CCLAC23/ Meeting concludes successfully from the “centre of the world!”
The Coordinating Committee for the Latin America and Caribbean region has concluded its 23rd session with the adoption of its report and agreement on a number of key points. Opening the final session, Chairperson Rommel Betancourt thanked participants and organizers of the side events organized for Thursday, and also thanked the Codex and CCLAC secretariats and interpreters. Upon adoption of the report and with his last act as Regional Coordinator, Betancourt declared, “We’re going to miss you all!! A big hug from the centre of the world, Latin America and the Caribbean! It’s been a very wonderful session!”
The CCLAC23 meeting saw agreement on a range of topics. The Committee agreed to forward the draft regional standard for castilla lulo to CAC47 for adoption at Step 5/8.
It was agreed, too, that the CCLAC region has done much to fulfil the requirement of the current Codex Strategic Plan and of the communications plan, which has been very successfully implemented. Of particular relevance to the current Strategic Plan (2020–2025) was the discussion on the use and impact of Codex standards, monitoring of which is a Codex strategic goal. Members were encouraging of the work done to date to carry out surveys and the Brazil case study, which is particularly relevant to the region. Delegates also debated and agreed on regional positions for a variety of issues.
There was appreciation for the recent case study that was conducted by the Codex Secretariat on Brazil’s successes in implementing the Codex Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Mycotoxin Contamination in Cereals (CXC 51- 2003). It was noted that this work will do much to inform other countries in the region on good practices in using this text. Attendees were also appreciative of the vital work done by the Codex Trust Fund to support Members in the region to participate more effectively in the work of Codex.
As this was the last meeting to be hosted by Ecuador, it fell upon delegates to agree to nominate a new Regional Coordinator. The meeting unanimously agreed to recommend to CAC that Uruguay take on the Regional Coordinator role.
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Photo © Agrocalidad
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