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Today WHO launches the updated Global Strategy for Food Safety 2022-2030, adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly, in a step towards a safer and healthier world and towards strengthening multisectoral collaboration and innovative public health approaches. This new Strategy addresses current and emerging challenges, incorporates new technologies and includes innovative approaches for strengthening food safety systems. It also reflects feedback received through a comprehensive consultation process with Member States and and other intergovernmental organizations and institutions and the members of [...]
17 October 2022

Webinar “Guide and orientation for new Codex Alimentarius participants“: recordings available

A webinar for the Latin American and the Caribbean region “Guide and orientation for new Codex Alimentarius participants“ took place on 14-15 September 2022 and was attended by almost 500 participants.  It was part of the AMR Codex Texts (ACT) project to raise awareness of the use of Codex texts. The next webinar is scheduled for December. Rommel Betancourt, General Coordinator for Food Safety at The Phyto and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency of Ecuador and Regional Coordinator of the FAO/WHO [...]
03 October 2022

Uganda mentors Tanzania on effective management and engagement in Codex activities

By Sylvia Kirabo, Head of Public Relations and Marketing at UNBS and Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA Uganda, which doubles as the current CCAFRICA Coordinator, has concluded a four-day Twinning and Mentorship programme on Codex Activities between Uganda and Tanzania that was held at the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Headquarters in Kampala from 19 to 22 September 2022. The objective of the twinning arrangement is to strengthen Member States capacity and efficiency in engaging and management of Codex activities especially [...]
27 September 2022

Save the date / 20 September 2022, Codex to launch new survey on use and impact of Codex standards

An online event hosted by the Codex Secretariat at 12:00 CEST on Tuesday 20 September 2022 will see the launch of a new Codex survey to measure the use and impact of Codex standards. This survey, developed with the evaluation units of FAO and WHO will seek valuable input from countries on the reach, usefulness, and how a sample of Codex texts are used. The data will contribute to monitoring under the Codex Strategic Plan 2022-2025. The event will bring together [...]
15 September 2022

Artificial Intelligence for detecting food fraud - promoting Codex standards through AI

The international conference "Artificial Intelligence (AI) for detecting food fraud" was held on 13 September 2022 in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. The conference was organized by the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Europe (CCEURO) of the Codex Alimentarius, the European Center for Peace and Development of the United Nations University for Peace (ECPD), the International Food Standards Certification Organization (IFSCO), with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conference, attended by 1680 participants from Europe and Asia adopted a [...]
14 September 2022

CCAFRICA24 / successful regional meeting sends new standards to Commission

The 24th session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa ended virtually in Kampala, Uganda on 13 September 2022, having reached agreement on a series of proposals that will now be forwarded to the upcoming Codex Alimentarius Commission in November this year. The Committee completed its work on guidelines for developing harmonized food safety legislation for the CCAFRICA region and a proposed regional standard for dried meat products traded in the region. New work proposals on kethiakh, a type of dried [...]
13 September 2022

Webinar series on Codex standards for the Latin American and the Caribbean region

Would you like to know more about how to strengthen the food safety system in your country? The growing population worldwide, the increase in food demand, the consequent growth of the food industry, added to global health risks, demonstrate the importance of incorporating food safety into national policies and strengthening the food safety systems. Foodborne diseases generate great impacts on the health of the population.   The Phyto and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency of Ecuador (AGROCALIDAD), as the base of the FAO/WHO Coordinating [...]
13 September 2022

Burundi / Training of quality champions and National Forum for effective participation in Codex

Burundi, a Member of Codex since 1963, needs to have an operational National Codex Alimentarius Committee and has begun to sensitize decision-makers on the importance of Codex standards. The committee will help to enforce food standards and Burundi’s participation in fair competition in international trade. This emerged from the joint FAO/Burundi Bureau of Standardization two-day workshop on Codex, which took place in Bujumbura from 24 to 25 August 2022 and was followed by a National Technical working group of Codex [...]
07 September 2022

CCAFRICA24 / standards can improve food safety and competitiveness across Africa

The FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa opened virtually from Kampala, Uganda on Monday 5 September 2022. In opening remarks, Hon. Ms. Harriet Ntabazi, State Minister for Trade, Uganda, called for harmonization of food safety standards across the continent. “If we merge as Africa and talk one language, if we concretize our standards together then the level of competitiveness as a continent will grow … in other markets.” Hon. Mrs. Margaret Muhanga Mugisha, State Minister for Primary Health Care, welcomed nearly 200 [...]
06 September 2022

Liberia / President signs law establishing Liberia Standards Authority

On 5 August 2022 the President of Liberia George Weah signed into law a series of bills. The official Facebook page of the Liberia Presidency and government websites describe the measures as a spur to national inclusiveness and to fight corruption. Amongst the bills signed is “an Act to Establish the Liberia Standards Authority.”  Stephen Mambu, Codex Contact Point for Liberia said, “Liberia now has a national standardization body known as the Liberia Standards Authority (LiSA). As part of this legislation, [...]
06 August 2022