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Happy Birthday! FAO’s GHP and HACCP Toolbox for Food Safety is one year old

In a live event on World Food Safety Day 2023, FAO launched a new website comprising a series of practical food safety management guidance documents based on the Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene. The website focuses on Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system (HACCP) and is called: “FAO’s GHP and HACCP Toolbox for Food Safety”. The toolbox aims to give all those involved in food safety management in the food sector, be [...]
10 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Food safety professional promotes the Day

Food Safety professional Any Coronado has worked this year to ensure that World Food Safety Day key messages are spread far and wide. In promoting the international observance particularly and food safety more generally, Coronado has been interviewed by media outlets that include Food Safety magazine and TV channel Deutsche Welle Latin America. Under the title “World Food Safety Day Exclusive: 'Food Safety is an Essential Part of Our Daily Lives'”, the Peruvian food safety advocate talked in the magazine article about [...]
10 June 2024

WHO World Food Safety Day LIVE Q&A

On 6 June, the World Health Organization (WHO) hosted an AskWHO Live Q&A on the occasion of World Food Safety Day. The online audience from the WHO X, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube platforms was invited to ask questions on maintaining food safety during unexpected events such as power outages, flooding, or other food safety emergencies. During the live event, moderated by Yanawit Dechpanyawat, Social Media Officer at WHO, the three speakers, Jeffrey LeJeune, Food Safety Officer at FAO; Jéssica Kayamori Lopes, [...]
07 June 2024

World Food Safety Day celebrations in Nepal

The World Food Safety Day 2024 event kicked off in Kathmandu today with an interactive programme on food safety emergency preparedness and response which was supported by the Codex Trust Fund project in Nepal through WHO. The theme of the World Food Safety Day is ‘Food safety: prepare for the unexpected’ in order to draw attention and inspire action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks of biological, chemical and radionuclear origin. The main objective of the interaction programme was [...]
07 June 2024

Happy World Food Safety Day 2024!!

It’s 7 June! Happy World Food Safety day! This year we celebrate under the theme “food safety: prepare for the unexpected,” which coincides with the 20th anniversary of the FAO/WHO International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN). INFOSAN was established following the development and adoption of the Codex Principles and Guidelines for the Exchange of Information in Food Safety Emergency Situations (CXG 19-1995), which was the genesis of INFOSAN in terms of designation of emergency contact points at the national level. These [...]
06 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ India’s young food safety ambassador offers tips on the unexpected

India’s young food safety ambassador has recorded a video message in line with this year’s World Food Safety Day theme, “food safety: prepare for the unexpected”. Ojasvini Naik said in her message: “If it is not safe, it is not food but sometimes foodborne illnesses and diseases can be caused due to unexpected events.” For that reason, the young food safety advocate said, we all need to be prepared for the unexpected. She goes on to offer some food safety tips we [...]
06 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Revitalization of the INFOSAN Network in Niger

By KEMBOU Etienne, Technical Officer Food Safety and Nutrition, WHO Multi-Country Assignment Teams (MCAT);Dr LAOUALI ABDOU Aissatou and RABO Souleymane, Food Safety and Nutrition Team WHO Country Office Niger;DIOFFO Salou, Codex Contact Point, Ministry of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs Niger As a prelude to the commemoration of World Food Safety Day 2024, thirty people, including representatives of administrative sectors, Civil Society Organizations, technical and financial partners and academics, were briefed on the organization, institutional structure, functioning, roles and [...]
05 June 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Egypt launches new food safety symposium

The National Food Safety Authority (NFSA) of the Arab Republic of Egypt commemorated the sixth World Food Safety Day this year in on 29 and 30 May. As part of NFSA efforts to be active and collaborative on a regional level, the event marked the NFSA’s launch of its Egyptian Global Food Safety Symposium (EGFoSS) in the presence of H.H Ali Meselhy, Minister of Supply and experts and industry professionals in the field of food safety and agricultural industries from [...]
31 May 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Kenya’s preparations are under way

By: Maryann Kindiki- CCP, Kenya Kenya is in top gear in its preparations for World Food Safety Day 2024. On 30 April the national planning committee convened to engage media for a briefing on the theme of this year’s World Food Safety Day commemoration. This is aimed at guiding the media on the theme to ensure informed reporting. The planning committee is chaired by the Ministry of Health and comprises government agencies, academia and research, private sector alliances and associations, media and [...]
28 May 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Japan lecture

On 15 May, Masanori Kotani, President and Secretary General of Japan’s Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) delivered an online lecture to second-year students at Hokkaido Shizunai Agricultural High School on food safety and the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) “5 keys to safer food”, information on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points food food safety system and on the World Food Safety Day theme for 2024 and slogan. Following the last year’s lecture, the session included quizzes, which helped make [...]
20 May 2024