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Employee training at Brazilian food processing company improves food safety awareness

On World Food Safety Day, a food marketing and distribution company, Via Rovigo, based in the city of Sertãozinho, São Paulo in Brazil, devised a range of activities and actions to improve food safety awareness within the company’s facilities. The day was widely promoted throughout the facility and informational posters and a “food safety tips board” were also displayed. Following a World Food Safety Day toast to start the celebration, employees were introduced to some fun activities involving gouache paint and [...]
23 June 2022

South-West Pacific region creates local hub in Canberra for CCEXEC82

The 82nd meeting of the Codex Executive Committee (CCEXEC) is being held virtually from 20 to 30 June 2022. However, representatives from the South West Pacific region met in person ahead of the meeting to prepare for and participate in the meeting from a single location. The Regional Coordinator for CCNASWP, Vinesh Kumar from Fiji, accompanied by Fiji’s Codex Contact Point, Susana Levula, travelled to Canberra, Australia, to join the Member for the South West Pacific, Tekon Timothy Tumukon of Vanuatu [...]
23 June 2022

World Food Safety Day in Bangladesh

The Bangladesh Food Safety Foundation (BFSF), together with the Bangladesh Supermarket Owner’s Association (BOSA) and the Sabuj Somaj Unnayon Sanstha (SUSS), observed World Food Safety Day 2022. The Bangladesh Food Safety Foundation (BFSF) and the Bangladesh Supermarket Owner’s Association (BOSA) are the first two organizations in Bangladesh that have been observing World Food Safety Day since 2019. However, in this year an additional four public and civil society organizations also observed the Day. The three organisations, BFSF, BOSA and SUSS observed the [...]
23 June 2022

Guyana celebrated World Food Safety Day

The National Codex Committee (NCC) in Guyana coordinated, with support from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and funding from the Codex Trust Fund, several activities in keeping with the theme of World Food Safety Day 2022 – Safer food, better health. On June 07 2022, the Guyana Food Safety Authority (GFSA) officially launched World Food Safety Day in Guyana. The ceremony was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and collaborated with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), [...]
23 June 2022

World Food Safety Day in Sudan

On the occasion of the World Food Safety Day 2022, WHO – Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office\ Regional Center for Environmental Health Action in collaboration with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN), WHO country office in Sudan and Central Public Health Laboratory- WHO Collaborating Center for Emerging and Re-Emerging Infections in Oman delivered a three days virtual training from 6-8 June on foodborne diseases outbreak investigation to 19 public health professionals from the [...]
23 June 2022

Codex Fiji organizes Word Food Safety Day event for schools and other stakeholders

The National Codex Committee (NCC) of Fiji organized a nation-wide World Food Safety Day awareness event this year, for which the Honourable Minister for Agriculture and the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture delivered statements. The event also included booths and a school oratory contest, as well as some presentations by the NCC itself, to explain the importance of Codex. Other attendees included more than 150 representatives of institutions, government and NGOs. The Minister for Agriculture, Waterways and the Environment, Mahendra [...]
23 June 2022

In Ecuador, the Health Department of the Municipality of Quito commemorates World Food Safety Day

Ecuador celebrated the World Food Safety Day this 7 June, to highlight actions to ensure food safety throughout the entire food chain in order to prevent, detect and manage transmitted risks by food, contributing to food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market access, tourism and sustainable development. This year's theme being "Safer food, better health", access to safe food is essential for the health and well-being of people, animals and the environment; with the national and local governments playing [...]
23 June 2022

Saudi authorities look at modern foods, antimicrobial resistance and consumer action for World Food Safety Day

On the occasion of World Food Safety Day, the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) assembled a session on the “Safety and Sustainability of Modern Food” that covered several topics including:  Biotechnology in food products Modern protein alternatives Food innovation The objective for this initiative was to promote food safety culture, compliance with food standards and the reduction of food risks. In addition, there was intensive participation through the SFDA’s social media platforms (Twitter, Linkedin, and Snapchat) including: Twitter poll about public interests in new food sources [...]
23 June 2022

Danone staff collectively celebrate World Food Safety Day

The food company Danone celebrated World Food Safety Day on a global level this year, with an online event featuring FAO’s Senior Food Safety and Quality Officer, Markus Lipp, and Virginia Siebenrok, the Chief Food Safety and Quality Officer of the World Food Programme. The event was chaired by Danone Chief Food Safety Officer Monique Pellegrino. At a national level, Danone China celebrated World Food Safety Day across all business units. The company shared food safety and quality knowledge and promoted food safety awareness, [...]
22 June 2022

Cleaning and disinfection essential for food safety

(See French version below) GSF - World Food Safety DayFrom farm to fork, the Food Safety Culture is the first the concern of the consumer. Without effective cleaning and disinfection, there is no risk-free production. Within GSF, a cleaning and service provider in the food industry, the question is at the heart of our concerns. For that, the Group carries out various actions dedicated to food safety, proof of its commitment.Thus, GSF promoted an Elearning challenge on food safety, which goal [...]
22 June 2022