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FAO recognizes work of Codex on first International Day of Potato


This year, 30 May marks the first ever observance of International Day of Potato, which is facilitated, at the request of the United Nations General Assembly, by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The Day was marked by a special event hosted at FAO headquarters and online, under the theme of “Fundamental role of the potato value chain in global food security.” The event highlighted the significance of this important staple food, which, over the course of 8 000 years of cultivation has become the 3rd most available food crop globally, and which is now grown in 159 countries. There are 5 000 potato varieties grown worldwide.

In his opening remarks for the event, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu highlighted the work of the Codex Alimentarius to ensure this widespread crop is traded safely and fairly, by saying “Through bodies such as the International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources, the Codex Alimentarius, and the International Plant Protection Convention, FAO is working with all partners to ensure fair and safe trade of potato genetic materials and commodity products.”

The Codex Standard for Ware Potatoes (CXS 339-2020) was adopted in 2020 and defines the quality requirements for ware potatoes – or potatoes intended for consumption rather than use as seeds -  after preparation and packaging, and highlights the responsibility of stall holders or retailers to take responsibility for ensuring what they sell conforms to safety and quality standards.

“Reviewing the history, you will find that the development of the standard for ware potatoes began in 2012,” says Lingping Zhang, Food Standards Officer for the Codex Alimentarius Secretariat. “After thorough discussions at the Codex Committee for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, the standard for ware potatoes was finally adopted. Among other requirements, the standard establishes quality tolerances, which include various parameters for Extra Class, Class I, and Class II. This will facilitate the trade of ware potatoes.”

The responsible production and consumption of potatoes supports livelihoods, a healthy environment and a nutritious diet. This Codex standard, as all Codex texts, contributes to these benefits.

Happy International Day of Potato!

Read more

Website for International Day of Potato
Join the special event online
The Codex Standard for Ware Potatoes (CXS 339-2020)