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El Comité sobre Aditivos Alimentarios apoya la innovación manteniendo sus valores fundamentales

Muchos de los comités técnicos del Codex están estudiando la forma de continuar trabajando sobre temas específicos sin celebrar reuniones presenciales, a fin de no perder un año entero. El 21 de mayo de 2020, el Comité del Codex sobre Aditivos Alimentarios (CCFA), cuyo país anfitrión es China, se reunió de forma virtual con los países que lideran los grupos de trabajo electrónicos del comité para abordar las inquietudes de los países miembros y observadores sobre la forma en que [...]
29 May 2020

First #linkedinlive on World Food Safety Day

A day where the focus of attention on LinkedIn will be food safety. From LinkedIn and YouTube live broadcast of brief interventions by professionals related to food safety. From Nicaragua, Spain, Ecuador, Brazil, France, Colombia, the United States and other countries, food safety will be discussed.Date: 7 June 2020Time: 16:00 - 20:00 (Madrid time)Access from Linkedin: from Youtube: A day of everyone for everyone. On 7 June we will voice food safety. A day where everyone will be the same, [...]
29 May 2020

FAO, OPS, OIRSA and Consumers International to hold webinar in Spanish on safe food in markets

“Welcome to the World Food Safety Day in the Americas”, reads the invitation to a webinar being co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (OIRSA) and Consumers International. This is a special year to celebrate and recognize the hard work of the people who work throughout the food value chain. This day is dedicated to farmers, transporters, retailers, buyers, sellers and consumers. Special thanks go [...]
29 May 2020

Danish food solutions to heighten global food quality and safety

Denmark are planning World Food Safety Day activites on and around June 7 with a focus on Danish food solutions to heighten global food quality and safety.  Denmark will also hold a webinar on June 8 for Danish exporting food companies where a panel including Esben Egede, Executive Director, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Søren Tinggaard, Vice President, Pork Export Strategy & Marketing, Danish Crown and Lise Walbom, CEO, Food Nation will explore how to use quality and food safety as [...]
27 May 2020

Guatemala conmemora el Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos con un seminario web

Para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Seguridad de los Alimentos, Guatemala ha organizado un seminario web para informar sobre la importancia de las buenas prácticas en materia de inocuidad de los alimentos y su influencia en el comercio nacional e internacional. El evento, organizado para el 10 de junio, de 09:00 a 11:00 horas (hora de Centroamérica), que tiene como objetivo reunir a los funcionarios del sector público y de la industria que participan en la producción y comercialización de [...]
27 May 2020

Costa Rica / Webinar "Producción sostenible y su relación con la inocuidad de los alimentos"

Este año, en la segunda celebración del Día Mundial de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos (7 de junio de 2020), todos tenemos la oportunidad de reconocer a las personas que ayudan a mantener nuestros alimentos seguros. El objetivo de esta celebración es concientizar sobre el tema e instar a tomar acciones de parte de todos los actores para garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos. Todos en la cadena de producción jugamos un papel importante que desempeñar para mantenerlos innocuos.    ¡Participa de [...]
26 May 2020

Food Safety Talk 5 June / No food security without food safety

To Commemorate the World Food Safety Day that falls on 7 June 2020, FoodBev International Consulting (Pty) Ltd invites you to join a Free Zoom Food Safety Talk entitled: No Food Security Without Food Safety. Date: 5 June 2020 Time: 12h00-13h30 (GMT +2) Platform: Zoom The theme for this year is Food Safety, everyone’s business. A panel of experts drawn from industry and academia will each take time to present on different key issues and calls to action set out for the day by [...]
26 May 2020

Czech Republic plans a series of World Food Safety Day publishing activities

Here are the planned activites for World Food Safety Day in the Czech Republic. 26 May 2020 The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish a short article containing WFSD original key messages on with refence to FAO and WHO activities; and promo materials on social media - Facebook, Twitter (following EFSA activities when key messages and promo materials (images) will be rolled out on social media in a pre-phase starting on 25 May 2020). 2 June 2020 The Ministry of [...]
25 May 2020

Joint FAO/OIE/WFP/WHO food safety webinar - Food safety in the “new normal”

Have you noticed that you are now washing your hands more properly than the last year?  It is an important yet unique opportunity on the second observance of World Food Safety Day that we all have a chance to reflect how our continuous and new food safety actions could fit into the “new normal” era.   Over the last few decades, a substantial amount of efforts have been made to improve our food safety systems in Asia and the Pacific. Consumers are more aware of food [...]
25 May 2020

WFSD video / in Kuwait, food safety is everyone’s business

To celebrate World Food Safety Day (WFSD) the Codex Contact Point of Kuwait based in the Public Authority for Food and Nutrition (PAFN) has developed a video. In line with the 2020 WFSD theme of Food safety, everyone’s business the short film brings together the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Health, the Public Authority of Agricultural affairs and fisheries, PAFN itself - which is responsible for developing the national food safety policy, food laboratories, farmers, food business [...]
24 May 2020