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CCFA54/ “We are here to find a solution to important questions”


The 54th meeting of the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) has started in Chengdu, China, with Dr Xuetao Cao, Vice Minister, National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China giving an opening speech. Representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and Codex all offered opening remarks before the session was set in motion with the adoption of the agenda, under the chairmanship of Dr Yongxiang Fan, Professor of the China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA).

“Food additives encompass a very large number of compounds and use cases, and at times, are the source of interesting discussions. Different opinions may be voiced, and different preferences be expressed,” said Markus Lipp, representative of FAO. “Yet, we are here to find a solution to important questions that will work for all of us.” Kim Petersen, representative of WHO, highlighted WHO’s work on preventing and reducing noncommunicable diseases, as this is a subject relevant to some CCFA54 agenda items. He pointed out that “it has been a busy year for WHO in terms of our work on securing healthy diets and safe food for all.” But he appealed to delegates to recognize the collective effort this involves: “It should be clear to everyone – that WHO cannot lift this burden alone. Therefore, I want to end my speech by rephrasing some historical words: ask not what WHO will do for you, but what we can do together in advancing public health and ensuring safe food for all - regardless of where we are born or live.”

Steve Wearne, Codex Alimentarius Commission Chairperson, addressed the opening ceremony via video message. “CCFA meetings always manage to strike a perfect balance between driving efficiency in terms of the volume and number of standards that are advanced, while maintaining a sense of warm collaboration and mutual respect,” he said. “I look forward to presiding at CAC47 in November, which will be my final Commission meeting as Chairperson, and facilitating adoption of the texts that you will be progressing as a result of the technical work undertaken in this Committee.” Lingping Zhang, speaking on behalf of the Codex Secretariat, also noted the respectful character of the food additives committee: “In my time working with Codex, I've noticed that each committee has its own personality. CCFA, the one we're in now, feels calm, thoughtful and productive. Even when we disagree, we're all working to find a solution and towards the same goal: protecting consumer health and ensuring fair food trade practice.”

Two days of physical working groups on proposed provisions for the General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) (CXS 192-1995) and alignment of food additive provisions in commodity standards took place on 19 and 20 April, with the output of these discussions being key to making progress at CCFA. Other in-session working groups will also take place addressing issues such as the priority list for JECFA and the International Numbering System (INS). This week’s agenda will see delegates discussing maximum levels for food additives and processing aids in Codex standards and alignment of the food additive provisions of commodity standards. The GSFA will be a key point of discussion, as will the Class Names and the International Numbering System for Food Additives (CXG 36-1989). There will also be a discussion paper on the development of a standard for yeast.

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CCFA54 webpage


Photo © CCFA Scretariat

Caption: Seated left to right: Lingping Zhang, Codex Secretariat, Dr Yongxiang Fan, CCFA Chairperson and Professor of the China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA), Dr Xuetao Cao, Vice Minister, National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, Markus Lipp, FAO and Kim Petersen, WHO.