Validation workshop for study on the use of Codex standards in Benin
On 6 February 2024, a validation workshop on a study on the use of Codex Alimentarius standards in Benin took place in Cotonou, Benin. This workshop brought together members of the National Codex Alimentarius Committee, actors from the private and public sectors that use these standards, and consumer associations. The general objective of this study is to know the level of use of international Codex standards. Specifically, the aim was to identify the uses made of international Codex standards in Benin, to measure the degree of use of Codex standards and to assess the areas not covered by Codex standards in relation to the national need for standards.
The study highlighted that of the 166 Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control of Benin standards, 10.24 percent (17) of those adopted are based on Codex standards and 3.01 percent (5) are adapted from Codex Alimentarius standards. Also 55.17 percent of the stakeholders consulted actually use the Codex Alimentarius standards, 57.72 percent are satisfied with the Codex standards and of those, the average degree of satisfaction is 65.33 percent. Also 31 percent of stakeholders affirmed that Codex standards are compatible with their uses and 18 percent of stakeholders consult the Codex website to download the standards.
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