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Comité du Codex sur les fruits et légumes frais (CCFFV)

Numéro d'identification FAO/OMS:CX-731
Cote du document:CX/FFV
Mandat:(a) élaborer les normes et codes d'usages internationaux qu'il jugera appropriés pour les fruits et légumes frais;
(b) Se concerter, au besoin, avec d'autres organismes internationaux durant le processus d'élaboration des normes afin d'éviter tout chevauchement d'activités.

NOTE: Établi par la Commission à sa dix-septième session (1987) en tant que Comité du Codex sur les fruits et légumes frais tropicaux. Le nom et mandat de ce comité ont été amendés par la Commission, à sa vingt et unième session (1995).
Gouvernement responsable:Mexique

Lettres circulaires apparentées

Code Publié Titre Date limite EN FR ES AR ZH RU
CL 2010/35-FFV08/10Request for comments on the need for an International Standard for Fresh Fungus .CHANTERELLE.30/12/2010
CL 2011/12-FFV04/11Distribution of the Report of the 16th Session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (REP11/FFV). Part B - Request for comments and information 30/03/2012
CL 2011/18-FFV08/11Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Codex Standard for Pomegranate28/02/2012
CL 2012/16-FFV05/12 Request for comments and information on provisions concerning quality tolerances: allowances of tolerances for decay and/or internal breakdown (draft Codex Standard for Avocado) (REP11/FFV30/07/2012
CL 2013/20-FFV07/13Request for Comments at Step 6 on the Draft Codex Standard for Golden Passion Fruit14/10/2013
CL 2013/21-FFV07/13Request for Comments on New Work on Ware Potatoes14/11/2013
CL 2015/29-FFV11/15Distribution of the Report of the 19th Session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (REP16/FFV)31/01/2016
CL 2016/29-FFV07/16Request for Comments at Step 6 on the draft Standards for Garlic and Kiwifruit 30/09/2016
CL 2016/30/OCS-FFV07/16Request for Comments at Step 6 on the draft Standard for Aubergines31/08/2017
CL 2017/14/OCS-FFV06/17Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Standard for Kiwifruit31/08/2017
CL 2017/15/OCS-FFV07/17Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Ware Potatoes31/08/2017
CL 2017/16/OCS-FFV07/17Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Fresh Dates31/08/2017
CL 2017/17/OCS-FFV07/17Request for comments on Proposed layout for Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables (Outstanding issues)31/08/2017
CL 2017/13/OCS-FFV07/17Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Standard for garlic31/08/2017
CL 2017/90/OCS-FFV12/17Request for comments at Step 8 on the draft standard for aubergines31/05/2018
CL 2017/91/OCS-FFV12/17Request for comments at step 5 on the proposed draft standard for ware potatoes31/05/2018
CL 2019/62/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Standard for Garlic30/09/2019
CL 2019/63/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft Standard for Ware Potatoes30/09/2019
CL 2019/64/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Fresh Dates30/09/2019
CL 2019/65/OCS-FFV06/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Yam30/09/2019
CL 2019/66/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Onions and Shallots30/09/2019
CL 2019/67/OCS-FFV07/19Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for Berry fruits30/09/2019
CL 2019/106/OCS-FFV11/19Request for comments at Step 8 on the draft standard for kiwifruit30/04/2020
CL 2019/107/OCS-FFV11/19Request for comments at Step 8 on the draft standard for garlic30/04/2020
CL 2019/108/OCS-FFV11/19Request for comments at Step 8 on the draft standard for ware potatoes30/04/2020
CL 2019/109/OCS-FFV11/19Request for comments at Step 5/8 on the proposed draft standard for yam30/04/2020
CL 2021/79-FFV11/21Request for proposals on new work for the Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables31/12/2021
CL 2021/84/OCS-FFV12/21Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft standard for onions and shallots 05/03/2022
CL 2021/85/OCS-FFV01/22Request for comments at Step 3 on the proposed draft standard for berry fruits05/03/2022
CL 2021/86/OCS-FFV01/22Request for comments at Step 3 on the Proposed draft Standard for fresh dates 05/03/2022
CL 2022/11/OCS-FFV03/22Request for comments on definition of terms for application in the layout for Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables15/04/2022
CL 2022/40/OCS-FFV06/22Request for comments on the proposed draft standard for onions and shallots31/07/2022
CL 2022/41/OCS-FFV06/22Request for comments at Step 5/8 on the proposed draft standard for berry fruits31/07/2022
CL 2022/42/OCS-FFV06/22Request for comments at Step 5/8 on the proposed draft standard for fresh dates31/07/2022
CL 2022/43/OCS-FFV06/22Request for comments on the proposed amendment to the Standard for Bananas (CXS 205-1997)31/07/2022
CL 2023/84/OCS-FFV10/23Request for comments at Step 6 on the draft standard for fresh dates31/03/2024
CL 2024/75-FFV07/24Request for proposals on new work for the Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables01/11/2024