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América Latina y el Caribe es pionera en nuevas formas de trabajar en el Codex

En octubre de 2019, la 21.ª reunión del Comité Coordinador FAO/OMS para América Latina y el Caribe (CCLAC) fue interrumpida después de solo dos días y medio de discusiones a consecuencia de las manifestaciones que estaban teniendo lugar en Santiago de Chile y que obligaron a los anfitriones a suspender la reunión. La región acordó continuar trabajando electrónicamente para completar el programa. Este trabajo ha culminado en la celebración de una reunión en línea para la aprobación del informe que [...]
11 May 2020

COVID-19 likely to cause cancellation of a physical meeting of 43rd Codex Commission

The Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Guilherme da Costa, Brazil, has written to FAO suggesting the cancellation of the 43rd Codex Alimentarius Commission session planned for July 2020 in Rome and to explore the opportunity to hold an online Executive Committee session to ensure that standard setting work can continue. In the communication, Da Costa expresses his concern that expert delegations will not be able to gather in Rome for the Commission not only due to global travel restrictions currently [...]
06 May 2020

Photo, poster and video contest opens in Asia and the Pacific

Anyone in the region under 30 years old can enter the contest called ‘Be young, be food-safe, be heard’. The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is calling for submissions of photos or posters that depict a food safety topic or issue that occurs at any point in the food supply chain. Video entries should address a food safety issue that participants face in their daily lives, revealing the habits, practices, behaviours or norms that cause the issue [...]
30 April 2020

Protección de la cadena de suministro de alimentos frente a la enfermedad por coronavirus

En tiempos de autoaislamiento y cuarentena, todos dependemos más que nunca de una cadena de suministro de alimentos segura y eficiente para garantizar la disponibilidad de alimentos en todos los hogares. Puesto que la adquisición de alimentos en tiendas y mercados ahora resulta más difícil para los consumidores debido a las medidas para reducir el contacto y evitar la propagación de persona a persona del coronavirus, los gobiernos están haciendo todo lo posible para que los alimentos sigan estando disponibles [...]
24 April 2020

COVID-19: el Codex debate trabajar en línea

Los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius celebraron una reunión informal el pasado 2 de abril de 2020 mediante videoconferencia en línea. Los debates se centraron en las reuniones de los órganos auxiliares que se han cancelado o pospuesto y en cómo mantener el ritmo del trabajo de elaboración de normas que ya está en marcha. El Sr. Guilherme da Costa (Brasil), Presidente de la Comisión del Codex Alimentarius, declaró: “Se trata de una situación totalmente inesperada para nosotros, desde la [...]
24 April 2020

COVID-19 / Codex Africa region holds first informal meeting online

The coronavirus outbreak has interrupted the schedule of physical meetings in Codex and led to a rethink of how countries within the Codex community, with its continuous cycle of committees and working groups, can stay connected when international meetings seem off the agenda for the time being. On Tuesday 21 April 48 participants from 18 countries in the Codex CCAFRICA region, together with representatives from the African Union – Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources, the Economic Community of West African States, [...]
22 April 2020

COVID-19 / Maintaining the momentum of Codex work

COVID-19 and the related response from governments across the globe has led to the postponement or cancellation of numerous Codex subsidiary body meetings scheduled to be held in 2020. However, food safety remains an important issue and the Codex Secretariat is working together with Host Secretariats, Chairs of Committees and Chairs/Vice-Chairs of Electronic Working Groups (EWGs) to ensure that the standards development work can continue even if the committees cannot meet this year. Tom Heilandt, Codex Secretary confirmed that electronic working groups [...]
28 March 2020

COVID-19 / Codex Secretary discusses options for meeting schedule

As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to interrupt the meeting and events schedules of all organizations worldwide, the Codex Secretariat in conjunction with the governments that host Codex meetings has announced that eight meetings have either been postponed or cancelled, calling into question whether the Codex Alimentarius Commission will go ahead in Rome, Italy in July 2020. In an extended interview, Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt explains the contingency plans being put in place to mitigate the loss of meetings from the Codex [...]
26 March 2020

COVID-19 / Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods postponed

The host secretariat of the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF) has confirmed that the upcoming session, due to be held in San Diego, USA from 25-29 May 2020 has been postponed due to the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19. In collaboration with the Codex Secretariat, discussions are underway to explore if the meeting could be rescheduled for early 2021 at the same location. Further details on new dates and on the work of the committee will be published [...]
17 March 2020

COVID-19: otras tres reuniones del Codex canceladas

La Secretaría del Codex ha anunciado que, de común acuerdo con las respectivas secretarías de los países anfitriones del Comité sobre Contaminantes de los Alimentos (CCCF), el Comité sobre Sistemas de Inspección y Certificación de Importaciones y Exportaciones de Alimentos (CCFICS) y el Comité sobre Métodos de Análisis y Toma de Muestras (CCMAS), ha decidido cancelar sus reuniones debido al brote del COVID-19 en curso. “Dada la creciente gravedad de la situación, teníamos que proporcionar información clara a quienes se están [...]
13 March 2020