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FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CCLAC)

Terms of Reference:(a) defines the problems and needs of the region concerning food standards and food control;
(b) promotes within the Committee contacts for the mutual exchange of information on proposed regulatory initiatives and problems arising from food control and stimulates the strengthening of food control infrastructures;
(c) recommends to the Commission the development of world wide standards for products of interest to the region, including products considered by the Committee to have an international market potential in the future;
(d) develops regional standards for food products moving exclusively or almost exclusively in intra regional trade;
(e) draws the attention of the Commission to any aspects of the Commission's work of particular significance to the region;
(f) promotes coordination of all regional food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations within the region;
(g) exercises a general coordinating role for the region and such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Commission; and,
(h) promotes the acceptance of Codex standards and maximum limits for residues by member countries.

Related Standards

Reference Title Committee Last modified
CXC 43R-1995Regional Code of Hygienic Practice for the Preparation and Sale of Street Foods (Latin America and the Caribbean)CCLAC2001
CXS 304R-2011Regional Standard for Culantro Coyote (Latin America and the Caribbean)CCLAC2023
CXS 305R-2011Regional Standard for Lucuma (Latin America and the Caribbean)CCLAC2023
CXS 324R-2017Regional Standard for Yacon (Latin America and the Caribbean)CCLAC2023