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لجنة الدستور الغذائي المعنية بنظافة الأغذية (CCFH)

الرمز المرجعي للوثيقة:CX/FH
الاختصاصات:(أ) وضع مشروعات أحكام أساسية تطبق على جميع أنواع الأغذية بشأن نظافة الأغذية؛
(ب) دراسة الأحكام ذات الصلة بالنظافة التي تعدها اللجان المعنية بالسلع لدى هيئة الدستور الغذائي، والواردة ضمن مواصفات السلع التي وضعتها الهيئة وتعديلها عند الضرورة، وإقرارها؛
(ج) دراسة الأحكام ذات الصلة بالنظافة التي تعدها اللجان المعنية بالسلع لدى هيئة الدستور الغذائي والواردة في مدونات السلوك التي تضعها الهيئة وتعديلها عند الضرورة، وإقرارها ما لم تقرر الهيئة في حالات معينة عكس ذلك، أو
(د) صياغة أحكام تتعلــق بالنظافـــة بحيث تطبــق على أغذية معينة أو مجموعة من الأغذية سواء أكانت من اختصاص لجنة السلع لدى الهيئة أم لا؛
(هـ) دراسة مشكلات معينة تتعلق بالنظافة تحيلها الهيئة إليها؛
(و) اقتراح وتحديد مجالات الأولوية حيثما تكون هناك حاجة إلى تقدير المخاطر الميكروبيولوجية على المستوى الدولي وتحديد القضايا التي يتولاها القائمون بتقدير المخاطر؛
(ز) النظر في المسائل المتصلة بإدارة المخاطر الميكروبيولوجية وعلاقتها بنظافة الأغذية، بما في ذلك معالجة الأغذية بالإشعاع، وكذلك علاقتها بتقييم المخاطر من جانب منظمة الأغذية والزراعة ومنظمة الصحة العالمية. * يشتمل مصطلح "النظافة" حيثما كان ضروريا – المواصفات الميكروبولوجية للأغذية والمنهجية ذات الصلة.
الحكومة المضيفة:الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

