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codexalimentarius > Actualités et événements

Many common issues of interest between Codex and WTO

Thursday 23 November - Geneva I look forward to continuing to work together and strengthening the partnership between our organizations WTO Director-General Ambassador Roberto Azevêdo.   The Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), Guilherme Costa, met the World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General, Ambassador Roberto Azevêdo, in Geneva. Mr Costa is currently in Geneva attending a series of meetings. During the meeting with Ambassador Azevêdo, the Codex Chair informed him about the work which is being developed by the Codex Chairs and Vice-Chairs and [...]
27 November 2017

2nd Shenzhen Food Safety Risk Communication Forum

Codex Secretary and Codex Former Chairperson Join National and International Food Standards Experts to Highlight the Importance of Food Safety Risk Communication 2nd Shenzhen Food Safety Risk Communication Forum 2017 The Codex Secretary Mr Tom Heilandt and the Former Codex Chairperson Mrs Awilo Ochieng Pernet attended the 2nd Shenzhen Food Safety Risk Communication Forum, which took place in Shenzhen (China) on 24th and 25th October 2017. This high-level Forum brought together renowned national and international experts as well as 460 participants including [...]
20 November 2017

Addressing AMR on a worldwide basis

The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) is a global forum working to “transform scientific knowledge into innovative solutions for the benefit of people around the world.” They were established in 1939 and are an NGO observer to Codex. We spoke to Rosie Newsome who is Director of Science and Policy Initiatives. Question: Antibiotics have been used in food animals for more than 50 years to treat, prevent, or control infectious disease. What is the relation to antimicrobial resistance? IFT Response: The antibiotic [...]
17 November 2017

Work on AMR a collaborative effort

In 2016 the Codex Alimentarius Commission established a Task Force on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) which will hold its first meeting in Jeju, 27 November – 1 December 2017. Professor Yong Ho Park will chair the task force on behalf of the Republic of Korea. Professor Park holds a doctorate in veterinary medicine and a masters in science from Seoul National University, Korea and a PhD in veterinary microbiology from Washington State University. He has worked in the field of veterinary science [...]
16 November 2017

Science-based expertise for the global dairy sector

The International Dairy Federation (IDF) is the global voice of dairy towards stakeholders and intergovernmental organizations and an NGO observer in Codex. Nico van Belzen is Director General and spoke to Codex about AMR. Codex: Antimicrobial Resistance is not constrained by geographic borders therefore limiting the development of AMR requires the implementation of global strategies. Why is it important today to raise the awareness of all stakeholders involved?  van Belzen: The spread of AMR threatens our ability to treat common infectious diseases, resulting in [...]
15 November 2017

Codex: the standard by which we measure success - Emilio Esteban

How can we change but remain the same? Dr Emilio Esteban is Executive Associate for Laboratory Services in the United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service, and chairs the Codex Committe on Food Hygiene currently meeting in Chicago USA. As I sit today, living the 49th session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene, I find myself amazed that after 50 plus years of discussion, the objective remains the same, yet, things have changed. On May 1964, nine members [...]
14 November 2017

Steve Wearne talks AMR for Codex

Steve Wearne is Director of Policy and Science Group at the UK Food Standards Agency and In July 2017 he was elected as Vice Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. He also chaired the 2016 Codex physical Working Group on antimicrobial resistance in London.   For Antimicrobial Awareness Week we spoke to Steve about the importance of antimicrobial resistance as an issue, about the agricultural use of antimicrobials, and about national and international action on the issue, of which the work of [...]
13 November 2017

A collective effort: Liberia launches National Codex Committee

Every country needs a good policy on food safety legislation. Liberia launched its National Codex Committee in August of this year in what the Director of County Health Services in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Cuallau Jabbeh Howe described as a 'collective effort'. “Every country needs a good policy on food safety legislation, and the Ministry of Health is working in that direction, because we are charged with the responsibility of protecting our citizens in our borders. There is an urgent [...]
30 October 2017

Safer Food Training for effective participation in Codex

Bangkok October 11 2017 In some ways the premise is very simple: build stronger Codex coordination at the country level, use  Codex standards in national legislation, and then begin to influence which standards are developed in Codex to protect the needs of consumers or to seize a particular trade opportunity. However the realty in some countries is that the level of technical knowledge, skills, capacity and resources to actively and effectively participate in Codex is still under development. Countries need buy-in and [...]
11 October 2017

Codex standards for safe food and access to trade

Experts meet in Kampala to discuss standards for fresh fruits and vegetables Kampala, 2nd October 2017 – Experts in food and agriculture sector are meeting in Kampala for a week to discuss standards for fresh fruits and vegetables including garlic, potatoes and eggplants, kiwi fruits and fresh dates. Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables This session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CCFFV) is co-hosted by the Government of Uganda together with the Government of Mexico. Speaking at the opening [...]
10 October 2017