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Région du Comité FAO/OMS de coordination pour le Proche-Orient (CCNE) - Coordonnateur régional: Arabie Saoudite

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En 1999, la vingt-troisième session de la Commission du Codex Alimentarius a créé le Comité de coordination régional pour le Proche-Orient, qui regroupe les pays de la région Proche-Orient (pour la FAO) et de la région de la Méditerranée orientale (pour l’OMS). Le Comité a organisé sa première session au Caire (Égypte) en 2001.

À l’heure actuelle, le coordonnateur régional pour le Proche-Orient opère au sein du Bureau de l’Autorité saoudienne de surveillance des aliments et des médicaments à Riyad.

Le coordonnateur souhaite développer et renforcer les Points de contact du Codex et les Comités nationaux du Codex, mais aussi améliorer la communication et la coordination entre les Membres du CCNE, avec les autres régions et avec le Secrétariat du Codex.

Il a également pour objectif de développer les échanges d’expertise scientifique et technique entre pays plus ou moins expérimentés dans la région.

Le coordonnateur veut promouvoir les normes du Codex pour jeter les bases d’une législation et de réglementations nationales, mais aussi poursuivre les travaux d’élaboration et d’examen des normes du Codex tout en tenant compte des intérêts régionaux.


Actualités de la région

CCNE region to come together under the leadership of the new Regional Coordinator

On 7 April 2021 the Members of the CCNE region will come together virtually for an informal meeting under the direction of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, confirmed as the new Regional Coordinator at CAC43. The meeting aims to review the ongoing work of CCNE and strengthen communication and collaboration on Codex work across the region. Virtual meetings have become a valuable tool to maintaining contact with Codex members and observers during the ongoing pandemic and ensuring that the work of Codex [...]
31 March 2021

Bringing the Arab region closer together in Codex

Mariam Eid, Vice Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, addressed the 14th Dubai International Food Safety Conference - “Building Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems” - held online from 29 to 30 November 2020. In describing how countries in the Arab region can harness the opportunities provided by engaging with the Codex Alimentarius, she emphasized the importance for countries to establish their priorities in order to raise awareness of food safety. “Countries of the region must convince decision-makers of the importance of [...]
02 December 2020

Food safety is an issue of concern to all in Qatar

The Ministry of Public Health of Qatar organized a series of initiatives in celebration of World Food Safety Day that made news headlines in June 2020. During a webinar a draft Arab food safety policy was presented. The Arab Food Safety Team of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States had tasked Qatar with preparing the initial draft, which is ‘to provide the technical basis for joint coordination and standardization of procedures among the competent authorities in the [...]
08 July 2020

Food safety is everyone’s responsibility and everyone’s business in the Near East

Abdessalam Ould Ahmed, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for the Near East and North Africa, and Ahmed Al-Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, issued a joint statement on 7 June 2020 on the occasion of World Food Safety Day. The statement highlighted the crucial role of safe food in promoting health and ending hunger. "Without universal access to safe food, the 2030 Agenda will be impossible to achieve. Everyone has the right to safe, nutritious and sufficient [...]
26 June 2020

Health and Agriculture team up to celebrate WFSD in Lebanon

FAO, WHO and Ministry of Agriculture took the WFSD opportunity to express together appreciation to everyone who contributes to ensuring the safety of food, especially in light of the challenges the world is facing because of globalization and open markets, in addition to the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic. They celebrated the WFSD by undertaking a media campaign through the development of a brief on WFSD, a joint press release, an infographic with the five messages of the campaign and twitter [...]
19 June 2020

Tunisie / Journée Internationale de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments – 2020

La journée Internationale de la Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments est célébrée chaque année par l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) en coopération avec l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), dans le but de mieux sensibiliser sur la sécurité sanitaire des aliments dans le monde et de soutenir les efforts des autorités nationales dans ce domaine. La thématique de cette année est « La sécurité sanitaire des aliments, c’est l’affaire de tous ». Les autorités Tunisiennes œuvrent depuis longtemps pour développer [...]
07 June 2020

Saudi Arabia celebrates World Food Safety Day

In commemoration of World Food Safety Day (WFSD), the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) is participating in the celebration of the second WFSD through a series of events and activities under the theme “Food safety, everyone's business”. These activities include number of webinars over two days, awareness infographics, clips, and participation in some TV programs to enhance food safety awareness.  Webinars (Arabic Language)  Webinar 1: Assuring Food Safety, 7th June 2020 (10:00 – 10:30 KSA time) Webinar 2: Feed products safety, 7th June 2020 (11:00 – 11:30 KSA time) Webinar 3: Pesticide residues in food, 8th June 2020 [...]
07 June 2020

Food safety in the time of COVID-19 webinar - Sunday 7 June 2pm (GMT+3)

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology - Food Safety Webinar  Sunday, June 7, 2:00 – 3:00 P.M. (GMT +3) Participate Online   Chris Sealey, Vice President, Community Life invites you to join Community Life, in celebrating the World Food Safety Day on June 7. The action-oriented campaign theme is "Food safety, everyone's business" and aims to enhance global food safety awareness.  Food safety is a shared responsibility. This webinar is designed to share information and resources regarding food safety and COVID-19. The goal is to support informed actions in the community since everyone, from farm [...]
05 June 2020

Qatar to promote food safety in a two-week campaign

On the occasion of World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2020, the Ministry of Public Health of Qatar will organize a two-week virtual campaign under the theme “Food safety, everyone's business”  to promote awareness to consumers by disseminating brochures, banners and messages through social media, radio, press interviews and a press release. The campaign aims to encourage consumers to follow containment-related health measures while grocery shopping and to improve their knowledge about food hygiene and the risks associated with handling  food [...]
04 June 2020

WFSD video / in Kuwait, food safety is everyone’s business

To celebrate World Food Safety Day (WFSD) the Codex Contact Point of Kuwait based in the Public Authority for Food and Nutrition (PAFN) has developed a video. In line with the 2020 WFSD theme of Food safety, everyone’s business the short film brings together the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Health, the Public Authority of Agricultural affairs and fisheries, PAFN itself - which is responsible for developing the national food safety policy, food laboratories, farmers, food business [...]
24 May 2020
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Video Message

Coordonnateur CCNE

Toutes les informations relatives au Codex sont publiques et gratuites.

Pour les questions régionales, contactez:

Secrétariat du CCNE

Saudi Food & Drug Authority
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tél: +966 11 2038222 Ext:3347

Courriel: [email protected]