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codexalimentarius > Noticias y Eventos

CCFL46 / Labelling standards empower consumers to make important and informed decisions

Over 400 delegates gathered online for the opening session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) which runs from 27 September to 7 October 2021, hosted, since its inception in 1965, by Canada. Harpreet Kochhar, Associate Deputy Minister of Health Canada, welcomed delegates and described Canada’s relationship with the committee as one of the country’s longest standing and most significant international engagements in food and nutrition. “Making decisions and choices about food is an important aspect of daily life. International labelling [...]
28 September 2021

Codex food labelling committee / preparation and willingness to compromise keys to success

The 46th session of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL46), hosted by Canada, will get underway virtually on 27 September and conclude on 7 October 2021. Topics on the agenda include: labelling of non-retail containers, front of pack nutrition labelling, allergen labelling and guidance on e-commerce. CCFL46 was postponed from 2020 to 2021 due to the pandemic which allowed for extra time to further develop the agenda items.  Ahead of the meeting, Chairperson Kathy Twardek, Canada said: “A great deal [...]
25 September 2021

Codex Trust Fund / Bhutan - "Achieving Leadership in the Codex Process"

by Codex office Bhutan A three-day advocacy workshop on the theme “"Achieving Leadership in the Codex Process"” took place from 20 to 22 September 2021 at Drubchhu Resort, Lobesa, Punakha in Bhutan. Around 40 participants from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan, State Owned Enterprises, World Health Organization and World Food Programme country office attended the workshop. [...]
24 September 2021

United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021 opens for planet, people and prosperity

In officially opening the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) on 23 September 2021, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said: “Food is life, food is hope. Changing food systems is not only possible but necessary, for our planet, for people, for prosperity.” Everyone must take action to transform the way the world produces, consumes, and thinks about food. “Food Systems can and must play a leading role in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda,” he said. Although it did [...]
23 September 2021

Observing Codex / webinar highlights strong commitment of Observers to Codex standard setting

A webinar held on 20 October 2021 demonstrated to an online audience of over 150 how Codex Observers can contribute to the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Hosted by the Codex Secretariat as part of a series of live online events, the webinar was an opportunity for a wide variety of observer organizations to explain and discuss how they contribute to Codex work. The 240 Observers in Codex are made up of UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations (from [...]
21 September 2021

CCFFP35 / Fish Committee to discuss adding new sardine species to standard

The Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products begins its 35th session on Monday 20 September 2021. Meeting for the first time by correspondence via the Codex online platform, CCFFP35 will evaluate if the Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products (CXS 94-1981) can be amended to include the fish species S. lemuru (Bali Sardinella) in the list of Sardinella species. Norway hosts the fish committee and Chairperson Vigdis Veum Møllersen spoke to the Codex Secretariat about the work ahead: Q: How [...]
20 September 2021

CCFA52 / Committee sends over 500 food additive provisions for adoption

The Codex Committee on Food Additives has adopted its final report confirming consensus reached on recommendations that include over 500 food additive provisions already in the Codex step procedure and 90 proposed provisions that will all now proceed for consideration by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in November 2021. The committee, hosted by China, met virtually from 1 to 10 September 2021 and emboldened by the support from the Executive Committee maintained its word that the business of debating and agreeing on [...]
13 September 2021

Tribute to the Late Dr. Claude Mosha, 15th Codex Alimentarius Chairperson (2006 – 2008)

The Codex Secretariat has learned of the sad death of Dr. Claude John Shara Mosha, Tanzania, who served as the first ever Codex Alimentarius Chairperson from an African country from 2006 to 2008. Hakim Mufumbiro, the current Regional Coordinator for the Codex African region said: “Dr Mosha will be remembered for his astute leadership, dedication, hard work, negotiation prowess, unwavering commitment and deep passion for Codex and food safety as well as his wisdom and extremely joyful and imaginative nature.” John Oppong-Otoo [...]
10 September 2021

Informe sobre el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos 2021: Panorama general de la conmemoración y las actividades creativas conexas

Este año se organizaron más de 300 actos y actividades en al menos 90 países para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos. Hemos elaborado un informe de 24 páginas en el que se reflejan las diversas acciones creativas, informativas e inclusivas organizadas por las autoridades gubernamentales, los actores de la cadena alimentaria, los consumidores, los académicos y otras personas en pos de la inocuidad de los alimentos. Este informe, que ya está disponible en los seis [...]
08 September 2021

CAC44 / Codex Members again show overwhelming support for holding a virtual Commission

At midnight on 7 September 2021 the deadline passed for Codex Members to express their agreement that the Codex Alimentarius Commission could hold its forty-fourth session virtually and proceed with elections for the appointment of new officers. With 135 of the 126 preferences required, countries have once again endorsed the move to meet virtually to address priority matters. Voting will be conducted by appointment, through a physical secret ballot in Geneva, following the modality adopted by the recent FAO Conference for [...]
08 September 2021