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Members endorse a virtual session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission

Today Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt confirmed that the Codex Alimentarius Commission will hold its first ever virtual meeting in 2020. The 43rd Session of CAC, originally planned for July in Rome, will now take place in cyberspace while respecting the values of inclusivity and transparency of Codex. One hundred and thirty six Codex Members had endorsed the virtual session by the deadline of 23rd August (CET) exceeding the two thirds majority required for the virtual session to go ahead. [...]
24 August 2020

Food Safety Campaign in Rwanda

This year’s World Food Safety Day’s theme was Food Safety Everyone’s Business. The Authority adopted this theme to conduct a campaign on food safety. Several health reports indicate that there has been arise in the number of food borne illnesses globally, this campaign is therefore aimed at raising awareness on the risks people are exposed to through consuming unsafe food. It is also to boost safety measures for consumption of food among the general public, detecting and managing of food [...]
13 August 2020

Efforts to reduce veterinary drug residues in food in East Europe and Central Asia

On 10 August 2020, the WHO Regional Office for Europe in collaboration with the Eurasian Economic Commission organized a webinar on veterinary drug residues in food of animal origin – a public health issue. Dr Igor Gaevskii, Director of the Department for Sanitary, Phytosanitary and Veterinary Measures, Eurasian Economic Commission opened the webinar. He stressed that veterinary drug residues in food is an issue of concern and that the webinar provided an opportunity to share experiences between countries in East [...]
13 August 2020

Virtual CAC43 in the hands of Codex Members

Today Codex Members were invited to endorse the first virtual session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The COVID-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of all physical meetings of Codex Committees for this year and the Codex Secretariat together with the Chairperson and Vice-chairpersons of the Commission, Committee chairpersons and host countries have worked actively to find ways to ensure work continuity. With the support of the Codex Members, electronic working groups of subsidiary bodies are continuing their work and a [...]
08 August 2020

CCPFV29 – the only Codex technical committee to meet in 2020 concludes

“Not only was this session the first full Codex committee meeting held by correspondence, it also took place during the very challenging and unexpected COVID-19 pandemic.” reflected Richard Boyd, Chairperson of the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables (CCPFV) as he concluded the 29th Session of the CCPFV on July 29th 2020.  Having worked by correspondence from January to July 2020, the Committee proposed five standards for adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. These include standards for dried fruits, [...]
03 August 2020

Codex plans for a virtual Commission

Delegations from 85 Codex Members and 40 Observers met up virtually on 28th July 2020 in what may come to be seen as a trial run for the 43rd session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission planned for September 2020. Following on from the successful Executive Committee virtual meeting, the Codex community is now beginning to understand what will be needed, how to prepare and what to expect from a virtual Commission. “The COVID-19 pandemic unquestionably presents an era-defining challenge to public [...]
30 July 2020

Progressing Global Standards during a global pandemic

The ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges to our way of living, interacting and working. The way we have worked internationally to date has been turned on its head. With the cancellation of almost all physical Codex meetings for 2020, it is now essential to look to new ways of continuing the work. The 79th session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission successfully met virtually between 13 and 20th July 202. In the current context, if [...]
26 July 2020

Codex Executive Committee: a trailblazer for virtual working

The 79th session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CCEXEC79) has recommended that key Codex texts on food hygiene and the management of food allergens, together with a series of regional and worldwide commodity standards – from kava to chilli sauce, kiwifruit, garlic and yam – be sent for adoption at the next Commission session: CAC43. This session will go ahead virtually starting late September if Codex members give their consent to the modalities currently under development [...]
22 July 2020

Chile organizó seminario sobre la importancia de los métodos oficiales del Codex

Bajo el nombre “Importancia de los métodos oficiales del Codex Alimentarius y su uso a nivel nacional e internacional”, se realizó ayer el seminario organizado por la Agencia Chilena para Calidad e Inocuidad Alimentaria (ACHIPIA), el Instituto Interamericano  de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), el Instituto de Salud Pública (ISP), el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG) y la empresa Granotec. El objetivo de la actividad consistió en demostrar la importancia  de los métodos oficializados y utilizados por el Codex Alimentarius [...]
21 July 2020

Sichuan Agricultural University students share news of food safety in a variety of ways

To celebrate World Food Safety Day (WFSD) in 2020, the Sichuan Agricultural University made a video combining their education and research on food safety with the WFSD theme, introducing the importance of basic education on food safety. The knowledge would be leveraged to promote greater awareness of food safety among more people. The university students also published a video on WeChat to reach an even wider audience, and help spread the news about WSFD and raise public awareness of food safety. [...]
20 July 2020