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Our role is one of the most important ones in the Executive Committee


In a new Codex podcast, David Massey speaks with all six Codex Regional Coordinators about the importance of their role in ensuring representation of the Codex membership at a decision-making level.

The podcast was recorded at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, CCEXEC, held in Geneva 10-14 July, where initial plans were discussed for establishing the framework of the new Codex Strategic Plan (2026-2031). Massey asks his guests what they consider to be the value of the regional voice in Codex.

Hakim Mufumbiro (Uganda, Regional Coordinator for Africa), Tian Jing (China Regional Coordinator for Asia), Anne Beutling (Germany, Regional Coordinator for Europe), Rommel Betancourt (Ecuador, Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean), Susana Levula (Fiji, Regional Coordinator for North America and the Southwest Pacific) and Khalid S Al Zhrani (Saudi Arabia, Regional Coordinator for the Near East and North Africa) talk about their vital role in garnering the different views within their respective regions and in ensuring those are reflected and considered within executive level discussions. Indeed, the Coordinators are clear that they see this representation as being one of the most important roles in the Executive Committee.

In a nod to this year’s 60th anniversary celebrations of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Massey goes on to ask the Coordinators to reflect on what regions can bring to the future of Codex. Answers range from greater contribution to data to support development of international standards, to greater innovation and application of Codex standards in countries.

Listen to the podcast 

Note: This was David Massey’s last podcast with the Codex Secretariat as he has moved onto new endeavours. We wish David well and all queries regarding communication and podcasts should be sent to [email protected]


Photo © FAO/David Massey