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Codex survey / Results show 80 percent satisfaction in use and impact of Codex texts

The first survey on the use and impact of Codex texts, launched on 20 September 2022, reports that the large majority of Codex Members, more than 80 percent, are satisfied with these international food texts. Steve Wearne, Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, welcomed the publication and commented that “Monitoring the use and impact of Codex texts provides key information on how Codex is assisting Members in protecting consumer health and facilitating fair trade practices”. He also underlined that “by adhering to [...]
03 October 2023

CCGP33 underway / Updating Codex procedures to meet the need of Members

The Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP) started its 33rd session in Bordeaux, France, discussing the latest modifications to the Codex Procedural Manual to meet the needs of the Members. The meeting was opened by Marc Fesneau, French Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, who emphasized “that to this end, it is essential that the scientific methodology used for risk assessment is constantly updated, considering innovations in risk assessment, so that Codex Alimentarius continues to be the internationally recognized authority [...]
02 October 2023

CCGP33 / participation and transparency keys to success

Jean-Luc Angot, General Inspector of Veterinary Public Health at the French Ministry for Agriculture and Food, will guide the work of the committee that deals with all procedural and general matters, for the third time this year. He will preside over the next session in October 2023 where CCGP will discuss several items, from the Procedural Manual to the rules of procedure on sessions of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Just before the meeting met, the Codex Secretariat sat down with Jean-Luc for [...]
01 October 2023

ACT project in Cambodia / Seeking solutions to reduce the use of antimicrobials for growth promotion in poultry farms

Cambodia brought farmers, veterinarians, abattoir workers, agro-chemical and fertilizer vendors, government officials, and other experts together to discuss how to reduce antimicrobial growth promotion use in poultry farms. Convened as a co-creation workshop, the event took place in Tramkak, Takeo province, on 7-8 September 2023. “We used this innovative co-creation approach, where public and private sector stakeholders met face-to-face to determine the next steps, we could take together to solve the use of antimicrobials in poultry farms. This workshop helped to [...]
29 September 2023

East African states agree on actions to strengthen food safety in the region

By Ms Sylvia Kirabo, Head of Public Relations and Marketing for UNBS and Hakim B. Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA Policy and decision makers on food safety and Codex activities of the East African Community (EAC) held a meeting on 1 September, hosted by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS), which also serves as the national Codex Contact Point in Uganda, resolving to implement 11 actions to improve food safety control and Codex related systems in the region. The high-level participants from [...]
29 September 2023

2023 survey for Members on the use and impact of Codex texts launched

The Codex Secretariat launched today the second survey to measure the use and impact of Codex texts. Building on the lessons learned and the success of the 2022 survey, this year the survey focuses on the General Standard for Food Additives, Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling, Recommended Methods of Analysis and Sampling, and Guidelines on Performance Criteria for Methods of Analysis for the Determination of Pesticide Residues in Food and Feed.Countries are urged to complete the survey by 25 October 2023. “It [...]
28 September 2023

Egypt celebrates 50 years of participation in Codex Alimentarius

Egypt celebrated a milestone: 50 years participating in Codex work, marked by a commitment to the principles and objectives of the joint FAO/WHO programme. Celebrations hosted by Dr Khaled Soufi, Chairperson of the Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality (EOS) and Codex Egypt, and Dr Ashraf El Gazayerli, Chairperson of the Chamber of Food Industries (CFI), took place in Cairo with the participation of Raj Rajasekar CAC Vice-chairperson, Khalid AlZhrani, CCNE Chairperson, Hakim Mufumbiro, CCAFRICA Coordinator, along with FAO staff. [...]
27 September 2023

Experts gather in the Republic of Korea to tackle foodborne antimicrobial resistance

More than 450 participants in person and online attended the 3rd Global Conference on Foodborne Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), hosted by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) of the Republic of Korea on 12 and 13 September 2023 in Seoul. Stakeholders from the food industry, academia and research, regulatory authorities, and international organizations discussed One Health approaches to tackle foodborne AMR. “This conference is an excellent opportunity to share our knowledge and experience in tackling foodborne AMR”, said Dr Yu-Kyoung [...]
26 September 2023

Webinar in CCLAC discusses uncertainty of analytical measurement in Codex

On 12 and 13 September, the Regional Coordinator of CCLAC organized a virtual seminar titled "Measurement Uncertainty in the Codex Alimentarius". The seminar created a space for technical exchange among those working in metrology institutes and in laboratories involved in health, agriculture or the environment in the Latin American and Caribbean region. The event sought to promote an understanding of the concept of measurement uncertainty and its importance in analytical results, the most common sources of uncertainty in the laboratory, and [...]
25 September 2023

Subregional meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan, promotes Codex work

An FAO-led meeting took place in Baku, Azerbaijan on 14 and 15 September under the title of “Advancing Food Standards and Codex Participation in Europe and Central Asia”. The two-day event was co-hosted by Azerbaijan’s Food Safety Agency (AFSA), which, in this 60th anniversary year of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, is celebrating its own 5th anniversary. The event was attended by more than 60 participants, including the heads of relevant central executive authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, representatives of [...]
25 September 2023