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codexalimentarius > Actualités et événements

Timor-Leste becomes 188th Codex member

On February 20th 2018, a letter was sent from the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to the State Minister and Minister of Health for Timor-Leste, Dr Rui Maria de Araujo, acknowledging their application to join the Codex Alimentarius Commission. And with this communication, the Government of Timor-Leste officially became the 188th Member of the Commission. Great opportunities to improve public health and drive sustainable development. Dr Kazuaki Miyagishima, Director Food Safety and Zoonoses, WHO, said: “Timor-Leste, located at [...]
21 February 2018

Liberia continues to make progress with National Codex Committee

In October 2017 Steve Mambu, Laboratory Director at the National Standards Laboratory in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry spoke about the launch of the National Codex Committee in Liberia. At a recent Codex workshop in Nairobi we caught up with Steve again and asked him for an update on progress. In Liberia food standards are key to facilitating trade. Steve: As a result of the assessment of the food safety situation in Liberia, it was recommended we establish a food law. So I can tell you we [...]
16 February 2018

Codex tools workshop highlights need for effective preparation

The two-day Regional Technical Workshop for National Codex Contact Points held in Nairobi, Kenya 6-7 February 2018 brought together participants from close to 25 African countries. Staff from the Codex Secretariat delivered a training course to help staff working in national Codex systems participate in the Codex international standard-setting environment.  Participants learnt how to navigate the new Codex website and worked with online web tools such as the Online Registration System (ORS); the Online Commenting System (OCS); and the Digital platform [...]
12 February 2018

Regional workshop in Africa shares insight on using electronic tools

A two-day Regional Technical Workshop for National Codex Contact Points has concluded in Kenya's capital Nairobi, bringing together participants from close to 25 African countries, with the majority working within the areas of food safety and international standards. The workshop supported skills and knowledge development to increase practical capacity and ability of staff working in national Codex systems and to facilitate their successful operation in the Codex international standard-setting environment. This is through the use of electronic tools, such as [...]
07 February 2018

News from the Regional Coordinator for Europe (Kazakhstan)

One role of the regional coordinators in Codex is to bring to the attention of the wider Codex community topics of particular interest emerging from their regions relating to food safety and quality standards or trade. In a historic first for Codex, an Eastern European country — Kazakhstan — has taken the reins of the FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committee for Europe (CCEURO), as Regional Coordinator for Europe. Regional standard for mare’s milk Several meetings took place in 2017 with a producer of [...]
05 February 2018

Lisbon workshop raises awareness on full stakeholder engagement in Codex

On January 9, 2018, a training course was held in Lisbon, Portugal, with the objective to reorganize and strengthen the participation of national representatives of  different committees in Codex work, as well as, to raise awareness concerning the need to engage all stakeholder groups (Non-governmental organizations, consumer organizations and industry associations) and partners (Ministry of science, health, trade and foreign affairs) in Codex work. This training was organized and conducted by the General Directorate for Food and Veterinary / Food Safety [...]
18 January 2018

Rescheduling the regional coordinating committees

The FAO/WHO Regional Coordinating Committees (RCC) are to be held between September and October 2019. Tom Heilandt, Codex Secretary, announced the change in scheduling earlier this week. Why have the RCC meetings been moved? Tom: Following consultation with FAO and WHO, we feel there is an opportunity to enhance the RCC revitalization process by rescheduling these meetings more closely together in the Codex calendar. This will bring stronger alignment and sharper focus on regional matters and rationalize the Secretariat workload, which is complex [...]
18 January 2018

New technology for Codex working groups

For the first time Codex members and observers can participate remotely in the plenary discussion of a meeting, providing comments and inputs in real time thanks to the use of webinar technology. This is a milestone in the Codex approach to developing standards by ensuring broader and simultaneous participation. The new tool is in use this week in Santiago, Chile, where Codex members and observers are attending the Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS) [...]
13 December 2017

Developing partnerships to strengthen the work of Codex

Codex Chairperson Guilherme Costa and Vice-Chairperson Purwiyatno Hariyadi praised the commitment and achievements of countries in the CCASIA region and called on the skill and experience of the private sector to continue to develop partnerships that can strengthen the work of Codex. Speaking at the 12th CII Food Safety, Quality & Regulatory Summit held in New Delhi India 4-5 December 2017, organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry, Costa said that Codex standards are taken up by industry and governments if [...]
08 December 2017

Food safety is a fundamental element for the life and health of the human race

Today at an event organised by Codex at FAO HQ in Rome, Ms Geannina Dinarte Romero, Minister for Economy, Industry and Commerce of Costa Rica, called on countries to support the initiative for a World Food Safety Day that would signal the right for all people to have access to safe and nutritious food in sufficient quantity.  There can be no food security, no zero hunger without food safety The Director-General of FAO Mr José Graziano da Silva, opening the meeting, stated [...]
07 December 2017