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codexalimentarius > Actualités et événements

Building national capacity the way ahead for participation in Codex

The two-day training workshop held in Delhi earlier this month focussed on enhancing the ability of 17 Asian countries to operate successfully in the Codex Alimentarius international standard-setting environment. Led by the Codex Alimentarius Secretariat, the sessions focussed on the electronic systems and tools including: the new Codex website; Online Commenting System (OCS); Digital platform for Electronic Working Groups (EWG) and other web-based tools, such as the platform to collect information on Member countries’ food safety control systems. 30 participants from [...]
20 September 2018

Codex India talks food safety and trade concerns with the Secretariat

Tom Heilandt, Codex Secretary, welcomed the CEO of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), Pawan Agarwal and other representatives of FSSAI to the Codex Secretariat at FAO in Rome last week for a round table discussion on broad themes of mutual interest. Codex India is hosted by FSSAI and has lead the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH) since its inception in 2014. India is also the current regional coordinator for the Asia region and extremely [...]
19 September 2018

Join the video campaign to promote a World Food Safety Day

The Codex community (and beyond) is invited to take part in a video campaign being launched today to express support for creating a UN day dedicated to food safety. The campaign, led by the Codex Secretariat, will largely take place on Twitter  and is open to anyone interested in seeing the resolution approved at the 73rd UN General Assembly in New York, USA so that worldwide people can recognize the importance of safe food every year on 7 June. “I encourage [...]
17 September 2018

New edition of ‘Understanding Codex’ now available

You may have seen it. The colourful assembly of iconic food images on the cover is hard to miss. With the same cover design, the fifth edition of Understanding Codex is now accessible in four of the six official UN languages on the FAO/WHO Codex website – the remaining two are coming soon. The publication has been updated to help readers better understand how the Codex Alimentarius Commission works, how it facilitates the food trade, benefitting economies and livelihoods, and [...]
13 September 2018

Observer spotlight: Consumers International

Consumers International represents the voice of consumers in international policy-making forums and the global marketplace, including in the Codex Alimentarius Commission as an Observer organization. The vast partnership – with more than 200 organizations in more than 100 countries – strives to ‘drive change in the global marketplace on a scale that cannot be achieved at a national level alone, to ensure consumers are treated safely, fairly and honestly’. The Codex Secretariat recently spoke with Anna Glayzer, who is an [...]
11 September 2018

An ‘original’ risk analysis workshop takes place in the Dominican Republic

Constanza Vergara and Claudio Canales of the Chilean Codex Committee (ACHIPIA) used a methodology that combines science with creativity to build the capacity of food safety risk managers and communicators to analyse risks in a workshop on 28-30 August in Santo Domingo. The training session was part of the twinning programme of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) aimed at strengthening the Codex Alimentarius in the region. "We believe that the experience of Chile will be very useful to [...]
08 September 2018

Mongolia takes Codex web tools in hand

The Codex Secretariat held a webinar in conjunction with the WHO Country office, in which the Mongolian Codex Contact Point and colleagues had the opportunity to improve their knowledge of the Online Commenting System (OCS) and digital platform for Electronic Working Groups (eWG). Participants actively engaged in the hands-on session by asking questions and interacting with the Codex Secretariat afterward. The documents used during the training can be downloaded and other relevant materials may be requested of the trainers. “A beneficial experience” – [...]
22 August 2018

Input invited from Members and Observers on Codex future plan

The Strategic Plan, which sets forth the vision, goals and objectives for the Codex Alimentarius Commission for the period 2020-2025 is currently under development and this week has been shared with all Codex Members and Observers for their input. “The next Strategic Plan will define how we act together in Codex in this changing world of swifter communications and scientific developments with significant implications for food safety and fair practices in food trade,” said Guilherme Costa Jr, Codex Alimentarius Chairperson. “The [...]
17 August 2018

Window opens for Codex Trust Fund applications

Round 3 of the “Call for Applications” for support from the FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund (CTF) opened on 15 August 2018. Currently, 105 countries are eligible to apply for funding either individually or in a group application with other countries before 30 November 2018. The Codex Trust Fund provides support for up to three years to undertake key activities that build national Codex capacity. These include: awareness raising to secure political and economic support for Codex in the country; training courses for [...]
16 August 2018

FAO/WHO call for experts, stakeholders and data related to residues in feed

FAO and WHO are currently seeking experts, stakeholders and data related to the carry-over from feed to food of unavoidable and unintended residues of approved veterinary drugs. The three calls have been issued in preparation of the FAO/WHO Stakeholder Meeting on 7 January 2019 and the Expert Consultation Meeting on 8 to 11 January 2019 in Rome, Italy. The 23rd Codex Committee on Residue of Veterinary Drugs in Food has requested FAO and WHO to provide scientific advice to address the [...]
10 August 2018