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codexalimentarius > Actualités et événements

Raising the profile of food safety in Chad

The Cabinet d’Expertise Six Sigma, a food safety awareness organization in Chad, held a series of World Food Safety Day events in efforts to raise the profile of food safety in the country. The events ranged from film viewings and speeches to conversations with people who have had foodborne disease, and with restaurateurs who talked about their food safety priorities. The organization recorded these conversations and distributed awareness videos, and they invited the media to attend their events. In national TV coverage, [...]
21 June 2022

Observing World Food Safety Day in Georgia

The United States Department of Agriculture funded Safety and Quality Investment Project, in collaboration with development stakeholders and relevant Government of Georgia institutions, including LEPL National Food Agency marked the World Food Safety Day in Mziuri Park of Tbilisi on 7 June 2022. The event was conducted with an objective to raise public awareness and promote safe food. The event inspired action to help prevent, detect, and manage foodborne risks, that contribute to food security, human health, economic prosperity, agriculture, market [...]
20 June 2022

Nigerian authorities spread the word about food safety

In Nigeria, the Federal Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the National Food Safety Management Committee, organized a ministerial press briefing with the Honourable Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire, MD, FWACS to mark this year’s World Food Safety Day. The 7 June briefing was followed by hybrid virtual and in-person panel discussions on topical issues, under the title “Safer food for better health in Nigeria - the role of governments (federal and states), development partners, experts, private sector and the [...]
20 June 2022

Codex Executive Committee 82nd session underway

In opening remarks to the 82nd session of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, taking place virtually from 20-24 June 2022, Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General FAO recalled the vital role science-based analytical tools and normative work play in providing support to countries, especially in response to the worsening global food security situation due to the pandemic, disasters, conflict and climate change. Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General FAO “The work you oversee here in the Executive Committee is a key part of [...]
20 June 2022

To protect lives: an event to raise awareness of the role of the food sector in the day-to-day life of society

Veraliment, a professional training and food safety culture organization, held its fourth annual virtual event for World Food Safety Day in a live webinar. The event aimed to raise awareness about the mission of all professionals in the food sector to protect the lives of the millions of people who eat every day. Numerous actors from the food sector participated, both directly and in deferred interviews. “Scientific knowledge will guide us in how to anticipate and prepare for future challenges” stressed [...]
19 June 2022

In Peru, authorities organize a World Food Safety Day walk to raise awareness

The General Directorate of Environmental Health and Food Safety (DIGESA), of the Ministry of Health (MINSA), culminated its week of educational World Food Safety Day activities with a "Walk and informative fair to raise awareness about the importance of food safety", which began at the DIGESA facilities and ended at the Pedro Ruiz Gallo Park in the District of Lince in Lima, Peru. Various organizations involved in this important issue met at the DIGESA facilities to start the walk, in which, [...]
19 June 2022

SADC Member States trained on the use and application of Codex e-tools

By Hakim Mufumbiro Regional Coordinator for the African Region A total of 12 Member States within the SADC - Southern African Development Community (Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe) as well as the SADC Secretariat participated virtually in an online training on the Codex Electronic Working Group Platform and Online Commenting System from 25 to 27 May 2022, as one of the capacity building activities to enhance the skills and knowledge of stakeholders in [...]
19 June 2022

World Food Safety Day across the Near East region

The Codex Coordinating Committee for the Near East (currently coordinated by Saudi Arabia) reports on several official World Food Safety Day events from around the region this year. Here’s a roundup:   Saudi Arabia In a video address, Hisham Al-Jadhey, CEO of the Saudi Food and Drugs Authority (SFDA), stated that “the world is celebrating World Food Safety Day, and is currently facing the impact of food supply chains, and the increasing burden of foodborne diseases indicates that diseases transmitted through food cause 600 [...]
17 June 2022

Les délégués de l’Union européenne au Codex Alimentarius se retrouvent en présentiel

Le 9 juin 2022, l’Union européenne (UE) a tenu un groupe de travail sur les questions agricoles et alimentaires internationales et le Codex Alimentarius. Cette réunion s’inscrit dans la continuité des conclusions du Conseil relatives à la participation de l’Union européenne au Codex Alimentarius adoptées par les ministres de l’agriculture de l’UE le 21 février 2022. Cette réunion a marqué le retour aux échanges en présentiel, à Bruxelles, entre délégués des Etats membres de l’UE, le Secrétariat général du Conseil et [...]
17 June 2022

Mongolia planning to assess national antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance system

A mission will take place in Mongolia from 20 to 27 June, 2022 to assess the national antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance system in the food and agriculture sectors. This activity is part of the new AMR Codex Texts (ACT) project “Implementation of Codex standards to support containment and reduction of foodborne antimicrobial resistance”, supported by the Government of Korea. FAO has developed the “FAO Assessment Tool for Laboratories and Antimicrobial resistance Surveillance Systems (FAO-ATLASS)“ in order to support countries in assessing [...]
17 June 2022