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Brexit deal recognizes the value of Codex standards

The “Brexit” agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union reached on 24 December 2020 was described by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen as a “fair and balanced” deal. The treaty is expected to receive the support of all 27 member states and will be “provisionally applied” at the end of the year. Chapter 3 of the agreement describes collaboration on sanitary and phytosanitary measures with the objective of “enhanced cooperation” in international organizations including the Codex Alimentarius. [...]
31 December 2020

Standards adoption progresses at first ever virtual meeting

With three sessions of CAC43 already completed, ten standards and six new work proposals have been adopted by the Commission, meeting for the first time ever virtually. Over 120 Members and more than 50 Observer organizations have participated so far and the next plenary session will be on Monday 12 October, 12:00 CET. Listed below are the standards, guidelines and codes of practice that will be adopted into the Codex Alimentarius and the proposals for new work that have been approved. As [...]
28 September 2020

Codex approves regional standard for kava products for use as a beverage

The Codex Alimentarius Commission approved a standard for kava products for use as a beverage when mixed with water today. “The work started way back in 2004 in Apia, Samoa, and has taken 16 years to get here,” explained the representative of Vanuatu on behalf of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and South West Pacific (CCNASWP), the region where the standard will be used. Kava is part of the culture and the economy of the Pacific Islands. The root of [...]
25 September 2020

Apoyo de los miembros a un período de sesiones virtual de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius

El secretario del Codex, Tom Heilandt, confirmó hoy que la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius celebrará su primera reunión virtual en 2020. El 43.° período de sesiones de la CAC, cuya celebración estaba inicialmente prevista en Roma durante el mes de julio, ahora se llevará a cabo en el ciberespacio, respetando los valores de inclusión y transparencia del Codex. Antes del plazo del 23 de agosto (CET), ciento treinta y seis miembros del Codex habían manifestado su apoyo a la celebración de este [...]
27 August 2020

El 43.° período de sesiones de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius, en manos de los miembros del Codex

Hoy se invitó a los miembros del Codex a aprobar la celebración del primer período de sesiones virtual de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius (en adelante la Comisión). La pandemia de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) provocó la cancelación de todas las reuniones presenciales de los comités del Codex de este año, y la Secretaría del Codex, junto con la presidencia y las vicepresidencias de la Comisión, las presidencias de los comités y los países anfitriones, han trabajado activamente para [...]
13 August 2020

El Codex prepara una Comisión virtual

El 28 de julio de 2020, las delegaciones de 85 miembros y 40 observadores del Codex se reunieron por medios virtuales en lo que puede considerarse una prueba para el 43.° período de sesiones de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius, previsto para septiembre de 2020. Tras el éxito de la reunión virtual del Comité Ejecutivo, la comunidad del Codex está comenzando a entender lo que se necesitará, cómo prepararse y qué esperar de una Comisión virtual. “La pandemia de COVID-19 plantea [...]
04 August 2020

CCPFV29 – the only Codex technical committee to meet in 2020 concludes

“Not only was this session the first full Codex committee meeting held by correspondence, it also took place during the very challenging and unexpected COVID-19 pandemic.” reflected Richard Boyd, Chairperson of the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables (CCPFV) as he concluded the 29th Session of the CCPFV on July 29th 2020.  Having worked by correspondence from January to July 2020, the Committee proposed five standards for adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. These include standards for dried fruits, [...]
03 August 2020

Progressing Global Standards during a global pandemic

The ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges to our way of living, interacting and working. The way we have worked internationally to date has been turned on its head. With the cancellation of almost all physical Codex meetings for 2020, it is now essential to look to new ways of continuing the work. The 79th session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission successfully met virtually between 13 and 20th July 202. In the current context, if [...]
26 July 2020

El Comité Ejecutivo del Codex, pionero del trabajo por medios virtuales

La 79.a reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius ha recomendado que los textos fundamentales del Codex sobre higiene de los alimentos y gestión de los alérgenos alimentarios, así como una serie de normas de producto regionales y mundiales, entre ellas, las relativas a los productos a base de kava, la salsa de ají (chiles), el kiwi, el ajo y el ñame, se remitieran para su aprobación en el próximo periodo de sesiones de la Comisión, el [...]
24 July 2020

Ministers commit to strengthening the role of standard setting organizations

The 12th Berlin Agriculture Ministers' Conference, took place on Saturday 18 January 2020. The conference discussed how trade in food and agricultural commodities and trade in services for agriculture can contribute to achieving food security for the world's increasing population, enhancing nutrition and human health, improving farmers' livelihoods and income, and achieving more sustainable food systems to preserve the planet. The final communique from the conference called for trade policies to be part of a larger strategy (towards the improved [...]
18 January 2020
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