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Finland food industry fair confirms Codex is 60 but far from retirement

As part of the global celebrations of Codex Alimentarius turning 60, the Finnish government hosted a session at the annual Food Industry fair in Helsinki, Finland, on 23 May 2023. Titled “Codex – Far From Retirement”, the session attracted over 100 food professionals out of approximately 550 people attending the fair. The session was led by Sebastian Hielm, Finland’s Food safety Director and European member of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and included presentations by Tom Heilandt, Secretary [...]
04 June 2023

One week to World Food Safety Day - 7 June 2023

The countdown has begun to the fifth World Food Safety Day which will be celebrated all over the world on 7 June 2023. A glance at the World Food Safety Day web pages shows how Member Countries, Codex Observers, industry, academia and a host of consumer groups and other associations are joining together to raise awareness about the importance of safe food throughout the food chain. The theme for the 2023 World Food Safety Day is “Food Standards Save Lives”, chosen by [...]
31 May 2023

ACT project in Nepal / Training on implementation of Codex antimicrobial resistance standards

FAO Nepal in collaboration with the Department of Food Technology and Quality Control, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development conducted a training of trainers on the implementation of Codex standards to contain and reduce foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Twenty-three government officials from various departments representing food safety, public health, animal, and plant health, as well as the environmental agencies, participated in the training on 8-10 May 2023 in Godavari, Nepal. Opening ceremony (Mr. Shailesh Kumar Jha, Deputy Director General, Department of [...]
30 May 2023

Malaysia celebrates Codex 60th anniversary

Codex Malaysia planned a series of events to celebrate the 60th anniversary year of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, including a National Workshop on Enhancing Effective Participation in Codex and a Food Safety Seminar at the country’s Safe Food Expo 2022.  National Workshop on Enhancing Effective Participation in Codex Recognizing the contribution of the secretariats of the National Codex Committee (NCC) subcommittees, who drive and bring national interest to the Codex platform, Malaysia’s NCC conducted a workshop on Enhancing Effective Participation in Codex [...]
26 May 2023

New food safety information leaflets now available in run-up to World Food Safety Day

Four new 2-page leaflets have been published by FAO and WHO as part of the campaign for World Food Safety Day. The leaflets are aimed at producers in the aquaculture, dairy, fisheries and horticulture sectors and provide advice on best practices for ensuring the production of safe food. Links are provided in the leaflets to FAO and WHO publications that give more in-depth expert and scientific information on good practices in each sector. The leaflets also offer tips on how to promote [...]
26 May 2023

The 22nd Korean Food Safety Day Celebration

Under the slogan “Together for Food Safety, Healthy South Korea”, the 22nd Korea Food Safety Day took place on 12 May 2023, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Since 2002 this day has been designated for raising awareness about food safety and encompasses two-weeks of campaigns using radio, social media and on-site food safety policy events. Oh, Yu-kyoung, Minister of Food and Drug Safety, Republic of Korea The kick-off event showcased technology and innovation in food safety with a digital food safety platform using QR [...]
18 May 2023

ACT project: Cambodia sets priorities to combat AMR

A roadmap workshop took place on 27 April 2023 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia bringing together all relevant stakeholders to identify their priorities for addressing foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR), as part of the “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR (ACT)” project. Held in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, the workshop was attended by 44 participants from various ministries, associations, institutes, and academia.    “I would like to express the government’s support in the fight against antimicrobial resistance [...]
17 May 2023

Codex60 / Launch of standard for labelling of non-retail containers of foods

In 2022 the Codex Secretariat began work on reviewing the formatting and layout of Codex texts to ensure consistency, to meet FAO and international publishing standards and to enhance readability. A digital object identifier (DOI) has also been added to standards as they are published, providing a unique reference that can support tracking and citation of each text. The project is part of the Codex Secretariat’s contribution to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The General [...]
17 May 2023

Korea Food Safety Day: New regulatory science programme in universities

As part of the Korea Food Safety Day campaign, the Food Regulatory Science Symposium was held on 10 May 2023 in Seoul, the Republic of Korea. The event, organized by the Korea Regulatory Science Research Center, highlighted the successful establishment of the new food regulatory science programme in universities and showcased its accomplishments. To foster human resources in the food bio-health area, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety initiated the food regulatory science support programme in 2021. Currently, three [...]
17 May 2023

CCFL / Codex ensures consumers have the information they need on food labels

Cara Tannenbaum, Departmental Science Advisor to Health Canada, welcomed delegates to the 47th session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) taking place from 15-19 May 2023 in Gatineau, Ottawa in Canada. “Codex has served the global community well, allowing us to leverage the best possible science and evidence to support international standard setting,” she said, underling how countries consider the international labelling standards developed by the committee as they develop their own food labelling regulations and policies for [...]
15 May 2023