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codexalimentarius > Actualités et événements

CCAFRICA24 / standards can improve food safety and competitiveness across Africa

The FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa opened virtually from Kampala, Uganda on Monday 5 September 2022. In opening remarks, Hon. Ms. Harriet Ntabazi, State Minister for Trade, Uganda, called for harmonization of food safety standards across the continent. “If we merge as Africa and talk one language, if we concretize our standards together then the level of competitiveness as a continent will grow … in other markets.” Hon. Mrs. Margaret Muhanga Mugisha, State Minister for Primary Health Care, welcomed nearly 200 [...]
06 September 2022

FAO and partners hold World Food Safety Day activities in Tajikistan

In celebration of World Food Safety Day – 7 June 2022, the FAO office in Tajikistan led a scientific conference on the theme "Safer food, better health" with the participation of the national Committee on Food Safety (CFS), Association of Veterinaries of Tajikistan (TVA), scientific institutions, World Health Organization (WHO) and other stakeholders. Issues related to food safety, prevention of zoonoses, AMR were discussed during the conference. The organizers recognize, in particular, Dr Eran for support. The conference was attended [...]
16 August 2022

CCLAC / Latin America and the Caribbean region gears up for CCLAC22

by the Regional Coordinator of CCLAC   The Codex Coordinating Committee for Latin America and Caribbean (CCLAC) has concluded its "Regional Workshop for the popularization of Codex Alimentarius work in CCLAC countries 2020-2022". The purpose of the workshop was for the different countries of the region, to share experiences and activities related to Codex work, such as meetings attended, events held and the different areas of interest in which they are working. Similarly, the workshop extended messages about the importance of countries’ participation [...]
09 August 2022

Liberia / President signs law establishing Liberia Standards Authority

On 5 August 2022 the President of Liberia George Weah signed into law a series of bills. The official Facebook page of the Liberia Presidency and government websites describe the measures as a spur to national inclusiveness and to fight corruption. Amongst the bills signed is “an Act to Establish the Liberia Standards Authority.”  Stephen Mambu, Codex Contact Point for Liberia said, “Liberia now has a national standardization body known as the Liberia Standards Authority (LiSA). As part of this legislation, [...]
06 August 2022

Codex Trust Fund / Workshop in Nigeria on importance of using Codex standards

The National Codex Committee of Nigeria, in collaboration with FAO Nigeria, under the sponsorship of the Codex Trust Fund, held a two-day regional workshop from 26to 27July 2022 in Lagos, Nigeria to create awareness on the importance of using Codex Standards for farmers, processors, small and medium enterprises, and to train local journalists on the reporting of Codex activities. With more than 65 participants in attendance, the general objective of the workshop was to spread information and awareness on Codex Alimentarius [...]
05 August 2022

Codex Survey: We would like to hear from you!

The Codex Strategic Plan 2020-2025 incorporated a new goal on recognition and use of Codex texts. Key to achieving this goal and monitoring progress is data on the use and impact of Codex texts. To collect such data the Codex Secretariat will launch a survey to all Members in September 2022. Previously, data on the use of Codex Standards has been collected by the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees. Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt recalls that “we have learned a lot from these efforts, [...]
04 August 2022

Liberia holds 4th National Codex Committee Meeting

by the Codex Contact Point of Liberia   The fourth meeting of the National Codex Committee (NCC) of Liberia was held on the 25 July 2022 at the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL). The NCC meeting, which is held quarterly, brings together key national actors from both the private and public sector to discuss and take action on Codex work and food safety. The meeting opened with several statements from stakeholders. In his opening remarks Walter Sayor, President of the National [...]
03 August 2022

Codex Trust Fund / Project in Timor-Leste launches with orientation workshop

The World Health Organization (WHO) supported Timor-Leste in their application to the FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund Project. The application was approved in 2021 and a Codex orientation workshop was planned as part of the project. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and WHO facilitated this workshop in Baucau city from 13-15 July. Since language is an issue, presentations were translated into Tetun in advance. The workshop was addressed by Odete da Silva Viegas, Director General for Health [...]
03 August 2022

Africa workshop commits to strengthened Codex structures

By John Oppong-Otoo, Food Safety Officer at AU-IBAR and Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA Nineteen Member States of the African Union (AU) (Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Guinea Equatorial, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo) met between 4 and 6 July 2022 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, as part of an initiative to enhance Codex work management within the Member States on the continent. The regional workshop [...]
01 August 2022

CAC45 / information event prepares delegates for the return to physical session

A live event held online for Codex Members and Observers on 29 July 2022 provided the first details of what the 45th Codex Alimentarius Commission will look like as a physical session scheduled for Rome beginning 21 November. In opening remarks, the Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Steve Wearne, United Kingdom, said “we have to continue to adapt and continue to address new challenges … and uppermost in my mind is the need to maintain the level of participation we’ve [...]
31 July 2022