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Bolivia symposium: the work of Codex in food safety


In order to strengthen the Codex Alimentarius work in Bolivia, the Bolivian Codex Commitee (CNCA) organized a 2 day symposium involving country authorities, food producers, laboratory experts, exporters, universities, consumers and the Chair of Codex Alimentarius Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet. The symposium demonstrated the work of Codex in Food Safety.

First visit of Codex Chair to Bolivia

Axilo Ochieng Pernet

Held earlier this month, the CNCA workshop successfully highlighted the importance of Food Safety and the relevance of Codex work in the country. For this event, the Chair of Codex, Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet was invited to deliver a series of presentations and this represented the first time Bolivia had welcomed the Chair of Codex to the country.

The opening ceremony was held at the Bolivian Foreign Ministry in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. David Choquehuanca and the Rural Development and Land Ministry Mr. Cesar Cocarico, as well as 3 other vice ministers, industry representatives, producers and consumers in general.

Food safety and trade in Bolivia

The workshop also included presentations from the FAO regional representative on Food Safety and Quality, Mrs. Marisa Caipo. Over the 2 days, the ministries of Health, Production and Rural Development and Land as well as representatives from agricultural producers, quinoa exporters, quinoa producers, and municipalities presented the Bolivian situation regarding food safety and food trade.


Participants were able to learn how the Codex Alimentarius works and understand how to build a national Food Security Policy. Bolivia is leading the work for the International Codex Quinoa Standard, which should be ready by 2018.

Codex in Bolivia

Codex workshop in Bolivia: October 2016