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The 2023 World Food Safety Day guide now available in Portuguese

O Guia para o Dia Mundial da Segurança dos Alimentos 2023 está aqui! The World Food Safety Day guide in Portuguese is out now and available for download. This means that the millions of Portuguese-speaking people across Africa, Asia, and Latin America have direct access to information about how to participate in the UN Day that is marked on 7 June, making it easier for food safety advocates to raise awareness and inspire action. The theme this year for World Food [...]
07 June 2023

India World Food Safety Day event discusses regulatory matters

The National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB), organized a virtual event to celebrate World Food Safety Day on 7 June 2023. The celebration featured an array of “informative presentations, interactive sessions, and engaging activities”, all designed to address various aspects of food safety. Distinguished experts in the field were present to share their insights and experiences, providing valuable knowledge on current food safety trends, emerging challenges, and best practices. NABCB is dedicated to promoting food safety standards and practices in [...]
07 June 2023

FAO/WHO World Food Safety Day High-Level event explores the impacts and importance of food standards

This year’s joint FAO and WHO World Food Safety Day event took place today with a programme dedicated to the year’s theme, “Food standards save lives”. The hybrid event was hosted at FAO in Rome and was available online where over 2 000 people registered. Two panel discussions and a one-on-one conversation covered different aspects of how food standards save lives. Welcome remarks were delivered by FAO’s Director-General, Dr QU Dongyu, who underlined the importance of food safety both to FAO’s [...]
07 June 2023

FAO launches new web-based food safety toolbox on World Food Safety Day

In a live World Food Safety Day event today, FAO offered a first peek at a new website: “FAO’s GHP and HACCP Toolbox for Food Safety”. GHP – or Good Hygienic Practices - are well established practices for keeping food safe along the food supply chain. They underpin the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, or HACCP, food safety management system. FAO has worked with international experts to develop the guidance materials for this new website, which is designed to [...]
07 June 2023

Happy World Food Safety Day 2023!

Today, 7 June, we celebrate the fifth World Food Safety Day with the theme “Food standards save lives”. The day is being promoted across social media channels using the hashtag #WorldFoodSafetyDay, and all over the world, individuals, NGOs, private companies, local and national governments and international organizations are hosting events and activities to take up the call to raise awareness on how to prevent, detect and manage foodborne illness. Four official FAO-hosted events will take place today at FAO in Rome, and [...]
06 June 2023

New video released to explain standards on World Food Safety Day

On 7 June 2023 the world will celebrate the fifth United Nations World Food Safety Day and this year the theme is “food standards save lives”. A video will be launched in six languages to coincide with World Food Safety Day explaining what food safety standards are and why they matter. Standards and norms are all around us. They can be used to measure, to express quality and quantity or to calculate a level or grade. They provide certainty. They can, for [...]
05 June 2023

Finland food industry fair confirms Codex is 60 but far from retirement

As part of the global celebrations of Codex Alimentarius turning 60, the Finnish government hosted a session at the annual Food Industry fair in Helsinki, Finland, on 23 May 2023. Titled “Codex – Far From Retirement”, the session attracted over 100 food professionals out of approximately 550 people attending the fair. The session was led by Sebastian Hielm, Finland’s Food safety Director and European member of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and included presentations by Tom Heilandt, Secretary [...]
04 June 2023

One week to World Food Safety Day - 7 June 2023

The countdown has begun to the fifth World Food Safety Day which will be celebrated all over the world on 7 June 2023. A glance at the World Food Safety Day web pages shows how Member Countries, Codex Observers, industry, academia and a host of consumer groups and other associations are joining together to raise awareness about the importance of safe food throughout the food chain. The theme for the 2023 World Food Safety Day is “Food Standards Save Lives”, chosen by [...]
31 May 2023

ACT project in Nepal / Training on implementation of Codex antimicrobial resistance standards

FAO Nepal in collaboration with the Department of Food Technology and Quality Control, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development conducted a training of trainers on the implementation of Codex standards to contain and reduce foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Twenty-three government officials from various departments representing food safety, public health, animal, and plant health, as well as the environmental agencies, participated in the training on 8-10 May 2023 in Godavari, Nepal. Opening ceremony (Mr. Shailesh Kumar Jha, Deputy Director General, Department of [...]
30 May 2023

Malaysia celebrates Codex 60th anniversary

Codex Malaysia planned a series of events to celebrate the 60th anniversary year of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, including a National Workshop on Enhancing Effective Participation in Codex and a Food Safety Seminar at the country’s Safe Food Expo 2022.  National Workshop on Enhancing Effective Participation in Codex Recognizing the contribution of the secretariats of the National Codex Committee (NCC) subcommittees, who drive and bring national interest to the Codex platform, Malaysia’s NCC conducted a workshop on Enhancing Effective Participation in Codex [...]
26 May 2023