the past six decades. wishing for many more years providing food standards, guidelines and codes of [...]
20 September 2023

Ngā mihi nui: Celebrating New Zealand at Codex – Past, Present and Future

In mid-June 2023, just weeks after marking World Food Safety Day, New Zealand celebrated 60 years of success in Codex at The Beehive, New Zealand Parliament. The anniversary festivities were attended by the Minister for Food Safety, Hon Rachel Brooking and the Minister of Agriculture, Hon Damien O’Connor.  Representatives from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) also attended, including Director-General Ray Smith, Deputy Director-General (DDG) Policy and Trade Julie Collins, acting DDG New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) Jenny Bishop, and other [...]
05 July 2023

Childhood diet and behavioural change the focus of World Food Safety Day events in Fiji

World Food Safety Day was celebrated in a high-level event in Suva, Fiji on 7 June. Officials from the government and international organizations gave speeches in the morning, which were followed by two competitions. The Chief Health Inspector of Fiji, Vimal Deo, opened proceedings, offering welcome remarks and an introduction to the day’s events. He then handed over to two chief guests, the Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Vatimi Rayalu, and the Minister for Health and Medical Services, Hon. Dr Ratu Atonio [...]
30 June 2023

American World Food Safety Day webinar to look at the economic and health implications of food safety

Agrilinks, an “online hub where agriculture, food security and development professionals connect” will celebrate World Food Safety Day in a webinar entitled Tiny Microbes with Big Business Impact: The Economic and Health Implications of Food Safety. According to the event organizers, globally, conflict and climate change threaten advances made to reduce hunger and support economic development. Without safe food, we are not able to properly address food security issues. Through biological and chemical contamination, tiny microbes can have big impacts on [...]
28 June 2023

Upcoming United States of America Government Global Nutrition Coordination Plan Webinar: Strategies, Standards, and Regulations to Increase Access to Safe and Nutritious Foods

The fifth annual World Food Safety Day on 7 June will focus on the ways “Food Standards Save Lives”— governments and the food industry use food safety strategies, standards, and regulations to guide food safety legislation and ensure best practices. Raising awareness of and promoting the adoption and enforcement of food safety standards requires government agencies to collaborate closely. Join this upcoming webinar, hosted on behalf of the United States of America Government Global Nutrition Coordination Plan Food Safety Subgroup, on [...]
07 June 2023

Food standards under the spotlight in Australian World Food Safety Day webinar

The Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST) will hold a World Food Safety Day webinar to discuss the importance of food regulation. AIFST CEO Fiona Fleming will host a panel of food scientists including: Todd Redwood, British Standards Institution group (BSI) Robin Sherlock – Safe Food Queensland Nick Fletcher – Food Standards Australia Andrew Mathieson –  Australian National University (ANU) Jasmine Lacis-Lee – Bureau Veritas AsureQuality (BVAQ) Duncan Craig – Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) Each panellist will be asked to give a 2-minute introduction [...]
07 June 2023

CCFICS / Key role in transition to sustainable agriculture says Minister

Murray Watt, Australian Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and Minister for Emergency Management, speaking via video message, welcomed delegates gathering in Hobart, Tasmania, and online, for the opening of the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS) taking place from 1-5 May 2023. Watt said that achieving sustainable productivity growth in agriculture was increasingly critical to meet global food security concerns arising from the world's growing population. It was also vital to deliver on international [...]
01 May 2023

CCFICS / Workshop underlines Codex role in prevention and control of food fraud

By Scott Mersch Codex Contact Point, Australia On 8 February 2023, the Chairperson of the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS), Nicola Hinder, Australia, and Michelle Catlin, United States of America, the Chairperson of the Electronic Working Group (EWG), along with EWG Co-Chairpersons, delivered a virtual workshop to discuss progress to date on drafting the guidance on the Prevention and Control of Food Fraud. The draft guidance will be considered at Step 4 by CCFICS26 [...]
10 February 2023
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Video Message




CCNASWP Secretariat

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Raiwaqa, Suva.

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