Related Circular Letters

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CL 2010/12-FH04/10Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards30/07/2010
CL 2010/57-FH11/10Distribution of the report of the Forty-second Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (REP11/FH) -MATTERS FOR ADOPTION BY THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION -REQUEST FOR COMMENTS30/03/2011
CL 2011/01-FH01/11Request for Data on the Identification and Control of Microbiological Hazards Associated with Melons30/04/2011
CL 2011/11-FH04/11Request for Proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards 14/09/2011
CL 2012/01-FH12/11Request for comments and Proposals on the Hygiene Provisions in the Draft Regional Code of Practice for Street-Vended Foods (Near East)29/06/2012
CL 2012/12-FH05/12Request for proposal for new work and/or revision of existing standards06/09/2012
CL 2013/11-FH04/13Request for Proposals for new Work and/or Revision of Existing Standards31/08/2013
CL 2014/22-FH06/14Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards31/08/2014
CL 2014/26-FH05/14Request for Comments at Step 6 on the draft Guidelines for the Control of Trichinella spp. in Meat of Suidae09/10/2014
CL 2015/17-FH06/15Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards01/09/2015
CL 2015/31-FH11/15Distribution of the report of the Forty-seventh Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (REP16/FH)31/05/2016
CL 2016/18-FH05/16Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards01/09/2016
CL 2016/49/OCS-FH11/16Request for Comments at Step 5/8 on the Proposed Draft Revision of the Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CAC/RCP 53-2003)15/06/2017
CL 2017/68-FH06/17Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards01/09/2017
CL 2017/69-FH07/17Request for comments on Proposed draft revision of the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969) and its HACCP Annex at Step 330/09/2017
CL 2017/70/OCS-FH07/17Request for comments on Proposed draft Guidance for histamine control in the Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products (CAC/RCP 52-2003) at Step 330/09/2017
CL 2017/87/OCS-FH12/17Request for comments at Step 5/8 on the proposed draft revision of the Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products (CXC 52-2003): guidance for histamine control31/05/2018
CL 2018/35-FH05/18Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards01/09/2018
CL 2018/69/OCS-FH08/18Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft revision of the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CXC 1-1969) and its HACCP annex15/10/2018
CL 2018/71/OCS-FH08/18Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Code of Practice on Food Allergen Management for Food Business Operators15/10/2018
CL 2018/72/OCS-FH08/18Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Guidance for the Management of (micro)Biological Foodborne Crises/Outbreaks15/10/2018
CL 2018/70/OCS-FH09/18Request for comments at Step 3 on the revision to the Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products (CXC 52-2003) and the revisions of the section on sampling, examination and analysis related to histamine safety15/10/2018
CL 2018/92/OCS-FH12/18Request for comments at Step 8 on the alignment of the Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products with the histamine control guidance31/05/2019
CL 2018/93/OCS-FH12/18Request for comments at Step 5 on the proposed draft Code of Practice on Food Allergen Management for Food Business Operators31/05/2019
CL 2019/50-FH05/19Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards01/09/2019
CL 2019/69-FH07/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Code of practice on food allergen management for food business operators20/09/2019
CL 2019/70/OCS-FH08/19Request for Comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft revision of the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CXC 1-1969) and its HACCP Annex18/10/2019
CL 2019/71/OCS-FH08/19Request for Comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Guidance on the management of biological foodborne outbreaks18/10/2019
CL 2019/72/OCS-FH09/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Guidelines for the control of shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) in beef meet, leafy greens, raw milk and cheese produced from raw milk, and sprouts18/10/2019
CL 2019/110/OCS-FH12/19Request for comments at Step 8 on the Draft Code of Practice on Food Allergen Management for Food Business Operators30/04/2020
CL 2019/111/OCS-FH12/19Request for comments at Step 5/8 on the Proposed draft revision of the General Principles of Food Hygiene30/04/2020
CL 2019/112/OCS-FH12/19Request for comments at Step 5 on the Proposed Draft Guidance for the Management of Biological Foodborne Outbreaks30/04/2020
CL 2020/32-FH04/20Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing Standards31/05/2021
CL 2020/55-FH10/20Request for comments on the decision tree and on methods of analysis for irradiated foods30/11/2020
CL 2021/04/OCS-FH02/21Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Guidance for the Management of Biological Foodborne Outbreaks30/06/2021
CL 2021/35/OCS-FH04/21Request for comments on the Guidelines for the control of STEC in raw beef, fresh leafy vegetables, raw milk and raw milk cheeses, and sprouts16/06/2021
CL 2021/64/OCS-FH10/21Request for comments at Step 3 on proposed draft guidelines for the safe use and re-use of water in food production15/01/2022
CL 2021/72/OCS-FH10/21Request for comments on the draft guidance for the management of biological foodborne outbreaks08/01/2022
CL 2021/62/OCS-FH10/21Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft decision tree (revision of the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CXC 1-1969)15/01/2022
CL 2021/63-FH12/21Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft Guidelines for the control of STEC in raw beef, fresh leafy vegetables, raw milk and raw milk cheeses, and sprouts21/01/2022
CL 2022/31-FH04/22Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards 01/09/2022
CL 2022/32/OCS-FH05/22Request for comments at Step 8 on the Draft Guidelines for the Management of Biological Foodborne Outbreaks 31/07/2022
CL 2022/33/OCS-FH05/22Request for comments at Step 5/8 on the proposed draft revision to the General Principles of Food Hygiene31/07/2022
CL 2022/50/OCS-FH09/22Request for comments on the discussion paper on revision of the Guidelines on the Application of General principles Of Food Hygiene to the Control of Viruses in Food (CXG 79-2012)31/10/2022
CL 2022/49/OCS-FH09/22Request for comments on the discussion paper on revision of the Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control of Pathogenic Vibrio Species in Seafood (CXG 73-2010)31/10/2022
CL 2022/56/OCS-FH10/22Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft guidelines for the control of STEC in raw beef, fresh leafy vegetables, raw milk and raw milk cheeses, and sprouts09/11/2022
CL 2022/48/OCS-FH10/22Request for comments at Step 3 on proposed draft guidelines for the safe use and re-use of water in food production09/11/2022
CL 2023/28/OCS-FH0/Request for comments on the Draft Guidelines for the Control of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in Raw Beef, Fresh Leafy Vegetables, Raw Milk and Raw Milk Cheeses, and Sprouts (General Section, Annex I on raw beef and Annex III on raw milk and raw milk cheeses) proposed for adoption at Step 5/803/09/2023
CL 2023/29/OCS-FH0/Request for comments on the Draft Guidelines for the Safe Use and Reuse of Water in Food Production and Processing (General Section and Annex I on Fresh Produce) proposed for adoption at Step 5/803/09/2023
CL 2023/30-FH0/Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards 01/11/2023
CL 2024/01-FH01/24Request for comments at Step 3 on Annex II on Fish and Fishery Products, Annex III on the Production of Milk and Milk Products and the proposed Annex IV on Technologies for recovery and treatment of water for reuse for inclusion in the Guidelines for the Safe Use and Re-use of Water in Food Production (CXG 100-2023) 11/02/2024
CL 2024/09-FH01/24Request for comments at Step 3 on proposed draft revision on the Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control of Pathogenic Vibrio Species in Seafood (CXG 73-2010)15/02/2024
CL 2024/11-FH01/24Request for comments at Step 3 on proposed draft guidelines for food hygiene control measures in traditional markets for food17/02/2024
CL 2024/12-FH01/24Request for comments on the proposal for alignment of the Codex texts developed by CCFH with the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CXC 1-1969)17/02/2024
CL 2024/21-FH01/24Request for comments at Step 3 on proposed draft Annex II on fresh leafy vegetables of the Guidelines for the control of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in raw beef, fresh leafy vegetables, raw milk and raw milk cheeses, and sprouts (CXG 99-2023) 26/02/2024
CL 2024/22-FH01/24Request for comments at Step 3 on proposed draft Annex IV on Sprouts of the Guidelines for the control of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in raw beef, fresh leafy vegetables, raw milk and raw milk cheeses, and sprouts (CXG 99-2023)26/02/2024
CL 2024/64-FH06/24Request for proposals for new work and/or revision of existing standards01/09/2025