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codexalimentarius > Actualités et événements

World Food Safety Day/ The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition celebrates

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) had a busy 2024 World Food Safety Day, much of it focused on the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Feed The Future EatSafe project, which concluded in July 2024. The Alliance focused on the key message around the theme of this year’s campaign, including the importance of effective communication, multisectoral collaboration, food safety plans, and shared responsibilities, which tied in well with the findings coming out of EatSafe on how best [...]
23 August 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Nigeria launches National Policy on Food Safety and Quality

Nigeria's National Policy on Food Safety and Quality and its Implementation Plan 2023 (NPFSQIP) was officially launched by the federal government of Nigeria on 7 June 2024 during the World Food Safety Day commemoration activity in Abuja. The document aims to advance food safety in Nigeria through a comprehensive and sustainable system with coherent action plans. It includes a situation analysis, policy framework, institutional and legislative framework, implementation plan, funding mechanism and information on monitoring and evaluation. The Global Alliance for [...]
23 August 2024

Cambodia Marks World Food Safety Day 2024 with a Commitment to Preparedness for Unexpected Challenges

Phnom Penh, 21 August 2024 Over 200 stakeholders from the agriculture, food, and nutrition sectors gathered in Phnom Penh to commemorate Cambodia’s World Food Safety Day 2024. This year’s event, led by the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) and supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), International Development Enterprises (iDE), Helen Keller International, World Vision International and the Church of Jesus [...]
22 August 2024

World Food Safety Day/ ACT project supports events in Latin America

The FAO-implemented and Republic of Korea-funded Action to support implementation of Codex AMR texts (ACT) project supported activities in the Plurinational State of Bolivia and in Colombia in commemoration of World Food Safety Day this year. In the Plurinational State of Bolivia, events were organized by the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad Alimentaria (SENASAG), in coordination with food producers and processing companies. On 6 June, World Food Safety Day was launched in the Gandarillas Hall of the Ministry of Rural [...]
22 August 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Singapore food safety hub hosts international discussion

On 7 June, World Food Safety Day, the Future Ready Food Safety Hub (FRESH) at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore held a virtual panel discussion titled “Global Perspectives on anticipating and managing food safety risks.” The discussion addressed several critical areas related to foodborne disease risks: the impact of climate change, pandemics, and geopolitical tensions on global food safety; the importance of future-ready risk assessment using advanced technologies; the role of science and technology in enhancing food safety control; the need for [...]
22 August 2024

Congratulations on a successful World Food Safety Day!

The World Food Safety Day call this year to “prepare for the unexpected” was taken up by food safety advocates the world over, in an indication that the Day continues to inspire action on food safety. For six years, the World Food Safety Day campaign has reinforced the message that “food safety is everyone’s business” and the hundreds of events organized on or around the 7 June observance this year amplified that message loud and clear. This year, though, owners, [...]
09 August 2024

World Food Safety Day/ ACT Project activities in Mongolia

As part of Mongolia’s World Food Safety Day activities, the National Forum on Standards and Food Safety was organized by the National Reference Laboratory for Food Safety (NRLFS) in Ulaanbaatar on 4 June 2024. The event was supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Mongolia (including the FAO-implemented Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT) project) and the World Health Organization (WHO) country office. The national forum opening remarks were made by Dr [...]
05 August 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Egypt celebrates World Food Safety Day

Cairo, Egypt - The Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality, led by Dr Khaled Saufy, convened the Third Egyptian Food Standards Codex Committee meeting this year. The gathering coincided with the global observance of World Food Safety Day, which was celebrated under the theme "Food safety: prepare for the unexpected". The meeting was also attended by Mr Khalid Al-Zahrani, the Regional Coordinator for the Near East Countries under the Codex Alimentarius. Mr Al-Zahrani has been taking the floor to illustrate the [...]
26 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ ACT project in Nepal raises awareness among students

In Nepal, World Food Safety Day activities were organized as part of the Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT) project. As part of the project’s aims to increase awareness about the dangers of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) the World Food Safety Day activities included raising the awareness of the general public and also of a number of college students. These activities supported the national celebrations led by the Department of Food Technology and Quality Control (DFTQC) throughout the week [...]
22 July 2024

World Food Safety Day/ Peru celebrates

In the month of June the Ministry of Health of Peru (MINSA), through the General Directorate of Environmental Health and Food Safety (DIGESA) in conjunction with the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, through the National Agrarian Health Service of Peru (SENASA), and the Ministry of Production, through the National Fisheries Health Organization (SANIPES), organized an “Educational day for World Food Safety Day in Peru”. The event took place via the Zoom Platform and was aimed at a general population. Likewise, [...]
18 July 2024
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