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codexalimentarius > Actualités et événements

ACT/ Latin America and Caribbean region promotes Codex texts on AMR

The FAO-implemented and Republic of Korea-funded Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT) project aims at “increased recognition and use of Codex standards”. In the Latin America and Caribbean region, one of the activities designed to help achieve this objective is a webinar series which has been devised to increase awareness on Codex standards and associated opportunities and challenges, and topics of interest for the Latin American and the Caribbean region. The sixth webinar in the series  took place [...]
17 May 2024

Republic of Korea convenes second Asia-Pacific Food Regulatory Authority Summit

The second Asia-Pacific Food Regulatory Authority Summit (APFRAS), convened by the Government of the Republic of Korea, is taking place in Seoul, Republic of Korea this week. Several Asia-Pacific countries are participating in the meeting, including Australia, China, New Zealand and the International Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), representing Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. Corinna Hawkes, Director of the FAO Division of Agrifood Systems and Food Safety and Codex Secretary ad interim is attending as a [...]
17 May 2024

CCMAS43/ A meeting of professionals who think together

The 43rd session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) opened Tuesday with introductory remarks from representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The session was officially opened by Dr Márton Nobilis, the Secretary of State responsible for food chain safety at the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. Dr Nobilis underlined the long-standing nature of CCMAS and its importance to the food standards setting process. He also [...]
14 May 2024

Korea Food Safety Day embraces new technologies in regulatory science

Corinna Hawkes, the Codex Secretary ad interim and Director of the FAO Division of Agrifood Systems and Food Safety, delivered the opening speech at the Republic of Korea’s Food Safety Day, this week. This 23rd celebration of Korea Food Safety Day is celebrated under the slogan “Together for food safety, Healthy South Korea!” and is the largest commemorative event in Korea’s food safety calendar. The event themes this year are digital food safety management, regulatory science using new technology and ensuring [...]
13 May 2024

Experts discuss the food safety implications of environmental inhibitors in agrifood systems

The webinar Food safety implications from the use of environmental inhibitors in agrifood systems, hosted by FAO, took place on 9 May 2024. The event aimed to stimulate discussion on the food safety aspects that need to be considered and addressed when using environmental inhibitors in agrifood systems. Magdalena Niegowska Conforti and Vittorio Fattori from the Agrifood Systems and Food Safety Division at FAO presented the findings of the FAO report Food safety implications from the use of environmental inhibitors in agrifood [...]
10 May 2024

Attila Nagy outlines recipe for success at CCMAS43

The Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) will take place next week, 13-18 May 2024, in Budapest. As the meeting approaches we spoke to Attila Nagy, Chairperson of CCMAS43, a veterinarian and microbiologist. In this interview Attila talks about the agenda of the Committee, the unique role of Observers and the traditions of CCMAS. Attila, thank you for your time. This is the fourth time for you to chair CCMAS. How would you describe the work of this Committee?  Similar [...]
08 May 2024

ACT/ Success story from Pakistan now published!

The first in a new series of “Success Stories” has been published to promote the work of the FAO-implemented and Republic of Korea-funded Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT) project. The story from Pakistan recounts the positive impacts of the awareness raising efforts about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) that have taken place at grassroots level, where livestock carers – who are mostly women – have learnt about the need for responsible and prudent use of antimicrobials in animals. Each story [...]
07 May 2024

Are you prepared? World Food Safety Day is just one month away!

The theme for World Food Safety Day, 7 June, this year is “Food safety: prepare for the unexpected,” which was chosen to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the launch of the FAO/WHO International Food Safety Authorities Network, or INFOSAN. The World Food Safety Day campaign in 2024 is inspiring preparedness on food safety, which includes in an emergency situations when it is necessary to quickly identify the nature and extent of an international outbreak, or potential outbreak, of foodborne illness. [...]
07 May 2024

Join our World Food Safety Day Planning Webinar!

World Food Safety Day is fast approaching! If you want to hold an event or activity to help raise awareness about food safety, join us on 10 May for the World Food Safety Day Planning Webinar! Representatives of FAO and WHO, together with members of the World Food Safety Day team, are running a webinar 13:00–14:00 CEST to explain this year’s theme, “Food safety: prepare for the unexpected,” and to talk about how to inspire action to prevent, detect and manage [...]
03 May 2024

Eswatini takes a bold step forward to establish a strong food safety control system and culture

By Funwako Dlamini, CCP for Eswatini, Milagrosa Mondlane, SWASA, Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA and John Oppong-Otoo, AU-IBAR A training session has taken place 3–5 April 2024 in Ezulwini, Eswatini, to equip national stakeholders with improved capacities as part of the country’s efforts to establish and strengthen engagement in Codex. The training was attended by 25 trainees drawn from different state and non-state actors who are part of the National Codex Committee (NCC) and who have responsibility for food safety along the [...]
03 May 2024