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食品标签法典委员会 (CCFL)

职责范围:(a) 起草适用于所有食品的标签规定;
(b) 审议、修正(必要时)并认可法典委员会起草的标准、操作规范和准则中对标签的规定草案;
(c) 研究食典委指定的具体标签问题;
(d) 研究有关食品广告的问题,特别是涉及索赔和误导说明的食品广告问题。
状态: 活动


Title (click for details) Committee Lang Host CO-host Reg. deadline Closing date Status Links
Food labelling in food formats joint presentation and in multiple packages CCFL 47 Colombia Jamaica 20/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Guidelines on the use of technology to provide information on food CCFL 47 English Canada IND,NZL 01/09/2023 15/04/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Application of Food Labelling Provisions in Emergencies CCFL 47 English United States of America 01/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
CCFL Sustainability claims CCFL 47 English, Spanish New Zealand CRI,EUR,USA 01/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Food Allergen Labelling CCFL 47 English Australia GBR,USA 18/08/2023 31/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Guidelines on the Provision of Food Information for Prepackaged Foods offered via E-commerce CCFL 47 English, Spanish United Kingdom CHL,CHN,IND,JPN 31/07/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Innovation‐ Use of Technology in Food Labelling CCFL 46 English Canada 10/01/2022 21/03/2022 Closed Invitation Forum
Proposed draft guidance on the sale of food through the means of e‐commerce CCFL 46 English, Spanish United Kingdom CHL,GHA,IND,JPN 31/12/2021 Closed Invitation Forum
Allergen Labelling CCFL 46 English Australia GBR,USA 13/12/2021 Closed Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Guidance on Internet Sales/E-Commerce CCFL 45 English, Spanish United Kingdom CHL,GHA,IND,JPN 15/09/2019 15/06/2020 Closed Invitation Forum
CCFL Allergen Labelling CCFL 45 English Australia GBR,USA 31/08/2019 Closed Invitation Forum
Development of Guidelines on the Use of Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling CCFL 45 English, Spanish Costa Rica New Zealand 29/07/2019 15/06/2020 Closed Invitation Forum
Development of Proposed Draft Guidance on the Labelling of non-retail containers of foods CCFL 44 English, Spanish India CRI,USA 28/02/2018 31/05/2018 Closed Invitation Forum
Guidelines on Front of pack nutrition labelling (FOPL) systems CCFL 44 English, Spanish Costa Rica New Zealand 22/12/2017 Closed Invitation Forum