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WAAW 2023 / Global action to tackle the problem of AMR

World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) 2023, 18 - 24 November, a global initiative to raise awareness and encourage action to tackle the emergence and spread of drug-resistant pathogens, is starting today.  Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a threat to humans, animals, plants, and the environment, and it affects everyone. The theme for WAAW 2023, maintained from 2022 is: "Preventing antimicrobial resistance together". The theme emphasizes the need for a One Health approach involving multiple sectors to preserve the efficacy of antimicrobials. Addressing AMR requires collective efforts [...]
18 November 2023

Mauritius organizes workshop on “Achieving leadership in the Codex process”

In 2020, Mauritius had a Codex Trust Fund application approved for a project that is geared towards building a stronger and more sustainable national Codex structure, with the ultimate aim of increasing the country’s participation in the work of Codex. As part of this project, a workshop was organized 21–25 August 2023 on “Achieving leadership in the Codex process,” which was organized by Codex Mauritius, Ministry of Agroindustry, in close collaboration with the WHO country office. The workshop was conducted by [...]
17 November 2023

Codex@60 / It’s not too late to celebrate!

Throughout this year, Codex Members and Observers have celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which held its first meeting in June 1963. Here’s a taster of what’s been happening around the world. At the very start of the year, the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific met in Fiji and a celebration cake was enjoyed by delegates including Fiji’s Minister for Agriculture and Waterways, the Honourable Vatimi T. T. K Rayalu and the Codex [...]
14 November 2023

ACT in the Plurinational State of Bolivia / Agreement to establish a sectoral AMR committee

The representatives from the Plurinational State of Bolivia discussed the next steps in addressing foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR), as part of the “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR texts (ACT)” project. Thirty-five people from different government departments, associations, the private sector and academia met on 23-25 October 2023 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. “This workshop allowed us to reach commitments among different stakeholders. The participants agreed to establish a sectoral committee for AMR, a laboratory network for AMR in animal health, [...]
14 November 2023

CAC46 / Information event prepares delegates for the 46th Session of the Commission

A live event held online for Codex Members and Observers on 13 November 2023 provided information on agenda, arrangements, and logistics for the 46th Codex Alimentarius Commission, scheduled at FAO HQ, Rome, from 27 November to 2 December. In opening remarks, the Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Steve Wearne, United Kingdom, said that “with good preparation, and adherence to our core values of inclusivity, collaboration, transparency and consensus-building, I am sure we will have a productive and efficient meeting”. The [...]
13 November 2023

Live information event on CAC46 – Monday, 13 November 13:00-14:30 CET

A live event will take place for all Codex Members and Observers on Monday, 13 November 2023 from 13:00 to 14:30 CET via Zoom. With interpretation in six languages, all those wishing to learn more about the agenda, arrangements and logistics for the 46th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC46) will be able to hear directly from the Chairperson and the Vice-chairpersons of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the Codex Secretariat. Learn more Register here  Download the programme for the Zoom meeting (English [...]
13 November 2023

India Celebrates 60 years of Codex

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry jointly hosted an event in New Delhi on 27 October 2023 to celebrate the achievements of Codex over the last 60 years and the role it has played in the development of international standards. The event also provided an occasion to trace India’s own journey in Codex from early years to the current time as the host government for the Codex Committee [...]
12 November 2023

Marking the 60th anniversary of Codex in Georgia

Georgia participated in the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Codex Alimentarius Commission by organizing an event held on 3 November 2023 in Tbilisi. The event commenced with an opening address by the head of the LEPL National Food Agency, who emphasized the significance of Codex standards and the agency’s activities in the country. Welcoming speeches were delivered by representatives from FAO, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (NCDC) One Health contact [...]
11 November 2023

The 7th Shenzhen Food Safety Forum 2023 Celebrates the Codex 60th Anniversary

The 7th Shenzhen Food Safety Forum 2023 held on 8 and 9 November 2023 in Shenzhen, China, commemorated the 60th Anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). This high-level forum was hosted by the Shenzhen Food and Drug Safety Commission Office with full support provided by the Commission’s Director-General Cai Yingquan and the Shenzhen Administration for Market Regulation. The event was organized by the Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology. In his opening address, Mr Chan Yaodong, Deputy Secretary-General, Shenzhen Municipal People’s [...]
10 November 2023

Codex and IDF discuss the survey on the implementation of the General Standard on the Use of Dairy Terms

The Codex General Standard on the Use of Dairy Terms (GSUDT) (CXS 206-1999) took center stage at the Codex-IDF co-hosted webinar, which provided a platform for engaging discussions and insights on the use and implementation of this standard. Raj Rajasekar, Vice-chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, opened the event stating that “The GSUDT is an important text providing key principles and guidelines based on the product identity, integrity, truth in labelling and also fair trade”. Melissa Cameron, Chairperson of the IDF [...]
09 November 2023