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codexalimentarius > أخبار وأحداث

The University of Malta to highlight the impacts of climate change on food safety for World Food Safety Day

The University of Malta news service, Newspoint, will mark World Food Safety Day this year, by highlighting an ‘eye-opening’ project in which the university is a partner. The 3-year-old Project PROTECT, being led by University College, Dublin, is examining foodborne microbial responses to climate change. For its part, the University of Malta’s Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, led by Professor Vasilis Valdramidis, is looking at, for example, the growth of different microorganisms in response to changing atmospheric conditions and [...]
21 May 2021

The Cyprus University of Technology is running a student competition for World Food Safety Day

The Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Science at the Cyprus University of Technology (TEPAK) is organizing a competition on Food Safety in celebration of World Food Safety Day 2021. All active undergraduate and postgraduate students at TEPAK can participate in the competition either individually or in groups of up to three students. Students are encouraged to produce submissions in the form of a photo, poster, photomontage or photo-history aimed at: Highlighting right and wrong practices of food processing and preservation Presenting [...]
16 May 2021

World Food Safety Day inspires consolidated action on foodborne illness in Bangladesh

There are few statistics on the burden of foodborne disease in Bangladesh, according to the FAO-implemented programme, “Improving food safety in Bangladesh.” But what we do know is that unsafe food is a widespread and pervasive issue in the country, with diarrhoeal diseases, enteric fever and hepatitis presenting as the most prevalent foodborne diseases. So, the UN’s designation of a World Food Safety Day, to be celebrated annually on 7 June, was a clear signal to Bangladeshi food safety activists [...]
13 May 2021

Codex team in Burkina Faso taking the lead on World Food Safety Day preparations

A team in Burkina Faso dedicated to organizing activities for World Food Safety Day, met in Ouagadougou on 7 May 2021 to set out a plan for the 7 June celebration and the key messages to disseminate nationally. Some of the major food safety concerns in the country include the misuse of pesticides in agriculture on fruits, vegetables and cereals and the use of veterinary drugs. Sales of street food without adequate food safety checks are also on the rise, as [...]
11 May 2021

INFOSAN hosts webinars in the run up to World Food Safety Day (7 June)

At the end of April, the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) hosted three webinars as part of preparations for World Food Safety Day, which will take place on 7 June this year. The webinars served as an introduction to and overview of the 2021 campaign, with a presentation by Chile’s agency for food safety and quality (ACHIPIA) about the events they will hold this year. Members had an opportunity to talk about their experiences from last year’s celebrations and start [...]
05 May 2021

Preparations underway for Kenya’s third observance of World Food Safety Day

Kenya is in high gear in preparation for the World Food Safety Day celebrations as the national WFSD2021 planning committee meets for the third time. In the discussions, the line-up of activities include: Pre-event activities, such as digital and social media campaigns, print media campaigns as well as TV and radio awareness programmes. During the event activities, which will include live virtual forums, newspaper supplement, live Twitter chats and live streaming on various social media platforms to discuss various food safety concerns. Post-event [...]
27 April 2021

GFSI-led webinar opens the door to 2021 World Food Safety Day celebrations

The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and Codex Alimentarius Commission Secretariat gathered online for a conversation that centred on public-private partnerships, a form of collaboration that is essential to securing food safety globally. Erica Sheward, GFSI Director, set the stage for the 11 March 2021 webinar called “How the Public and Private Sectors are Teaming Up for Safe Food for a Healthy Tomorrow” by explaining [...]
11 March 2021

Poland first out of the blocks in support of World Food Safety Day

With remarkable speed the Polish Agricultural and Food Quality Inspectorate has already launched its awareness raising campaign as the world gears up for the 2021 World Food Safety Day on 7 June. Writing on their official website and on social media following the launch of the campaign on 18 February 2021, Poland encourages all its citizens to follow the events surrounding the UN Day and engage with others to celebrate “safe food now for a healthy tomorrow”, the theme of this [...]
25 February 2021

غذاء آمن اليوم لغدٍ مفعم بالصحة

أطلقت نشرة إخبارية صدرت بتاريخ 18 شباط/ فبراير على قناة هيئة الدستور الغذائي على تويتر، وعلى موقع لنكد إن لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة، وعلى قنوات اليوتيوب حملة اليوم العالمي لسلامة الأغذية لعام 2021 تحت شعار "غذاء آمن اليوم لغدٍ مفعم بالصحة". إن هذا اليوم الذي يكتسب زخما عالميا مع اقتراب الذكرى السنوية الثالثة لإطلاقه يدعو الحكومات وجميع العاملين في مجال الأغذية والمستهلكين إلى اتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة. ضمان سلامة الأغذية – يجب على الحكومات ضمان أغذية آمنة ومغذية للجميع. توخي السلامة في زراعة الأغذية – [...]
19 February 2021

#اليوم العالمي لسلامة الأغذية 2021 / تابعوا إطلاق الحملة، 18 شباط/ فبراير، الساعة 15:00 بتوقيت وسط أوروبا.

سيتم إطلاق حملة اليوم العالمي لسلامة الأغذية لعام 2021 في 18 شباط/ فبراير، الساعة 15:00 بتوقيت وسط أوروبا مع إعلان موضوع الاحتفال لهذا العام. وسيكون هناك نشرة إخبارية تتضمن مساهمات من منظمة الأغذية والزراعة، ومنظمة الصحة العالمية، وأمانات هيئة الدستور الغذائي، والشبكة الدولية للسلطات المعنية بالسلامة الغذائية، بالإضافة إلى ضيوف من جميع أنحاء العالم، وستناقش النشرة سبب كون سلامة الأغذية مسألة تهم الجميع وتُمهّد الطريق للاحتفال بالمرة الثالثة بهذا اليوم الدولي في 7 حزيران/ يونيو، 2021. وسيتم بث نشرة الأخبار (باللغة [...]
16 February 2021